August Service Pack

New Loan Schema APIs
The following two new APIs have been added to Loan Schema:

  • The Path Generator API returns JSON paths for the field IDs or field names specified. You can use the response for specifying filters attributes when subscribing to a change event webhook.
  • The Contract Generator API generates a sample JSON contract.


  • Support for CoreLogic Flood Service
    The Services API now supports CoreLogic Flood Service for submitting Flood Service requests and retrieving Flood reports/certificates.

  • New Product Names to Support Resource_Transaction Object for Services
    The Services API now allows you to retrieve the service provider report content in raw form. Raw service provider content is available only with products that support Transaction_Resource object in the response.

  • Enhanced Error Reporting for Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter
    The Services API now supports fully qualified error details as returned by Fannie Mae's Desktop Underwriting service.

  • New Query Parameter Added to the Get Attachments API
    The Get Attachment API includes a new generateURL query parameter that returns the URL for attached media files in the response.