Encompass 21.3 Critical Patch 2

The Encompass 21.3 Major Release Critical Patch 2 was released on December 16, 2021 for the year-end updates recently announced government agencies. In addition to the updates described in the Encompass release notes, the following updates will be provided when you upgrade to Encompass version

Settings: External Users

Resolved Issue with Get External User API
An issue has been resolved that caused the Get External User API to fail with a bad request if the specified TPO userID started with “0”.

Loan: Rate Lock

Null Values Now Retained in the Request Payload for Certain Fields
Updates were made to the V1 Rate Lock APIs to retain empty/null values when the following fields are passed in the request payload: Sell Side Fields, Buy Side Fields, Comparison Fields, Loan information.
EBSP-33309, EBSP-33310

eFolder: Attachments

Resolved Issue that Caused V3 Attachment API to Fail with a “CheckAttachmentXmlVersion” Error
Some lenders experienced the following error when attempting to upload an attachment via the API:
“Create Attachment failed. Please try again. Message: Couldn't read latest version of Attachment xml file.”
This error occurred with loans that had a mismatched value for FileSequenceNumber between attachments.xml and the corresponding value in the DB. This issue has been resolved.

Loan: Management

V3 Loan Management Endpoints Now Return Loan Item IDs When View=id is Passed
When the calling the V3 Update Loan API with the view=id query parameter, the ID of the loan item was returned in the response instead of the Loan ID. For example, when calling:
PATCH /v3/loans/{loanId}/investorDeliveryLogs?action=add&view=id
The Investor Delivery Log ID was being returned instead of the Loan ID.
This issue has been resolved and when view=id is passed with Update Loan, the Loan ID is now returned in the response.