New and Updated APIs

New Workflow Task Pipeline API
The new Workflow Task Pipeline API is available with this release of Encompass Developer Connect.
The Get Task Pipeline API retrieves a workflow task pipeline. Apply filters to narrow and sort workflow tasks returned in the response.

Endpoint URL: workflow/v1/taskPipeline

Enhancement to Rate Lock API
The Submit Rate Lock API has been enhanced to support the Revise action for a Secondary user. Use action=revise to update existing active and expired locks.

Endpoint URL: /loans/loanId/lockRequests?action=revise&requestId=

Webhook API Update
For customers with Encompass 20.2 instances or higher, the meta.resourceRef URL now points to V3. With this change, the meta.resourceRef URL is returned as /v3/loans/{loanId} instead of /v1/loans/{loanId}.

New Blog Post

A new blog post will be available on the Developer Connect portal about Calculations & Business Rule Execution. It will describe the sequence of events that occur in an API call for evaluating rules and calculations.

Fixed Issues

The Custom Field Format for MonthDay (mm/dd) is Enforced
With this release, the Custom Field - MonthDay format (mm/dd) in the Loan API is enforced. If an incorrect date or date format is passed, the API will return a status code of 400.


Ellie Mae will be replacing the EPPS V1 APIs with our new EPPS V2 APIs. Our EPPS V1 APIs will continue to be supported until Q2 of 2021. We recommend that you start transitioning to the EPPS V2 APIs. For more information about the new EPPS V2 APIs and for migration information, see the Deprecation Notice for EPPS V1.

New V1 Prospect Engagement APIS

The 20.2 January release of Encompass Developer Connect introduces the new Prospect Engagement Invite and Remind APIs. These APIs extend the capabilities of the upcoming Prospect Engagement feature in LO Connect and Velocify to other third-party systems.


About the Prospect Engagement Feature in Velocify Lead Manager and LO Connect

The ICE Mortgage Technology Lending Platform is introducing a new Prospect Engagement feature this year that tightens the integration between Velocify Lead Manager, LO Connect, and Consumer Connect while providing an enhanced experience for prospects, such as leads, opportunities, or potential borrowers. This feature enables LO Connect and Velocify users to Invite these prospects to start a loan application and Remind them to complete an existing loan application in Encompass Consumer Connect. The invitation and reminder notifications sent to prospects include a direct link to their new or existing loan application. The loan applications are pre-populated with data captured by LO Connect or Velocify systems.

The Prospect Engagement feature will be available in Velocify Lead Manager and LO Connect in Q2 of this year.

Use these APIs to generate a link for the consumer that will start a new loan application or resume an existing incomplete loan application. The loan application will contain pre-populated data captured by the client system.

The Prospect Engagement APIs include the following endpoints:

  • Invite: Use this API to generate a link to a new Encompass Consumer Connect loan application. The link can be inserted into a customer communication to invite a prospect to start a loan application.
    Endpoint URL: consumer/v1/invitations

  • Remind: Use this API to generate a link to an existing incomplete loan application in Encompass Consumer Connect. The link can be inserted into a customer communication to remind a prospect to complete and submit their loan application.
    Endpoint URL: consumer/v1/reminders

Updates to V1 Loan Transformer API

The Loan Transformer API now supports the export of loans to ILAD format.

Endpoint URL: GET /services/v1/transformer?loanid=<>&format=ILAD

New V3 APIs for Verifications Support and New URLA

This release introduces new APIs for URLA Alternate Names and Verifications.

  • URLA Alternate Names: Use this API to manage the applicant’s Alternate Names
    Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/{applicantType}/urlaAlternateNames

  • Verificationsverification-of-liabilities: Use these APIs to manage various types of verification entities within each application in the loan

    • OtherLiabilities
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/otherLiabilities

    • OtherIncome
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/otherIncomeSources

    • OtherAssets
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/otherAssets

    • AdditionalLoans
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/additionalLoans

    • GiftsAndGrants
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/giftsGrants

Fixed Issues

Resolved Issue with Persona Access to Loans Business Rules with Custom Edit Access
An issue existed with Persona Access to Loans business rules that have Custom Edit access to the Lock Request and Profit Management tools. When such business rules were applied to a loan, users with that persona were not allowed to perform create/update operations with the Lock Request or Profit Management tools even though they had Edit Access to these sections.
This issue has been resolved.

Resolved Issue that Prevented Super Administrators from Accessing Hidden Fields
An issue existed with field access rules that grant access only to users with the Administrator persona. With this issue, access was restricted to all other personas as expected, however, super administrators were also restricted when using the GetLoan call.
This issue has been resolved and now users with a super administrator persona can access fields where an Administrator persona is required.

This API is similar to the loan update-related functions of the Assign Loans API but does not assign new loans to the correspondent trade. The Extend Loans for Correspondent Trade API processes loans that are assigned to the trade. The loans must have an Assigned status. Loans that have not been assigned cannot be extended using the API.

Endpoint URL: /secondary/v1/trades/correspondent/TradeId/loans/extend

New Enhanced Conditions V3 APIs

Encompass Developer Connect provides the following sets of V3 APIs to create and manage Enhanced Conditions: Manage Enhanced Conditions, Enhanced Conditions Settings, and the Automated Conditions Evaluator API.

Manage Enhanced Conditions
The APIs for Managing Enhanced Conditions allow Encompass Web and Encompass TPO Connect to access Enhanced Conditions metadata for managing loan and document conditions in a loan file. These APIs provide methods to retrieve, add, remove, update, and delete enhanced conditions in a condition set, to manage condition comments, and to assign or unassign condition documents.

The following APIs are available to manage enhanced conditions in the loan:

Enhanced Conditions

Endpoint URL: /encompass/v3/settings/loan/loanId/conditions

  • Get All Enhanced Conditions. Retrieve a list of enhanced conditions for a loan.
  • Get an Enhanced Condition. Retrieve details about a specified enhanced condition.
  • Manage Enhanced Conditions. Add, update, remove, or duplicate an enhanced condition in a loan.


Endpoint URL: /encompass/v3/settings/loan/loanId/conditions/conditionId/comments

  • Get Comments. Retrieve comments for enhanced conditions.
  • Manage Comments. Add, update, and remove comments for enhanced conditions.


Endpoint URL: /encompass/v3/settings/loan/loanId/conditions/conditionId/documents

  • Get Documents. Retrieve documents of an enhanced condition.
  • Manage Documents. Add, update, remove documents for an enhanced condition.


Endpoint URL: /encompass/v3/settings/loan/loanId/conditions/conditionId/tracking

  • Get Status Tracking Entries. Retrieve the status of tracking entries for an enhanced condition.

Enhanced Conditions Settings
The APIs for Enhanced Conditions Settings define condition types, statuses, sources, recipients and Prior To values, as well as define which actions can be taken on a given condition template based on multiple factors, including the user’s role.

The following APIs are available for managing Enhanced Conditions Settings in Encompass:

Enhanced Condition Types

Endpoint URL: /encompass/v3/settings/loan/conditions/types

  • Get All Enhanced Condition Types. Retrieve a list of all condition types.
  • Get an Enhanced Condition Type. Retrieve a specified condition type.
  • Manage Enhanced Condition Types. Adds, updates, or removes a condition type.

Enhanced Condition Sets

Endpoint URL: /encompass/v3/settings/loan/conditions/set

  • Get All Enhanced Condition Sets. Retrieve a list of all condition sets.
  • Get an Enhanced Condition Set. Retrieve a specified condition set.

Enhanced Condition Templates

Endpoint URL: /encompass/v3/settings/loan/conditions/templates

  • Get All Enhanced Condition Templates. Retrieve a list of all condition templates.
  • Get an Enhanced Condition Templates. Retrieve a list of all condition templates.
  • Manage Enhanced Condition Templates. Add or update an enhanced condition template.

Automated Conditions Evaluator API

The Automated Conditions Evaluator API evaluates the Automated Enhanced Conditions Business Rules set up in Encompass Settings and returns the list of condition templates that can be applied to the loan, given the state of the loan.

Evaluate Automated Conditions

Endpoint URL: /encompass/v3/calculators/automatedConditions

  • Evaluate Automated Conditions. Retrieve a list of condition templates that can be applied to the loan, based on the given the state of the loan.

Updated V3 APIs

Enhancement to Update Loan API
V3 Stateless Update Loan API has been updated enabling you to apply a loan program template to an existing loan.

New Settings API - Retrieve List of Loan Program Templates
New API to get the list of loan program templates, along with the full path, which can then be applied to an existing loan.

New and Updated V1 APIS

The following new and updated V1 APIs are available with the Encompass Developer Connect 20.2 November release.

Webhook Event History API

  • New Query Parameters Added to Webhook Get All Events API
    Two new query parameters, subscriptionId and resourceId, have been added to the Webhook Get All Events API.
    A subscription ID is the unique ID assigned to a subscription when it is created. You can now use the subscriptionId query parameter to return the event history for a specified subscription.
    A resource ID is the unique ID of a resource (i.e. Loan); it is also known as the loan GUID. The resource ID can be associated with an event subscription. You can use the resourceId query parameter to return the event history of a specified loan.

  • Query Parameters Now Case-Insensitive
    The Webhook Event History query parameters are no longer case-sensitive.

  • DeliveryAttempted Status for Events
    To identify an undelivered notification, check for DeliveryAttempted status for events.
    A DeliveryAttempted status is logged only when there is a failure from the subscription webhook endpoint. Check DeliveryAttempted statusDetails for an error response code and error response details from the subscription webhook endpoint.

Rate Lock Updates - Support for Applying the Loan Program Through Submit Rate Lock API
APIs have been updated with this release to support the application of a loan program through the existing Submit Rate lock API by passing the full path of the template with a new attribute.
If both Template and Payload are sent, and payload values are same as template, the values are retained. If payload values are different from the template values, payload values will replace the template values.



Deprecation Notice - EPPS V1 APIs

Ellie Mae will be deprecating EPPS V1 APIs to make way for our new EPPS V2 APIs. Our EPPS V1 APIs will continue to be supported until Q2 of 2021. We are making the EPPS V2 APIs available with this release to allow developers to get familiar with the APIs while maintaining the existing behavior as the APIs are backward compatible. For more information see the Deprecation Notice for EPPS V1 APIs.

The EPPS APIs are moving to V2. The V1 and V2 APIs are largely the same; however, we have made some changes in the V2 contracts. The most significant change was made to the Get Programs and Rates (/loanQualifier endpoint) and Get Rates (/eligibility endpoint) schemas. The standardProduct contract in these schemas has changed from a hard-coded list of Standard Products to an Array of Product IDs. You can use the Lookups API for Standard Products to get all possible values.

Example array:

“standardProducts": [1,5,2,3,4] 

Lookups APIs

The Encompass Developer Connect 20.2 release introduces new EPPS Lookups APIs. Use the Lookups APIs to search for certain types of loan information across the Product and Pricing system.

Agency Approvals. Returns all Agency Approvals related to the user. The response contains key-value pairs.

Bankruptcy. Returns all records from the Bankruptcy table for the given user. The response contains key-value pairs.

Counties. Returns a list of counties available for a given state. The response contains key-value pairs.

Delivery Types. Returns Delivery Types available to the user. The response contains key-value pairs.

Encompass Elements. Returns the Encompass Elements set for the user. The response contains key-value pairs.

Foreclosure. Returns all records from the Foreclosure table for the given user. The response contains key-value pairs.

Investors. Returns all valid Investors for the user. The response contains key-value pairs.

Lien Position. Returns all the Lien Position options associated with the user. A list of key-value pairs is returned in the response.

Loan Terms. Returns all Product Options associated with the user. The response contains key-value pairs.

Loan Usage. Returns all the Loan Usage options associated with the user. A list of key-value pairs is returned in the response.

Lock Days. Returns all Lock Days related to the user. The response contains a list of lock days and VirtualLock.

Prepay Penalty Terms. Returns Prepay Penalty Terms. The response contains key-value pairs.

Product Options. Returns all Product Options associated with the user. A list of key-value pairs is returned in the response.

Property Type. Returns all Product Types associated with the user. A list of key-value pairs is returned in the response.

Property Use. Returns Property Use in the form of a list of key-value pairs for the given user.

Special Products. Returns all Special Products associated with the user. A list of key-value pairs is returned in the response.

Standard Products. Returns all Standard Products available to the user. A list of key-value pairs is returned in the response.

States. Returns all states available for a given user. Response includes State ID, State Name, and Abbreviation.

September 20.1 Service Pack

New and Enhanced APIs

V1: New Webhook Event History APIs

The Webhook Event History APIs are being introduced in V1 to provide lender developers with the ability to retrieve webhook events that were triggered on the Lender Platform. Using these APIs, lender developers can query webhook events according to status, time range, event type, event ID, and resource type. These APIs were created to help lender developers reconcile any missed events.

Endpoint URL: /webhook/v1/events/

  • Get All Events returns all webhook events that occurred on the Lender Platform. Results can be refined using query parameters.
  • Get an Event returns the specified webhook event.

For additional information about the Webhook Event History APIs, check out the 20.1 September blog post, Webhook Best Practices: Event Reconciliation and More

V1: New MISMO 3.4 Export API

New Transformer API is available in this release. It can be used to export URLA 2020 loans in MISMO 3.4 format.

Endpoint URL: /services/v1/transformer?loanId={}&format={}

Enhanced Services

Support for Factual Data by CBC Credit Partner
With this release, the Developer Connect Services API will support ordering and retrieving consumer credit reports from Factual Data by CBC.

Encompass Developer Connect Support for New URLA

A redesigned version of the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA), also known as the Fannie Mae form 1003 or the Freddie Mac form 65, is replacing the 2009 version of the URLA effective March 1, 2021. In addition, a new corresponding MISMO v3.4 dataset a.k.a. the Uniform Loan Application Dataset (ULAD) is also being introduced in conjunction with this newly designed URLA. The URLA is required for lenders to originate loans eligible for sale on the secondary market and to satisfy the safe harbor requirements of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA).

The redesigned 2020 URLA makes it easier for lenders to collect information required by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and to incorporate additional application information identified under the URLA/ULAD initiative. The output form has a similar look and feel to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure forms implemented in 2015 and was designed to provide a better experience for borrowers by providing clear instructions in language that is easy to understand.

Our goal is to ensure that our customers and our software are ready for the upcoming changes. While we cannot advise you on how to manage compliance in your own organization, we can help ensure that you have the tools and resources you need to be ready when the revised regulation takes effect.

Starting with the 20.1 August 2020 Service Pack release, URLA 2020 loan submissions are being supported on Encompass Developer Connect. Loan submissions to GSE-specific AUS production environments using the new URLA 2020 output forms are currently scheduled for January 1, 2021, with a mandatory usage date of March 1, 2021.

Impacted (Existing) APIs

Loan Schema APIs
The new URLA fields can be viewed as part of these APIs to discover the location of the collections and fields within the loan object:

Loan Pipeline APIs
The new URLA fields can be viewed and queried as part of these APIs:

Loan Management APIs
The V1 Loan CRUD APIs will support all the new URLA fields.

New APIs: V3

As part of this release, we are also releasing the new version of APIs – the V3 APIs. These new APIs will also have URLA Support.

V3 Loan CRUD

MISMO 3.4 Import
New MISMO APIs are available in this release. They can be used to import a new loan or an existing loan in MISMO 3.4 format.

Managing URLA Version
Use this Settings API to retrieve the Instance Level URLA configuration:
GET /v3/settings/policies/urla

Use the Update URLA Version endpoint to switch the URLA version of the loan:
PATCH /v3/loans/{loanId}/urlaVersion

Refer to the Blog Post we have published for URLA Support through Developer Connect.

Secondary Settings API

New Secondary Settings APIs
New Secondary Settings APIshave been added to Encompass Developer Connect V3. Use these APIs to retrieve all investor templates available in Encompass and to retrieve a single investor template.

  • Get Investor Templates  retrieves a list of investor templates available for a client performing a price or lock action.
  • Get an Investor Template  retrieves details for a specified investor template. Template values based on the selected investor can then be applied when locking a loan.

Documentation Updates

Enhancements Made to the V3 Attachments API Documentation
Enhancements have been made to the V3 Attachments API reference documentation. Check out the latest documentation here on the Encompass Developer Connect portal.

New Topic About V3 Cloud Storage Added to Get Started Section of V1
A new topic has been added to the Developer Connect portal to provide additional information about V3 APIs and Loan Attachments. This new topic  About V3 Cloud Storage for Loan Attachments is available in the V1 area of the portal, listed below the Release Notes.

Enhancements Made to the How to Become a Supported Encompass Partner Topic
Enhancements have been made to Encompass online help topic,  How to Become a Supported Encompass Partner. In addition, the information provided in the help topic is now available in the Ellie Mae Resource Center.

Fixed Issues

Resolved Issue with Get External Organizations API
Some clients experienced an issue when using the V3 Get External Organizations API (/v3/externalOrganizations/tpos) to retrieve TPO company information. With this issue, the API call would fail intermittently if the load was under high concurrency. This issue has been resolved.

June 20.1 Critical Patch

Enforce Persona Access to Loans and Persona Access to Fields Rules on Loan Data Access APIs

Partners using the restricted persona for API access through Encompass Developer Connect will now have restricted access to the loan file based on Encompass Persona Access to Loans and Persona Access to Fields rules. This change is being applied to the V1 Encompass Field Reader only. If the API user’s persona does not have entitlements to a loan file based on the configured rule, the loan will not be returned through any of these APIs. Similarly, if the partner’s configured persona does not have access to view an individual field based on the configured rules, they will not see the field data returned through these APIs.

Please note, this same update to Loan Data Access APIs is planned to be applied for V1 Get Loan in a separate release on Saturday, June 13.


May 20.1 Service Pack

Loan Opportunities APIs

Ellie Mae is offering a new service to access V1 APIs in Developer Connect for creating and managing Opportunities-Loan Scenario tool. This service provides the APIs to create and update loan opportunities, compare up to 10 loan scenarios, convert a loan scenario into a loan, run EBS calculation on the loan scenario object, and ability to email scenario(s), and Eligibility letter to the borrower using the Loan Opportunity notification service.

The following Loan Opportunities APIs are available in this release:

Loan Opportunity Management
Endpoint URL: /encompass/v1/loanOpportunities

Document Management for an Opportunity
Endpoint URL: /v1/loanOpportunities/{OpportunityId}/documents

Notification Request
Endpoint URL: /v1/loanOpportunities/{OpportunityId}/notifications

Scenario Management
Endpoint URL: /v1/loanOpportunities/{OpportunityId}/scenarios

Loan Opportunity Selector
Endpoint URL: /v1/loanOpportunitySelector

Loan Opportunity Settings APIs

The Loan Opportunity Settings API provides the ability to configure settings related to the Scenario Comparison Tools feature.

Affordability Qualification Settings
Affordability Qualification APIs configure the housing and debt ratio limitations based on the product type. When an opportunity is created and the income and liabilities for the borrowers have been entered, the scenario reflects if the current data is within the defined limitations set.

Endpoint URL: /v1/settings/affordabilityQualification

Email Template Management
The Email Templates APIs configure the email template for when the user emails the generated Scenarios or Eligibility letter to a borrower.

Endpoint URL: /v1/settings/emailTemplates

Feature Management
The Feature Management APIs manage the feature and feature settings for Loan Opportunities.

Endpoint URL: /v1/settings/featureManagement

Letter Template Management
The Letter Template APIs manage the template that is used to generate Eligibility Letters within an opportunity.

Endpoint URL: /v1/settings/letterTemplates

Fixed Issue

Loan Schema

Resolved: Incorrect contractPath for DISCLOSURE.X1188 in Standard Fields API
A discrepancy was observed between the contract path for DISCLOSURE.X1188 in Standard Fields API and Loan API response. This discrepancy prevented the loan data for DISCLOSURE.X1188 from parsing successfully.

Endpoint URL: .../encompass/v3/schemas/loan/standardFields?ids=DISCLOSURE.X1188

This issue is resolved with the 20.1 May service pack.CBIZ-31210


The Encompass Developer Connect 20.1 April release introduces the following new V3 APIs:

External Organizations and Users APIs

Use the External Organizations and Users APIs to create and manage lenders, brokers, and third party originators (TPO) with whom your company does business.

External Organizations

External Users APIs

Loan Pipeline APIs

The Loan Pipeline APIs provides methods to search for loans on the Pipeline. The View API returns all loans in the Pipeline to which the user has access. The results can be filtered and sorted to return more precise results.

Schema APIs

A loan schema specifies the entities and data elements in a loan resource. Use the Schema APIs to retrieve all schema information, a certain set specified by field ID, and virtual field definitions for a loan.

Loan Folder APIs

Loan folders allow lenders to organize loans into groups. Loan folders can be created to group loans by categories such as month of origination, loan status, or loan type. The Loan Folder APIs provide methods for creating and managing loan folders.

New and Updated V1 APIS

The following new and updated V1 APIs are available with the Encompass Developer Connect 20.1 April release:

Correspondent Trades API

Ellie Mae is now offering a new service to access V1 APIs in Developer Connect for managing your Correspondent Trade needs. Developers will be able to make new API calls for creating and updating correspondent trades as well as making calls for loan assignments. In addition, there are APIs for calling the Trade Details and Trade Pipeline. There are also APIs for retrieving the Notes, History and loan assignment metrics of a correspondent trade. These new APIs can be used in the 20.1 version along with the latest features being introduced in the release for Authorized Trader, supporting new delivery types, updating commitment statues, and new pair-off functionality. Making these APIs available on Developer Connect will remove restrictions of solely working with .net applications.

Trade Pipeline
The Trade Pipeline APIs provides methods to search the Pipeline for correspondent trades. The View API returns all loans in the Pipeline to which the user has access. The results can be filtered and sorted to return more precise results.

Trade Management

Webhooks API

Enhanced Support for Webhook Notifications for clients on 20.1
Webhooks provide a way to send notifications when certain events occur on a loan resource. For example, your client application can subscribe to receive notifications when a new loan is created or when contact information for a business contact is updated. Previously, the Webhook API supported notifications for only loan and transaction resources. With this release, Webhook API support has been expanded to other loan events such as Documents, Enhanced Conditions, Milestones, and External Orgs. Subscribing to any of these events will generate a Webhook notification when certain subevents occur.
The following table displays the newly supported loan event and the subevents that generate a notification:

LoanDocuments (via API only)Create (createDocuments)
Update (updateDocuments)
Assign Attachment (assignAttachmentsToDocument)
Milestone (via API only)Update (updateMilestones)
Complete (finishMilestones)
ExternalOrganizationsCreate (via SmartClient only)
Update (via SmartClient only)
ExternalUserCreate (via SmartClient only)
Update (via SmartClient only)

Rate Lock API: Support for Additional Rate Lock Request Field Management

The lock request form includes the capability to mirror one or more loan-level standard or custom fields in addition to the base data set included in the lock request form itself. This data can be identified in Encompass > Settings. When a new lock request form is created, the loan data is mirrored to both the lock request fields and the additional lock request fields. This data can then be modified through Encompass Smart Client if there are variations added during the course of pricing scenarios for the loan file. When the lock is confirmed, this data is synchronized back to the corresponding loan-level fields and logged in the associated lock request snapshot. Previously, these fields could not be modified through Encompass APIs. With this release, custom fields that are set up under Settings > Secondary Setup > Lock Request Additional Fields are now supported as part of the followings V1 APIs:

  • Create Loan
  • Update Loan
  • Get Loan
  • Create Rate Lock Request
  • Get Snapshot of Rate Lock Request

Usage Note

The Webhook eventTime attribute for Transaction resources now follows the ISO 8601 specification in UTC/Zulu time.