Settings: Roles

The Role API provides the ability to retrieve all the roles defined on the Encompass instance. The response includes details about the role, such as Role Id, Name, Abbreviation, assigned Personas and UserGroups, and whether the role has protected access to documents.

Roles are created and managed in Encompass > Settings > Company/User Setup > Roles.


About Roles in Encompass

Roles carry out loan tasks in the workflow. A role (such as Loan Officer) can be associated with each milestone in the workflow. For example, when tasks are completed at the Processing milestone, the loan is handed off (assigned) to the loan team member who will fulfill the Underwriter role.

A role can consist of multiple personas and user groups. For example, the Loan Officer role can include a junior loan officer and senior loan officer persona. If a user group is assigned to a role, all members of that group have access to a loan when it is assigned to the role.