December 18.4 Service Pack

Support for IP Access and Restrictions
The Encompass Developer Connect December Service Pack release introduces support for the IP access and restrictions feature in Encompass Admin Tools. The Allow access from certain IPs option in the Encompass Admin Tools allows administrators to indicate specific IP addresses from which users are allowed to access Encompass Developer Connect and Encompass Loan Officer Connect. Please review these steps in the Encompass online help for more information about this feature.


Action Required

For Encompass 18.4 or newer: The IP access and restrictions feature is configurable in Encompass Admin Tools. As described in the Encompass online help, you will have to explicitly apply this feature to Developer Connect. When configured, only the Encompass 18.4 Developer Connect clients using a specified IP address or within a specified IP range will be allowed to access Encompass.

For Encompass 18.3 or older: IP access and restrictions are configurable only with Encompass 18.4. However, the IP access and restrictions configured with Encompass 18.4 will apply automatically to Developer Connect clients running Encompass 18.3 or older. When using the IP access and restrictions feature with Encompass 18.3 clients, ensure the API application IP addresses and corresponding users are configured accordingly.


  • AUS Tracking Logs for retrieving, creating, and updating tracking logs, and for retrieving a snapshot of a tracking log.
  • Conversation Log for retrieving conversation logs from loans.
  • Transient Calculator for previewing loan calculations for a specified loan. The calculations are not saved to the loan, but can be used to preview or estimate the daily interest, down payment monthly payments and so on.

The Encompass Developer Connect October Major release introduces the following new APIs for Encompass instances upgraded to 18.4:

  • Organizations APIs for retrieving information about your company and viewing the hierarchy of your company and it's suborganizations or branches.
  • Users APIs for viewing the user accounts with which your employees access Encompass. For retrieving the profile and group information to which a user belongs, as well as the user's compensation plans, licenses and access permissions.
  • Disclosure Tracking 2015 Logs for retrieving log tracking entries for the Loan Estimate, Closing Disclosure, Settlement Service Provider, and Safe Harbor disclosures.

Webhook API

  • New Elli-SubscriptionId Header
    A new header, Elli-SubscriptionId, is being introduced in this release. This new header contains a unique subscription ID that is assigned when the subscription is created.

  • New Subscription Signing Key
    A subscription signing key is also being introduced in this release. Every subscription will have either a custom or default signing key when it is created. When a webhook notification is received, the signing key serves as a password that maps to the subscription's ID to validate the notification. A subscription’s signing key is defined by the signingkey attribute in the subscription object. For more information about the signing key, see the Subscription Signing Key section under Subscriptions.

Conditions API
The following new Conditions APIs and methods are being introduced in this release:

  • Underwriting API now supports additional methods for creating and managing underwriting conditions, comments and documents.
  • Preliminary Conditions now supports additional methods for creating and managing preliminary conditions, comments and documents.
  • Post-Closing Conditions now supports additional methods for creating and managing post-closing conditions, comments and documents.

Disabled API Update of Consent-Related Attributes
With the 18.4 release of Encompass Developer Connect, we are disabling the ability to directly update consent-related attributes within the loan via the loan update API due to the potential impact this may have in making loans non-compliant. Consent data within Encompass must be updated by one of the approved workflows, such as the ones happening via Encompass WebCenter or Encompass Consumer Connect. The consent information obtained in an external system and sent via APIs cannot be validated by the service, thereby, making the loans non-compliant. Hence, we are disabling direct updates to those attributes.

If your application is currently updating these consent-related fields, we highly recommend that you modify it before you upgrade to Encompass 18.4.

API Contract Change Within the Loan Object
As part of 18.4, we would like to notify you of an API contract change within the Loan object. We have moved three loan-level attributes to a borrower level. We made this change to address a calculation-related defect within the USDA fields.

If you are using these three attributes within your application, we recommend that you to update your application to accommodate this change before you upgrade to Encompass 18.4.

"usda": {
        "adjustedAnnualIncome": 133344,
        "annualIncome": 133344,
        "borrowerBaseIncome": 133344,
"applications": [
"borrower": {
                "adjustedAnnualIncome": 133344,
                "annualIncome": 133344,
                "baseIncome": 133344
            } ]

New Loan Schema APIs
The following two new APIs have been added to Loan Schema:

  • The Path Generator API returns JSON paths for the field IDs or field names specified. You can use the response for specifying filters attributes when subscribing to a change event webhook.
  • The Contract Generator API generates a sample JSON contract.


  • Support for CoreLogic Flood Service
    The Services API now supports CoreLogic Flood Service for submitting Flood Service requests and retrieving Flood reports/certificates.

  • New Product Names to Support Resource_Transaction Object for Services
    The Services API now allows you to retrieve the service provider report content in raw form. Raw service provider content is available only with products that support Transaction_Resource object in the response.

  • Enhanced Error Reporting for Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter
    The Services API now supports fully qualified error details as returned by Fannie Mae's Desktop Underwriting service.

  • New Query Parameter Added to the Get Attachments API
    The Get Attachment API includes a new generateURL query parameter that returns the URL for attached media files in the response.


  • New Event Type Added to Webhooks API
    New change event type has been added to the Webhooks API. The change event type allows you to subscribe to attribute level changes on the loan file.

  • Updates to Milestones API
    The Milestones APIs now supports retrieving and managing comments.

The Encompass Developer Connect May release introduces the following new APIs:

  • The Applications API now supports swapping the position of borrowers in a loan application. For more information see, Move Borrower Pair.
  • Loan Custom Fields API for retrieving all pre-defined and user-defined custom loan fields on the Encompass instance.
  • Contact Groups API for working with group contacts in the Encompass contacts database. The Groups API provides a set of methods to create, view, and manage information for contact groups.
  • Conditions API for retrieving all underwriting, preliminary, and post-closing conditions.

The following enhancements have been made to existing Encompass Developer Connect APIs:

May Critical Patch

Critical Patch
This Critical Patch addresses a limitation with viewing non-native files. To address this limitation, we have made an enhancement to the Services API so that viewable eFolder documents and attachments as well as native file formats returned by the service provider can be viewed using the Developer Connect API.

The enhancement includes the addition of a response schema, Resource_Transaction, for the Services API. The Resource_Transaction object makes both viewable file formats and native file formats returned by the Partner available within its resources attribute by providing a URL. To learn more about the new Resource_Transaction schema, see the Services API.

This Critical Patch applies to Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter (DU) only.
We will be transitioning all other service categories and products to the new Resource_Transaction schema in a future release. Until then, all other service categories and products will continue using the existing Transaction object.

Updated the Ellie Mae .Net Language Bindings for Developer Connect APIs to support TLS 1.2 capabilities. This update automatically adds TLS 1.2 to API calls for clients that are using the language bindings.

You can access the .NET Language Bindings via

If you choose to bypass the language bindings and write programs that directly call the APIs, ensure they are TLS 1.2 compatible.

This update only impacts the .Net Language Bindings. There are no changes to the Developer Connect APIs.

New APIs

The February Major Release introduces the following new APIs for Developer Connect:

  • Loan Associates API for viewing and modifying the set of loan associates assigned to a given loan. A loan associate is a team member or group assigned to a role within a loan, for example, loan officer or loan processor. This API is currently supported on Encompass versions 18.1 and later.
  • Milestones API for retrieving one or all milestones for a given loan and modifying a loan's milestone schedule, check for past-due work, and mark a milestone as being completed. This API is currently supported on Encompass versions 18.1 and later.
  • Milestone Free Roles API for retrieving and updating the milestone free role logs for a given loan. This API is currently supported on Encompass versions 18.1 and later.
  • Borrower: Get Canonical Names API and Business:Get Canonical Names API for retrieving canonical field names for borrower and business contacts. Canonical field names can be used to view, sort, and filter borrower and business contact information.
  • Borrower: Get Contact List API and Business: Get Contact List API for retrieving all contacts. The POST borrowerContactSelector method includes start and limit parameters whose values you can use to control size and start point of the response page.

API Client Secret Can Be Regenerated from the Developer Portal
An Encompass "super admin" can now regenerate the API client secret from the API Key Management page.
IMPORTANT: When a client secret is regenerated, the old client secret expires immediately and all client integrations will need to be updated with the new client secret.