May 20.1 Service Pack

May 20.1 Service Pack

Loan Opportunities APIs

Ellie Mae is offering a new service to access V1 APIs in Developer Connect for creating and managing Opportunities-Loan Scenario tool. This service provides the APIs to create and update loan opportunities, compare up to 10 loan scenarios, convert a loan scenario into a loan, run EBS calculation on the loan scenario object, and ability to email scenario(s), and Eligibility letter to the borrower using the Loan Opportunity notification service.

The following Loan Opportunities APIs are available in this release:

Loan Opportunity Management
Endpoint URL: /encompass/v1/loanOpportunities

Document Management for an Opportunity
Endpoint URL: /v1/loanOpportunities/{OpportunityId}/documents

Notification Request
Endpoint URL: /v1/loanOpportunities/{OpportunityId}/notifications

Scenario Management
Endpoint URL: /v1/loanOpportunities/{OpportunityId}/scenarios

Loan Opportunity Selector
Endpoint URL: /v1/loanOpportunitySelector

Loan Opportunity Settings APIs

The Loan Opportunity Settings API provides the ability to configure settings related to the Scenario Comparison Tools feature.

Affordability Qualification Settings
Affordability Qualification APIs configure the housing and debt ratio limitations based on the product type. When an opportunity is created and the income and liabilities for the borrowers have been entered, the scenario reflects if the current data is within the defined limitations set.

Endpoint URL: /v1/settings/affordabilityQualification

Email Template Management
The Email Templates APIs configure the email template for when the user emails the generated Scenarios or Eligibility letter to a borrower.

Endpoint URL: /v1/settings/emailTemplates

Feature Management
The Feature Management APIs manage the feature and feature settings for Loan Opportunities.

Endpoint URL: /v1/settings/featureManagement

Letter Template Management
The Letter Template APIs manage the template that is used to generate Eligibility Letters within an opportunity.

Endpoint URL: /v1/settings/letterTemplates

Fixed Issue

Loan Schema

Resolved: Incorrect contractPath for DISCLOSURE.X1188 in Standard Fields API
A discrepancy was observed between the contract path for DISCLOSURE.X1188 in Standard Fields API and Loan API response. This discrepancy prevented the loan data for DISCLOSURE.X1188 from parsing successfully.

Endpoint URL: .../encompass/v3/schemas/loan/standardFields?ids=DISCLOSURE.X1188

This issue is resolved with the 20.1 May service pack.CBIZ-31210