The changes made with the Encompass Developer Connect and Encompass eClose 21.4 March Critical Patch impact clients using the Encompass eClose workflow. There is no new version of Encompass for clients to download.


Values on LE/CD Total of Payments
An issue existed where loans with financed MI had different values on LE/CD total of payments if generated through eClosing or Developer Connect API vs Encompass. This issue is resolved.

UCD Export
This critical patch also provides an update to V1 Get Loan formats for export.UCD and export.UCD.Final to comply with the UCD Mandate scheduled for March 31, 2022. This will be available for clients leveraging Developer Connect for UCD Automation with this release.
Note: The updates for UCD will not be available on Encompass Smart Client until March 10, 2022.
EBSP-37531. EBSP-36976, EBSP-37531


UI Enhancements and Faster Page Loading
With this release we have adopted a new UI framework for the portal. You will see minor formatting changes throughout, but more importantly faster page loading!

Try It Support for 18 Languages
The Try It feature has been enhanced to generate code in 18 different languages:
C, C#, C++, Clojure, cURL, Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Node, Objective-C, oCaml, PHP, PowerShell, Python, R, Ruby, and Swift.

Retirement of Language Bindings
The .NET Language Bindings are being retired with this release. ICE Mortage Technology will continue to support them.

Webhook Update
In order to standardize communications from the Webhooks platform, all webhook event type names across all products were converted to lowercase. With this change, all client and partner webhook subscriptions remain intact and functional.

Example: Before
"eventId": "03d3ed0e-9932-4d68-b364-e95ffafc8757",
"eventTime": "2022-01-25T22:39:50.733Z",
"eventType": "Update",

Example: After
"eventId": "03d3ed0e-9932-4d68-b364-e95ffafc8757",
"eventTime": "2022-01-25T22:39:50.733Z",
"eventType": "update",

Best Practice
As a best practice, and for customers seeing a difference post adoption of 21.4, we recommend doing a case-insensitive string comparison when condition checking webhook event JSON string values.

const RESOURCE = 'loan'; // declared as lowercase
const EVEN_TYPE = "update"; // declared as lowercase

let eventHookEvent = {
  "eventId": "03d3ed0e-9932-4d68-b364-e95ffafc8757",
  "eventTime": "2022-01-25T22:39:50.733Z",
  "eventType": "update",
  "meta": {
    "userId": "user",
    "resourceType": "Loan",
    "resourceId": "b9b45c4c-abfa-445f-9829-fca448825014",
    "instanceId": "bexxxxxxxx",
    "resourceRef": "/encompass/v3/loans/b9b45c4c-abfa-445f-9829-fca448825014"

in the middle of the code to see the right event type


if (eventHookEvent.eventType.toLowerCase() === EVENT_TYPE) { //Note we are doing case insensitive compare


Enhancements and Fixes

Loan Management

V3 Create Loan API: New Action Attribute Applies TPO Loan Originator Information to URLA 2020 Loans
The V3 Create Loan API has been enhanced to support a new TPO Action: tpoRegister. When the tpo.loId and loId query parameters are passed with action=tpoRegister, the tpo.loId value will be applied as the Loan Officer in the resulting loan.

V3 Update Loan API: Two New TPO Actions Available
The V3 Update Loan API has been enhanced to support the following new TPO actions:

  • tpoOrderAppraisal. Orders an appraisal for the specified loan.
  • tpoGenerateDisclosures. Generates LE/Disclosures for the specified loan.

PATCH /v3/loans/{loanId}?action=tpoOrderAppraisal | tpoGenerateDisclosures
EBSP-33303, EBSP-33302

Loan: Field Lock Data

New Field Lock Data API Available
A new Field Lock Data API is available for managing the list of locked fields in a loan. Previously, the list of fields in the fieldLockData was being replaced on each Update Loan API call. With this API, the fieldLockData collection is treated as an appendable collection rather than replacing on each call. This API is particularly useful in scenarios where a field needs to be removed from the list of locked fields.
PATCH /v3/loans/{loanId}/fieldLockData?action=add | remove | replace

Send Encompass Docs

Opening Doc Set API Supports Encompass Forms
The Send Encompass Docs API suite has been enhanced to support the ability to add additional Encompass forms to an existing opening doc set. Previously, only eFolder documents could be added to an existing opening doc set.

Loan: Disclosure Tracking 2015

New Attribute Added to Disclosure Tracking API Contract
A new UseForUCDExport attribute has been added to the V1 DisclosureTracking2015 contract (read-only) and V3 EnhancedDisclosureTracking logs (read-only) for Closing Disclosure logs. This attribute indicates whether the Closing Disclosure is selected as the disclosure to send for UCD (Uniform Closing Dataset) to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

eFolder: Document

Behavior Change for StatusBy/StatusDate Attribute Sets in Update Document API Contract
A change has been made to how the values for receivedBy/receivedDate and requestedBy/requestedDate attribute sets behave when updating a document. This change applies to V1/V3 Update Document APIs.
EBSP-33423, EBSP-33422

eFolder: Attachments

Update Attachments Successfully on Locked Loans
The V1/V3 Update Attachments APIs were enhanced to allow attachments to be updated on loans that are locked. The remove action will continue to return a 409 Conflict error when the loan is locked.

EstimatedClosingDate Value Now Retained when Rate Lock is Confirmed
A change has been made to the V1/V3 Rate Lock APIs to resolve an issue that prevented the estimatedClosingDate value from being retained when a lock is confirmed.

The Encompass 21.3 Major Release Critical Patch 2 was released on December 16, 2021 for the year-end updates recently announced government agencies. In addition to the updates described in the Encompass release notes, the following updates will be provided when you upgrade to Encompass version

Settings: External Users

Resolved Issue with Get External User API
An issue has been resolved that caused the Get External User API to fail with a bad request if the specified TPO userID started with “0”.

Loan: Rate Lock

Null Values Now Retained in the Request Payload for Certain Fields
Updates were made to the V1 Rate Lock APIs to retain empty/null values when the following fields are passed in the request payload: Sell Side Fields, Buy Side Fields, Comparison Fields, Loan information.
EBSP-33309, EBSP-33310

eFolder: Attachments

Resolved Issue that Caused V3 Attachment API to Fail with a “CheckAttachmentXmlVersion” Error
Some lenders experienced the following error when attempting to upload an attachment via the API:
“Create Attachment failed. Please try again. Message: Couldn't read latest version of Attachment xml file.”
This error occurred with loans that had a mismatched value for FileSequenceNumber between attachments.xml and the corresponding value in the DB. This issue has been resolved.

Loan: Management

V3 Loan Management Endpoints Now Return Loan Item IDs When View=id is Passed
When the calling the V3 Update Loan API with the view=id query parameter, the ID of the loan item was returned in the response instead of the Loan ID. For example, when calling:
PATCH /v3/loans/{loanId}/investorDeliveryLogs?action=add&view=id
The Investor Delivery Log ID was being returned instead of the Loan ID.
This issue has been resolved and when view=id is passed with Update Loan, the Loan ID is now returned in the response.

Resolved Issue with Opening Disclosures Not Being Attached and Assigned when Ordered Through the Send Docs API
An issue existed where opening disclosures retrieved in the eFolder were not being attached automatically to the correct document if they were ordered through the Send Docs API. When users clicked the Retrieve button in the eFolder, the opening disclosure files were displayed in the Unassigned section of the File Manager. With this issue, the Auto Assign function also failed to automatically assign these files to the appropriate eFolder document.
This issue was resolved and now opening disclosures ordered through the Send Docs API are being attached and assigned correctly.

Resolved Webhook Issue with DocumentOrder Events Not Being Received at Subscription Endpoint
An issue was resolved with the Webhook subscription for DocumentOrder events that prevented API calls for opening and audit events (e.g. openingordercompleted, openingauditcompleted, openingauditfailed, and so on) from being received at the subscription endpoint. With this issue, the API call completed asynchronously as expected, however, the webhook event was not being sent.
This issue has been resolved and DocumentOrder events are now being received at the subscription endpoint as expected.

New and Updated V3 APIs

New V3 APIs for Disclosure Tracking 2015 Logs

With this release, we are introducing V3 APIs for retrieving and managing Disclosure Tracking 2015 Logs. Use these APIs to retrieve and manage log tracking entries for the 2015 Loan Estimate, Closing Disclosure, Settlement Service Provider, and Safe Harbor disclosures.

Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/disclosureTracking2015Logs

The following APIs are available for retrieving and managing Disclosure Tracking 2015 Logs:

  • Get All Disclosure Tracking Logs. Retrieves all disclosure tracking logs for a specified loan.
  • Get a Disclosure Tracking Log. Retrieves the specified Disclosure Tracking 2015 log for the specified loan.
  • Add a Disclosure Tracking Log. Adds a disclosure tracking 2015 log to a specified loan.
  • Update a Disclosure Tracking Log. Updates an existing disclosure tracking 2015 log on a specified loan.
  • Get all Snapshots. Retrieves snapshot data for all the Disclosure Tracking logs for a loan.
  • Get a Snapshot. Retrieves a snapshot of a specified Disclosure Tracking log.

EBSP-26777, CBIZ-38716

New API Available for Viewing Eligible Roles for an Encompass User

The Eligible Roles API provides the ability to retrieve a list of roles that an Encompass user qualifies for based on their persona and user group affiliation.

Endpoint URL: /v3/users/{userId}/eligibleRoles


New APIs Available for Managing Registration Logs

Use the Loan Registration Log APIs to create and manage registration logs programmatically when loans are registered.

Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/registrationLogs

The following APIs are available to manage registration logs:

  • Get Registration Logs. Retrieves all registration logs for a loan.
  • Create Registration Log. Use this API to create a registration log for an existing loan
  • Update Registration Log. Updates an existing registration log.


New Field Writer API Available

The Field Writer API updates the values of fields by Field IDs rather than JSON paths for a given loan. This is an alternative to the Update Loan API, and is especially helpful when trying to update specific fields by field IDs. This API also provides the ability to lock and unlock padlock fields.

Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/fieldWriter

The following Field Writer APIs are available with this release:

  • Update Loan Field Values. Updates field values for a specified loan file.
  • Manage Field Lock Data. Adds or removes field lock data.


New APIs Available for Retrieving and Applying Funding Templates

A new API has been added to the Settings: Secondary API set to retrieve a list of funding templates, and the Loan API has been expanded to support the ability to apply a funding template to an existing loan.

Get Funding Templates
The new Get Funding Templates API has been added to the Settings: Secondary API set. It retrieves a list of funding templates available on the Encompass instance.
Endpoint URL: /v3/settings/secondary/fundingTemplates
Use the itemizationType query parameter to filter the results. Possible values are 2009, 2010, and 2015.

GET /v3/settings/secondary/fundingTemplates?itemizationType=<2009|2010|2015>

Apply a Funding Template to an Existing Loan
The Update Loan-1 templateType query parameter has been enhanced to support a value of funding. Use this value to apply a funding template to an existing loan.

PATCH /v3/loans/{loanId}?templateType=funding&templatePath={URI encoded template name}


Updates to the Investor Template API Contract

The Investor Template API contract has been updated to include a new purchaserTypeValue attribute. This attribute provides a long form value of the purchaserType field. The purchaserTypeValue attribute is passed between Loan APIs and populates Type of Purchaser (field ID 1397) in the HMDA Information form when the investor template is applied to a loan file.
The table below displays the possible values for the purchaserTypeValue attribute and the correlative purchaserType values:

purchaserTypeValue (Long Form)purchaserType (Enum)
Loan was not originatedNotApplicable
Private SecuritizationPrivateSecuritizer
Savings BankCommercialSavingsBankOrAssociation
Credit union, mortgage company, or finance companyCreditUnionMortgageOrFinanceCompany
Life Insurance Co.LifeInsurance
Affiliate InstitutionAffiliateInstitution
Other type of purchaserOthers


New and Updated V1 APIs

New Sell/Comparison Update Action Added to Submit Rate Lock API

The Submit Rate Lock API has been enhanced to support the update Sell/Comparison action. Use this action to update only the Sell Side and Comparison Side details for a lock that was previously confirmed, expired, or denied. This action creates a new lock snapshot, inheriting the attributes from the original lockId for lockRequest and buySide. The status of the original lock that you are updating is carried over.

POST /v1/loans/{loanId}/ratelockRequests?action=updateSellComparison&lockId={lock ID}

Enhancements Made to Lock Request Type in Rate Lock APIs

Enhancements have been made to the Rate Lock APIs to give clients the ability to distinguish between lock requests for active, expired, or cancelled locks. When attempting to relock a lock ID, the current status of the lock will determine the lock request type for the new lock request. If it is an active lock, the request type will be “LockUpdate”. If the lock is cancelled or expired, the request type will be “Re-lock”.


Enhancements Made to EPPS APIs to Return APR Details

EPPS API contracts have been updated to provide estimated basic APR calculation based on loan amount, rate, estimated closing costs and amortization.


New APIs Available to Create and Manage Correspondent Trade Notes

The Correspondent Trades APIs have been expanded to allow lenders to programatically add a note to a correspondent trade and manage existing notes.

Endpoint URL: /v1/trades/correspondent/{tradeId}/notes

The following new Correspondent Trades APIs are available with this release:

Usage Notes:

  • To create, update, or delete notes via the APIs, the caller must have persona access to edit correspondent trades. Access is enabled in Encompass > Settings > Personas > Trades/Contacts/Dashboard/Reports tab > Trades area by selecting the Edit Correspondent Trades check box.
  • Only one note can be created a time.
  • When a note is created, updated, or deleted from an existing correspondent trade using these APIs, an event for “Trade Updated” is created in the correspondent trade history.

SEC-20529, SEC-20611, SEC-20868

New API to Retrieve User Roles

The Settings: Role API provides the ability to retrieve all the roles defined on the Encompass instance. The response includes details about the role, such as Role ID, Name, Abbreviation, assigned Personas and UserGroups, and whether the role has protected access to documents.

Endpoint URL: v1/settings/roles


Webhook Enhancements

Added Support for Exponential Back-Off for Retrying Failed Notification Attempts

The Encompass Platform now supports an exponential back-off retry policy that increases the resend interval for each webhook notification failure.

Retry Logic
If the Encompass Platform is unable to deliver a notification to the registered webhook callback or the callback fails to acknowledge the notification, the Encompass Platform will make other attempts to deliver the notification.
The following situations are considered a failed delivery attempt:

  • HTTP status in the range 500-599.
  • HTTP status outside the range 200-599.
  • A request timeout (30 seconds). Note that if a request time-out occurs, the timing of the next retry attempt is based on the retry policy and number of failed attempts.
  • Any connection error such as connection timeout, endpoint unreachable, bad SSL certificate, etc.

Default Retry Logic
By default, the Encompass Platform implements a linear back-off retry policy that will attempt delivery up to three times with a delay of 20 seconds between each retry. If the event is not delivered after three attempts, the notification is discarded.

Retry Logic with Exponential Back-Off
Exponential back-off can be applied to a webhook subscription to increase the resend interval for each failure. This policy allows for a longer retry period while not attempting to deliver the request constantly. When exponential back-off is applied to a subscription, any failed events will automatically retry for up to 8 hours with an exponential back-off interval. The table below shows the interval between retry attempts:


Implement Exponential Back-Off for Webhook Subscriptions
The delivery policy for a webhook subscription is determined by the Subscription API deliveryPolicy parameter.

"deliveryPolicy":{"backoff":"linear | exponential"}

The deliveryPolicy parameter is optional. To implement exponential back-off for a webhook subscription, set the deliveryPolicy back-off parameter to “exponential”. If deliveryPolicy is not provided as input, the default retry logic, linear, is used.

curl --location --request POST 'https://<API_SERVER>/platform/v1/events/documentOrder' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Token>' \
--data-raw '{
    { "endpoint": "<clientEndPoint>", "resource": "Loan", "events": ["create", "change", "update" ], "filters":{ "attributes":["/applications/0/borrower/firstName"] }, "deliveryPolicy":{"backoff":"exponential"} }


Webhook Support for Third-Party Service Orders

With this release, webhook subscriptions can be created to notify lenders when service orders are placed with third-party mortgage applications. When subscribed to the serviceOrder resource, the API will send a notification to the lender upon completion of each step in the service ordering workflow.

The following events are supported by the Webhook API for the serviceOrder resource:

PlacedWhen a service order is delivered to the third-party service provider.API
AcknowledgedWhen a service order is acknowledged by the third-party service provider.API
FulfilledWhen an order is completed and the response is successfully ingested into Encompass.API
System FailureWhen a system exception (API failure) occurred while attempting to prepare the order request.API
Process FailureWhen a process exception (e.g. business rule, authorization, access, and so on) occurred while attempting to prepare the order request.API


Single Sign-On (SSO) Support for Developer Connect Integrations

This release of Developer Connect introduces support for SSO authentication with Developer Connect API integrations and SSO-enabled Encompass instances. This implementation provides a seamless and secure sign-in experience for clients when accessing SSO-enabled Encompass instances from Developer Connect API integrations.


  • SSO must be enabled on the Encompass instance
  • Your company's identity provider (IdP) must be configured with ICE Mortgage Technology settings
  • A Developer Connect API connection must be set up in Developer Connect

For additional details about these requirements and for step-by-step instructions about how to set up SSO for Developer Connect, see the Setting Up SSO for Encompass Products Guide.

Additional Resources

New Parameter Added to the Authorization Endpoint

To support the new SSO flow, new is_sso and instance_id query parameters have been added to the authorization endpoint. The is_sso parameter is required to indicate whether SSO authentication is to be used. A value of true indicates that SSO is enabled. The default value is false.

The instance_id query parameter directs the browser to the Developer Connect SSO login page. It is required when is_sso is true.

Updated authorization endpoint:<client_id>&response_type=code&redirect_uri= <redirect_uri>&state=<state>&scope=lp&is_sso=false

Example for SSO:<client_id>&response_type=code&redirect_uri[…]com/page/api-key&scope=lp&is_sso=true&instance_id=BE11211665

For more information about these parameters and to learn about using SSO with the supported authorization flows, see the Authentication page.

Fixed Issues

Incorrect Case for Custom Field Names in Update Loan API Caused Fields to Get Blanked Out
With the V1 and V3 Update Loan API, when the fieldName attribute for a custom field is passed without proper casing (for example, cust02fv instead of CUST02FV), it was leading the corresponding value of the custom field to get cleared out.
This issue is resolved with the 21.3 release of Encompass Developer Connect.

Cancelling a Rate Lock Extension Request via Rate Lock Cancellation API Still Counts Towards Total Number of Extensions
When cancelling an extension rate lock request through the API, the lock was still getting counted towards total number of extensions. This would be an issue when there is a limit defined on the number of extensions in Secondary Settings. This issue is resolved. With the fix, only confirmed extensions will get counted towards the total number of extensions.


User Token Impersonation Support for Developer Connect
With this release, Encompass Developer Connect supports a new user impersonation flow. User token impersonation enables privileged Encompass users to perform actions in Encompass under a different user account. For example, an Encompass user with a super administrator persona can run a scenario or update loan information in Encompass by impersonating the loan officer assigned to the loan. Previously, impersonation could only be achieved through the Encompass SDK.

Encompass Developer Connect supports the user impersonation flow by utilizing a custom “grant type” token exchange (urn:elli:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange). Developer Connect exchanges the access token of the currently logged-in user with a new access token that includes impersonation semantics, such as the user ID of the currently logged in user (actor_encompass_user) and the impersonated user. User names for both the impersonator and the impersonated user are logged in the audit trail table for loan operations.

Supported Impersonation Scenarios
Impersonation scenarios currently supported by Developer Connect are provided below. In all cases when a user impersonates another user, the access privileges of the impersonated user are applied to the API calls.

This Encompass User/Persona…Can Impersonate…
Super AdministratorAll other Encompass users, including other SuperAdmin users.
Non-Super AdministratorLenders with grant type resource owner password credentials can impersonate any other users at the same level or below them in the organization hierarchy.

For more information about user token impersonation, see the Authentication section.

New and Updated V3 APIs

Loan Resource Lock APIs Now Available in V3
The Loan Resource Lock APIs provide the ability to return all resource locks or a specified resource lock on a loan, create a lock for the specified resource in Encompass, and unlock a specified resource in Encompass.

Endpoint URLs:
GET /encompass/v3/resourceLocks
GET /encompass/v3/resourceLocks/{lockId}
POST /encompass/v3/resourceLocks
DELETE /encompass/v3/resourceLocks/{lockId}

Field Reader API Now Available in V3
The Loan Field Reader API retrieves the values for the specified field IDs within a loan.

Endpoint URL:
POST /encompass/v3/loans/{loanId}/fieldReader

Support for DataVerify Flood Service
Ability to create service orders for DataVerify Flood and get status of the service order available with this release.

Endpoint URLs:
GET /encompass/v3/loans/{loanGuid}/serviceOrders
POST /encompass/v3/loans/{loanGuid}/serviceOrders

Prior to submitting your loans to DataVerify using Encompass Developer Connect APIs, the following need to be configured in Encompass Partner Connect:

  1. Create a new service setup in Encompass LO Connect Admin > Services Management.
  2. Download the CBC cURL API definition from Encompass LO Connect> Services Management> Manual Ordering> DataVerify Flood Services setting.

New and Updated V1 APIs

New Rate Lock API Added to Void a Rate Lock
A Lock Desk user can use the Void Rate Lock API to submit a request to void a pricing event (i.e., lock, relock, extension, denial, or cancellation) and return the lock to its previous state.
Note: This API is applicable only to pricing events in Correspondent Individual Best Effort loans that are not assigned to a Correspondent Trade.

Endpoint URL:
PUT /v1/loans/{loanId}/ratelockRequests/{requestId}/void?dataSyncOption=<>

Webhook Enhancements

Delete Event Now Supported for the Loan Resource
The Webhook API now supports the delete event for the Loan resource. Create a subscription to the delete event to receive notifications when a loan is permanently deleted from Encompass.

FieldChange Event Now Supported for the Loan Resource
The Webhook API now supports the fieldChange event for the Loan resource to provide users with finer-grained filtering than the Loan Change webhook. Create a subscription for the fieldChange event to receive notifications when a change occurs on a specified field, if the field is added to the Audit Trail Database.

Deprecated APIs

Starting with the 21.2 release, which is currently scheduled for June 5, 2021, Encompass Developer Connect will no longer support the V1 EPPS APIs. In previous release notes and in the Deprecation Notice - EPPS V1 APIs, we announced that Encompass Developer Connect will stop supporting V1 EPPS APIs starting with this release, and we have recommended that developers who use the V1 EPPS APIs start using the V2 EPPS APIs. Please use the V2 EPPS APIs going forward to programmatically retrieve best-fit program and pricing information and to retrieve and select rates for Encompass loans.

Fixed Issues

Locked Fields in Data Templates Being Honored When Applied in v3 Create & Update Loan Apis
Earlier, field locks in data templates referenced as part of Loan Template Sets were being ignored, and Encompass calculations were being applied. With 21.2 June release, locked fields values will be applied. However, there is a known issue where a locked field, if set to null, is throwing a 500 Error. This is being fixed in 21.3 October release. This is working as expected in V1 Loan Management APIs.

Field Data Entry Business Rules With CurrentUser in Advanced Code Was Causing Loan Update to Fail
If CurrentUser method was being used in any Field Data Entry Business rule on an instance, and the loan met the criteria for the Business Rule execution, an "Advanced Code Definition execution failed" error message was preventing the loan from being updated through V1 and V3 Update Loan APIs. This has now been fixed in the 21.2 June release so that the advanced code in the business rule is properly evaluated, and appropriate response is returned.

Field Data Entry Business Rules Are Now Evaluated for All Applications in the Loan When the Rule Has a Value Check as Part of Advanced Code
The V1 and V3 Manage Loan APIs were evaluating the Field Data Entry Business Rule only for the primary borrower pair/ application when a value was specified as part of the business rule's Advanced Code. This is fixed with the 21.2 June release to validate the value against all Borrower pairs in the loan.

URLA 2020 Proposed Supplemental Property Insurance not Honoring the Itemization Fee Management Settings
Persona Access Rights and Itemization Fee management persona overwrite rules are now honored with the V3 Update Loan API for Lines 1007, 1008 and 1009.

Send Encompass Docs APIs

ICE Mortgage Technology is offering a new service to access V1 APIs in Developer Connect for generating, managing, and sending Encompass document packages.

The Send Encompass Docs service provides APIs to order initial disclosures, closing documents, and on-demand forms and send them to recipients (i.e., borrowers, co-borrower, and non-borrowing owners) via the Encompass Consumer Connect borrower portal. Recipients are notified by email when documents are available for them to view. The notification email includes a link to the borrower portal where the documents can be viewed, printed, and eSigned. When an order is sent, a Disclosure Tracking entry is created in Encompass. Lenders can retrieve documents that are completed by the recipient from the Encompass eFolder.

The following Send Encompass Docs APIs are available in this release:

API for Managing Plan Codes

  • Manage Plan Codes V1 API
    Retrieves a list of company plan codes and applies program data from a selected plan code to a loan file. Any plan code conflicts are provided in the response.

    GET /encompassdocs/v1/planclodes
    POST /encompassdocs/v1/planCodes/{planCodeId}/evaluator

APIs for Managing Document Packages

  • Opening Packages (Initial Disclosure) V1 API
    Initial Disclosure Packages are also known as Opening documents in Encompass Developer Connect. The /opening endpoint provides methods to audit a loan, order disclosures, generate and send the opening (three-day) package to borrowers.

    POST /encompassdocs/v1/planclodes/{planCodeID}/evaluator
    POST /encompassdocs/v1/encompassdocs/v1/documentAudits/opening
    POST /encompassdocs/v1/encompassdocs/v1/documentOrders/opening

  • Closing Packages V1 API
    The /closing endpoint is provided with methods to audit a loan, order docs, generate, and send Closing documents to the Settlement Agent. Once the package is sent, a notification will be sent to the recipient with the pre-signed URL for accessing the forms to be printed and signed at closing. A compliance audit (by Mavent) is included with Closing document orders.

    POST /encompassdocs/v1/planclodes/{planCodeID}/evaluator
    POST /encompassdocs/v1/encompassdocs/v1/documentAudits/closing
    POST /encompassdocs/v1/encompassdocs/v1/documentOrders/closing

  • On-Demand Document Orders with Additional Forms V1 API
    One or more additional forms can be added to an existing package using the /forms endpoint. When Loan Estimates or Closing Disclosures are added to a document package, the package will be tracked with the Disclosure Tracking Tool in Encompass.

    Endpoint URL:
    POST /encompassdocs/v1/documentOrders/forms

API for Retrieving Loan Recipients and Authentication Codes for Doc Orders

  • Retrieve List of Loan Recipients V3 API
    A new V3 Loan: Recipients API is available for retrieving all recipients associated with a loan. Recipients can include the borrower, co-borrowers, and non-borrowing owners on a loan. This API also returns authentication codes when applicable.

    Endpoint URL:
    GET /encompass/v3/loan/{loanId}/recipients

API for Retrieving Disclosure Tracking Settings to Select Forms for On-Demand Doc Orders

  • Retrieve Disclosure Tracking Settings V3 API
    A new V3 Settings: Disclosure Tracking API is available for retrieving the Disclosure Tracking settings defined in Encompass > Settings > Loan Setup > Disclosure Tracking Settings. This can be used to choose the list of forms to be sent out as part of On Demand Disclosure packages.

    Endpoint URL:
    GET /v3/settings/loan/disclosureTracking

Additional Resources
To get started with the Send Encompass Docs APIs, see the Ordering Document Packages blog post.

Correspondent Trades API

New API Available to Unassign Loans from a Correspondent Trade
The Delete method is now available for the Correspondent Trade API. Use this API to systematically unassign loans from a Correspondent Trade.

Endpoint URL:
DELETE /secondary/v1/trades/correspondent/{tradeId}/loans

Update Correspondent Trade API Now Supports action=updateStatus
The Update Correspondent Trade API now supports updateStatus as a value for action query parameter. Use updateStatus to edit a single Correspondent Trade or to change a commitment status to Committed, Delivered, or Settled.

Endpoint URL:
PATCH /secondary/v1/trades/correspondent/{tradeId}?action=updateStatus


Changes Made to Disclosure Tracking Logs & Time Zones
As described in the Encompass April Release Notes, a change has been made to the timeline calculations used by the Disclosure Tracking tool to help ensure dates and times are consistent across all the Disclosure Tracking log entries in a loan.

As part of this change, the Disclosure Tracking 2015 Log object in the V3 Loan Schema has been updated. All Date-related attributes (i.e. applicationDate, disclosureCreatedDate, and so on) in the Disclosure Tracking 2015 Log object will be stored in Date-only format (YYYY-MM-DD), without the time or time zone indicator. The time zone for these Date-related attributes will be determined by the value of Encompass field LE1.X9 (Closing Costs Estimate Expiration Time Zone), which is set depending on Encompass settings and calculations.

For details about this change and to learn how it impacts existing and new loans, please refer to the Knowledge Article: Disclosure Tracking Logs & Time Zones (KA-39455).

Assign Loan Officer during Loan Creation using V3 API
With V3 Create Loan API, you can now assign a loan officer at the time of creating the loan. A new query parameter loID has been added so that you can pass the userId of the loan officer.

Endpoint URL:
POST /encompass/v3/loans?loID=< >

Clear BuySide and SellSide Data in Rate Lock Requests
A new query parameter clearEntities has been introduced to the Update Rate Lock request API. In order to clear out an entity, simply pass “buySide” and/ or “sellSide” as the parameter value instead of having to pass every attribute as an empty string in the request payload.

Endpoint URL:
PATCH /encompass/v1/loans/{loanId}/ratelockRequests/{requestId}?clearEntities=<buySide,sellSide>

Services API Enhancements
A new request type, RequestReportFiles, is being added in this release. Use this request type to retrieve raw XML files for service reports, (such as credit services, Fannie Mae DU and EarlyCheck, and Freddie Mac LPA) after the service order has been completed.

Endpoint URL:
GET /services/v1/partners/{{Service_Partner_ID}}/transactions

NOTE: This requestType is supported for admin and super admin users only.

Fixed Issues

Performance Optimization of Loan Update API Calls
For Calculated Custom Fields configured with Advanced Code including fields referencing the applicationIndex, only custom fields related to the modified applicationIndex will be run, instead of running calculations for all borrower pairs. For example, if CUST01FV has a calculation based on 4000#1 and CUST02FV has a calculation based on 4000#2, and only 4000#2 was updated, only CUST02FV custom field will be recalculated. This will improve the performance of Loan Update API calls, especially when the instance is configured with many custom fields.

Milestone Date Calculations
As part of the loan creation process, if you complete a milestone that is after the “File Started” milestone, prior milestone dates were being calculated based on the number of business days configured in the settings. This was resulting in a milestone completion date prior to the loan creation date. With this release, all the prior milestones will be set to the same date as the completed milestone. For example, if the Qualification milestone is marked as completed as part of the loan creation process, and Qualification is configured to take 3 business days, File Started & Qualification milestones will have the same date of completion. This issue has been addressed in V1 and V3 loan creation flows.

Populating Loan Originator Fields Based on Instance Policy Settings for URLA 2020 Loans
For an URLA 2020 Loan, v1 and v3 APIs to Create a Loan with an assigned loan officer should populate URLAX.170, URLAX.171, URLAX.172, URLAX.173 and 1612 based on the settings configured in Encompass Admin Settings. If the Interviewer Name is configured to populate LO details, the user's details passed in loId attribute needs to be used to populate the mentioned fields instead of populating the loan starter’s details. This works as expected for 2009 loans, and this defect has been fixed for URLA 2020 Loans.

Loan APIs to Honor Persona Access to Loans Business Rules Based on Milestones
An issue was identified with the Loan CRUD APIs where all Persona Access to Loans Business Rules were being applied irrespective of the milestone stage that the loan is in. This issue has been resolved. Business Rules that are configured to be applied based on a given milestone are now applied as expected.

Field Data Entry Business Rules with [value] in Advanced Code Run on Saved and New Versions of Loan
There was a parity gap identified between Encompass Smart Client and APIs where the V1 Update Loan API was running Field Data Entry Business rules twice - once only on the request payload and a second time on the new version of the loan file. With this fix, APIs will continue executing the Field Data Entry rules twice – once on the combination of request payload and saved version of the loan, and a second time on the new version of the loan.

New and Updated APIs

New Workflow Task Pipeline API
The new Workflow Task Pipeline API is available with this release of Encompass Developer Connect.
The Get Task Pipeline API retrieves a workflow task pipeline. Apply filters to narrow and sort workflow tasks returned in the response.

Endpoint URL: workflow/v1/taskPipeline

Enhancement to Rate Lock API
The Submit Rate Lock API has been enhanced to support the Revise action for a Secondary user. Use action=revise to update existing active and expired locks.

Endpoint URL: /loans/loanId/lockRequests?action=revise&requestId=

Webhook API Update
For customers with Encompass 20.2 instances or higher, the meta.resourceRef URL now points to V3. With this change, the meta.resourceRef URL is returned as /v3/loans/{loanId} instead of /v1/loans/{loanId}.

New Blog Post

A new blog post will be available on the Developer Connect portal about Calculations & Business Rule Execution. It will describe the sequence of events that occur in an API call for evaluating rules and calculations.

Fixed Issues

The Custom Field Format for MonthDay (mm/dd) is Enforced
With this release, the Custom Field - MonthDay format (mm/dd) in the Loan API is enforced. If an incorrect date or date format is passed, the API will return a status code of 400.


Ellie Mae will be replacing the EPPS V1 APIs with our new EPPS V2 APIs. Our EPPS V1 APIs will continue to be supported until Q2 of 2021. We recommend that you start transitioning to the EPPS V2 APIs. For more information about the new EPPS V2 APIs and for migration information, see the Deprecation Notice for EPPS V1.

New V1 Prospect Engagement APIS

The 20.2 January release of Encompass Developer Connect introduces the new Prospect Engagement Invite and Remind APIs. These APIs extend the capabilities of the upcoming Prospect Engagement feature in LO Connect and Velocify to other third-party systems.


About the Prospect Engagement Feature in Velocify Lead Manager and LO Connect

The ICE Mortgage Technology Lending Platform is introducing a new Prospect Engagement feature this year that tightens the integration between Velocify Lead Manager, LO Connect, and Consumer Connect while providing an enhanced experience for prospects, such as leads, opportunities, or potential borrowers. This feature enables LO Connect and Velocify users to Invite these prospects to start a loan application and Remind them to complete an existing loan application in Encompass Consumer Connect. The invitation and reminder notifications sent to prospects include a direct link to their new or existing loan application. The loan applications are pre-populated with data captured by LO Connect or Velocify systems.

The Prospect Engagement feature will be available in Velocify Lead Manager and LO Connect in Q2 of this year.

Use these APIs to generate a link for the consumer that will start a new loan application or resume an existing incomplete loan application. The loan application will contain pre-populated data captured by the client system.

The Prospect Engagement APIs include the following endpoints:

  • Invite: Use this API to generate a link to a new Encompass Consumer Connect loan application. The link can be inserted into a customer communication to invite a prospect to start a loan application.
    Endpoint URL: consumer/v1/invitations

  • Remind: Use this API to generate a link to an existing incomplete loan application in Encompass Consumer Connect. The link can be inserted into a customer communication to remind a prospect to complete and submit their loan application.
    Endpoint URL: consumer/v1/reminders

Updates to V1 Loan Transformer API

The Loan Transformer API now supports the export of loans to ILAD format.

Endpoint URL: GET /services/v1/transformer?loanid=<>&format=ILAD

New V3 APIs for Verifications Support and New URLA

This release introduces new APIs for URLA Alternate Names and Verifications.

  • URLA Alternate Names: Use this API to manage the applicant’s Alternate Names
    Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/{applicantType}/urlaAlternateNames

  • Verificationsverification-of-liabilities: Use these APIs to manage various types of verification entities within each application in the loan

    • OtherLiabilities
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/otherLiabilities

    • OtherIncome
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/otherIncomeSources

    • OtherAssets
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/otherAssets

    • AdditionalLoans
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/additionalLoans

    • GiftsAndGrants
      Endpoint URL: /v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/giftsGrants

Fixed Issues

Resolved Issue with Persona Access to Loans Business Rules with Custom Edit Access
An issue existed with Persona Access to Loans business rules that have Custom Edit access to the Lock Request and Profit Management tools. When such business rules were applied to a loan, users with that persona were not allowed to perform create/update operations with the Lock Request or Profit Management tools even though they had Edit Access to these sections.
This issue has been resolved.

Resolved Issue that Prevented Super Administrators from Accessing Hidden Fields
An issue existed with field access rules that grant access only to users with the Administrator persona. With this issue, access was restricted to all other personas as expected, however, super administrators were also restricted when using the GetLoan call.
This issue has been resolved and now users with a super administrator persona can access fields where an Administrator persona is required.

This API is similar to the loan update-related functions of the Assign Loans API but does not assign new loans to the correspondent trade. The Extend Loans for Correspondent Trade API processes loans that are assigned to the trade. The loans must have an Assigned status. Loans that have not been assigned cannot be extended using the API.

Endpoint URL: /secondary/v1/trades/correspondent/TradeId/loans/extend