September 20.1 Service Pack

September 20.1 Service Pack

New and Enhanced APIs

V1: New Webhook Event History APIs

The Webhook Event History APIs are being introduced in V1 to provide lender developers with the ability to retrieve webhook events that were triggered on the Lender Platform. Using these APIs, lender developers can query webhook events according to status, time range, event type, event ID, and resource type. These APIs were created to help lender developers reconcile any missed events.

Endpoint URL: /webhook/v1/events/

  • Get All Events returns all webhook events that occurred on the Lender Platform. Results can be refined using query parameters.
  • Get an Event returns the specified webhook event.

For additional information about the Webhook Event History APIs, check out the 20.1 September blog post, Webhook Best Practices: Event Reconciliation and More

V1: New MISMO 3.4 Export API

New Transformer API is available in this release. It can be used to export URLA 2020 loans in MISMO 3.4 format.

Endpoint URL: /services/v1/transformer?loanId={}&format={}

Enhanced Services

Support for Factual Data by CBC Credit Partner
With this release, the Developer Connect Services API will support ordering and retrieving consumer credit reports from Factual Data by CBC.