
Loan Resource Events

Loan resource events supported by the Webhook API include the following:


Webhook Support for Loan Resource Events

The Support column in the table below indicates if the webhook event is triggered when a loan is updated via API (including Web version of Encompass), Desktop version of Encompass (aka Smart Client) or both.

However, if the Support column indicates "API" only, depending on your setup of Encompass, Smart Client updates may also trigger loan resource webhook events if one of the following conditions are true:

  • If your Encompass instance is enabled for Task Based Workflow and includes loan related rules.
  • If your Encompass instance is enabled for DDA (formerly AIQ).
createWhen a new loan is started through Encompass.API
updateWhen an update is made to a loan file.Smart Client, API
submitWhen a loan is submitted through Consumer Connect.

Note: This event is triggered only when the Submit button is clicked on the Consumer Connect site.
Encompass Consumer Connect
moveWhen a loan is moved from one folder to another in Encompass. Move event can also indicate a “soft delete” if the loan is moved to trash folder.Smart Client, API
documentThe following subevents for the Loan Document resource are supported:

-createDocuments - When a loan document is created.
updateDocuments - When a loan document is updated.
-assignAttachmentsToDocument - When an attachment is assigned to a loan document.
attachmentSupports the subevent:

-attachmentCreated - When an attachment is created.
conditionWhen loan Enhanced Conditions are created.

- create
- update
- assign
- assignDocument
- remove
- comment
- status change
reportingdbupdateInternal Use OnlyN/A
milestoneThe following subevents for the Loan Milestone resource are supported:

updateMilestones - When a milestone is updated.
finishMilestones - When a milestone is completed.
milestoneupdateInternal Use OnlyN/A
changeWhen specified attributes in a loan file are updated.Smart Client, API
fieldchangeWhen a change occurs on a specified field.

When subscribing to the fieldchange webhook event, the subscriber can specify any field in the loan file to listen to using the filters.atributes. The subject field does not need to be added to the Audit Trail Database. When the webhook fires, the notification payload will include the subject field plus any other field in the loan file that has been updated as a result of the subject field change.
enhancedfieldchangeWhen a change occurs on a loan.

- Payload includes the previous value of the field, prior to the Field Change Event. Payload includes the new value of the field, after the Field Change Event.

- Field does not have to be added to Audit Trail Database. If subscribed to this event, webhooks will occur on all loan field change events.

Before subscribing to enhancedfieldchange event, see the Features and Usage Notes in the EFC Webhook User and Setup Guide for important information.
deleteWhen a loan is permanently deleted from Encompass.Smart Client, API
lockWhen a loan is exclusively locked.

Before subscribing to Lock events, see Subscribing to Loan Lock and Unlock Eventsfor important information.
Smart Client, API
unlockWhen a loan is exclusively unlocked.

Before subscribing to Lock events, see Subscribing to Loan Lock and Unlock Events for important information.
Smart Client, API
alertchangeNotifies lenders when Encompass Loan Alert is open (active), or cleared. Only Compliance Alert Types are available for Webhooks. The Alert must be enabled in Encompass Settings.

Before subscribing to alertChanges event, see Encompass Loan Alert Webhooks: How to Enable the Feature for important information.
Smart Client, API

Limited Availability

Notification Message

When a subscription is registered, the client application issues a POST notification to the callback URL (endpoint) you defined in the webhook. The notification is sent as JSON in the POST request body.

  "eventId": "243e4b32-5032-4376-bd6a-a8207c068387",
  "eventTime": "2016-12-01T21:38:39.2696988Z",
  "eventType": "Create",
  "meta": {
    "userId": "jsmith",
    "resourceId": "10d191c3-c97b-48a8-82d9-88c337ae9fd8",
    "resourceType": "Loan",
    "resourceRef": "/encompass/v1/loans/10d191c3-c97b-48a8-82d9-88c337ae9fd8"
  "eventId": "793b8252-b698-4bb4-b49c-d9639e677b1c",
  "eventTime": "2023-08-22T16:26:53.344Z",
  "eventType": "enhancedfieldchange",
  "meta": {
    "userId": "admin",
    "resourceType": "Loan",
    "resourceId": "0ee8ca6a-6460-4bd5-a64d-7bfb0727779e",
    "instanceId": "be11176281",
    "resourceRef": "/encompass/v3/loans/0ee8ca6a-6460-4bd5-a64d-7bfb0727779e/enhancedFieldChange",
    "payload": {
      "event": {
        "fieldChangeEvents": [
            "modifiedField": "LOANFILESEQUENCENUMBER",
            "parentFieldId": "LOANFILESEQUENCENUMBER",
            "encompass": {
              "previousValue": "3",
              "newValue": "4"
            "v3LoanModel": {
              "previousValue": "3",
              "newValue": "4"
            "modifiedField": "36#2",
            "parentFieldId": "36",
            "encompass": {
              "previousValue": "",
              "newValue": "Borrower_First_Name Edith MiddleCE_2015_paidtoBlank"
            "v3LoanModel": {
              "newValue": "Borrower_First_Name Edith MiddleCE_2015_paidtoBlank"
            "modifiedField": "37#2",
            "parentFieldId": "37",
            "encompass": {
              "previousValue": "",
              "newValue": "Sample"
            "v3LoanModel": {
              "newValue": "Sample"
            "modifiedField": "1868#2",
            "parentFieldId": "1868",
            "encompass": {
              "previousValue": "",
              "newValue": "Borrower_First_Name Edith MiddleCE_2015_paidtoBlank Sample"
            "v3LoanModel": {
              "newValue": "Borrower_First_Name Edith MiddleCE_2015_paidtoBlank Sample"
            "modifiedField": "65#2",
            "parentFieldId": "65",
            "encompass": {
              "previousValue": "",
              "newValue": "123-45-6789"
            "v3LoanModel": {
              "newValue": "123-45-6789"
            "modifiedField": "39#2",
            "parentFieldId": "39",
            "encompass": {
              "previousValue": "",
              "newValue": "16"
            "v3LoanModel": {
              "newValue": "16"
            "modifiedField": "52#2",
            "parentFieldId": "52",
            "encompass": {
              "previousValue": "",
              "newValue": "Married"
            "v3LoanModel": {
              "newValue": "Married"
 "eventId" : "bb6ce850-0a92-4e63-a336-11169dc9a407",
 "eventTime" : "2021-11-18T23:13:24.772Z",
 "eventType" : "lock",
 "meta" : {
    "userId" : "admin",
    "resourceType" : "Loan",
    "resourceId" : "dea2aeeb-eb29-4ea2-b802-4487536d0133",
    "instanceId" : "be11172646",
    "resourceRef" : "/encompass/v3/Loans/dea2aeeb-eb29-4ea2-b802-4487536d0133/resourceLocks"
 "eventId" : "bb6ce850-0a92-4e63-a336-11169dc9a407",
 "eventTime" : "2021-11-18T23:13:24.772Z",
 "eventType" : "unlock",
 "meta" : {
    "userId" : "admin",
    "resourceType" : "Loan",
    "resourceId" : "dea2aeeb-eb29-4ea2-b802-4487536d0133",
    "instanceId" : "be11172646",
    "resourceRef" : "/encompass/v3/Loans/dea2aeeb-eb29-4ea2-b802-4487536d0133/resourceLocks"

Subscribing to Loan Lock and Unlock Events

Encompass Developer Connect supports webhook subscriptions for exclusive lock and unlock events against the Loan resource. Subscribing to exclusive lock and unlock events, enables integrated lenders and partners to receive notifications when loans are exclusively locked and unlocked in the platform and respond accordingly.



As with all webhook events, webhook notifications are not guaranteed to be in real-time. There will be a delay for a webhook notification to be sent after a triggering loan lock/unlock event occurs. Due to this, there is the potential for an intervening lock event between the emission of the notification and your application's attempt to gain a new lock on the file. Implementation of the loan lock/unlock events subscription will not eliminate the need to handle retries, but it can assist in limiting the amount of polling that your applications have to do in order to access loan files after a user releases a lock.

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