Use these APIs to manage the mapping between ICE PPE (formerly EPPS) users and Encompass users.
User Management Contracts and Attributes
The User Mapping attributes are used for managing the mapping between ICE PPE users and Encompass users.
Map External User Input Attributes
eppsUserName string | ICE PPE user name required only when "action=add" in the Map ICE PPE User API. |
eppsUserPassword string | ICE PPE user password required only when "action=add" in the Map ICE PPE User API. |
Mapped User Output Attributes
firstName string | ICE PPE user's first name. |
lastName string | ICE PPE user's last name. |
login string | ICE PPE user's UserId in ICE PPE. |
email string | ICE PPE user's email address. |
phone string | ICE PPE user's phone number. |
encLoginName string | Encompass user's user ID. |
encLoanFolder string | Encompass user's loan folder. |
Rates Contracts and Attributes
The Rates APIs retrieve loan programs based on a given criteria, return eligible rates for a specified program, and select rates. Use them to determine whether a given program for a loan is eligible for Trade and then fetch Loan-level Price Adjustments (LLPA) and Service Release Premium (SRP) details.
Loan Qualifier Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the Loan Qualifier contract. When passing the Loan Qualifier contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
ratesInput object | Information to be used to retrieve rate information from ICE PPE. |
ratesInput.requestAction integer | This is optional but required for relock requests. Possible values are: 1 = QuoteRequest 2 = ValidateRelock 3 = CheckEligibilityAndPricing 4 = BuyRequest ['1', '2', '3', '4'] The default value is QuoteRequest when nothing is supplied. This will represent the current pricing. |
ratesInput.requestLockStatus integer | This is optional but required for relock requests. Possible values are: 0 = NoStatus 1 = NotLocked 2 = ActiveLock 3 = Expired 4 = Cancelled ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'] |
ratesInput.requestLockType integer | This is optional but required for relock requests. Possible values are: 1 = InitialLock 2 = LockUpdate 3 = ReLock |
ratesInput.sourceApplicationName string | The source application name. |
ratesInput.sourceApplicationFormName string | The source application form name. |
ratesInput.eppsUserName string | The ICE PPE user name/id is required to validate whether the user is mapped to an Encompass user. |
ratesInput.facadeUserID string | User ID that should be considered as the caller of the API. If the user ID of the currently logged user is not passed, then facadeUserID will be used. |
ratesInput.userTierId integer | Represents the userID used for pricing. This is also known as the compUserID. |
ratesInput.lockDays array of integers | Number of days for which to lock the rate. For example, [30,60] |
ratesInput.loanType string | Type of loan. Possibles values are: Heloc NonHeloc |
ratesInput.deliveryType integer | Specifies the rate lock delivery type. Possible values are: 1 = IndividualMandatory 2 = IndividualBestEfforts 3 = Bulk 4 = AOT 5 = LiveTrade 6 = Forward |
ratesInput.buydownContributor integer | Specifies the BuydownContributor. It is a required field if BuydownType has a non-zero value. Possible values are: 0 = None, 1 = Lender, 2 = Seller, 3 = Builder, 4 = Borrower, 5 = Unassigned, 6 = Parent, 7 = Non_ParentRelative, 8 = UnrelatedFriend, 9 = Employer ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] |
ratesInput.buydownType integer | Specifies the BuydownType. Possible values are: 0 = None, 1 = Three_Two_One, 2 = Two_One, 3 = One_Zero, 4 = OnePointFive_PointSeventyFive, 5 = One_PointFive ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] |
ratesInput.relockRequest RatesRelockInput | General input for API. |
ratesInput.loanInformation RatesLoanInformationInput | RatesLoanInformationInput. |
ratesInput.compensation RatesCompensationInput | Loan officer compensation details. |
ratesInput.agencyApprovals integer | The previously obtained FNMA / FHLMC approval level. |
ratesInput.productType Array[integer] | Required. Specifies one or more desired Loan Product Types. You may provide multiple instances of this field in your form submission. Not all product types are available for every scenario. |
ratesInput.productOptions Array[integer] | Specifies one or more desired product options. You may provide multiple instances of this field in your form submission. Not all options are available for every scenario. Tip: Use the Get Product Options API to get a list of products available for the user. |
ratesInput.specialProducts Array[integer] | Specifies zero or more desired Special Loan Products. Special Product selections are independent of IncConventional, IncFHA and IncVA selections. Tip: Use the Get Special Products API to get a list of special products available for the user. |
ratesInput.standardProducts Array[integer] | Include various supported Products. Tip: Use the Get Standard Products API to get a list of standard products available for the user. |
ratesInput.documentationLevel integer | Required. This value represents the documentation level or documentation type. Possible values are: 1 = FullDoc 2 = SIVA 3 = SISA 4 = NIVA 6 = NINA 7 = NoDoc 9 = LimitedDoc 10 = LiteDoc ['1', '2', '3', '4', '6', '7', '9', '10'] |
ratesInput.borrowers Array[RatesBorrowerInput] | Borrower personal information. |
ratesInput.borrowerFinancialHistory RatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput | Financial information. | RatesPropertyREOInput | Subject Property and Other Real Estate Owned details. |
ratesInput.lockRequestAdditionalFields Array[RatesLockRequestAdditional FieldsInput] | Lock Request AdditionalFields. |
ratesInput.customId string | Based on the action it should be CustomId or LoanId. |
ratesInput.lockUpdateRequest object | |
ratesLockUpdateInput.currentLockProgram integer | Current program ID that is locked. |
ratesLockUpdateInput.lockRequests Array[lockRequest] | RatesLockUpdateLockInput is an array of effective dates. |
ratesLockUpdateLockInput.effectiveDate date | The effectiveDate of the Lock Update. The first effectiveDate would be initial lock date. Each subsequent should be the effectiveDate of the Lock Update. Example: "2024-11-18T18:36:24.192Z" |
ratesRelockInput object | Rate lock information. |
ratesRelockInput.effectiveDate string | The date from the previous snapshot. This field is optional but required for relock requests (RequestAction=“EllieMaeQuoteRequest”). EffectiveDate should be less than Data Retention Days configured in database(current configuration is 1 year). |
ratesRelockInput.specificProgramID integer | The previously locked program id. Optional but required for relock requests. |
ratesRelockInput. specificRateDataID integer | The previously locked RateDataId. Optional but required for relock requests. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.loanId integer | This would be calling application loan id. This is a required field when RequestAction is ValidateRelockRequest. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.lienPosition integer | Required. The Borrower's lien position. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. loanPurpose integer | Required. This value represents the purpose for the loan. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. firstMortgageAmount integer | Required. The First Lien mortgage amount, in Whole Dollars. For First Mortgage transactions, this is the loan amount for the imported loan. For Second Mortgages, this is the balance on any existing First Lien. For combination 1st/2nd Combo transactions, this is the First Lien portion of the total loan amount. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. secondMortgageAmount number | The Second Lien mortgage amount, in Whole Dollars. For First Mortgage transactions, this is the balance on any existing Second Lien. For Second Mortgage transactions, this is the loan amount for the imported loan. For 1st/2nd Combos, this is the Second Lien portion of the total loan amount , |
ratesLoanInformationInput. totalMortgageAmount number | This amount is addition of FirstMortgageAmount and SecondMortgageAmount. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. financedAmount number | Financed or PMI amount in whole dollars. The field value is valid only in case of lien position as 1st mortgage. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. otherPayment number | The monthly mortgage payment in Whole Dollars for any pre-existing mtgBalance or other loans that will exist concurrently with the imported loan |
RatesLoanInformationInput. cashOut number | The desired cash out for a Cash-Out Refinance transaction in Whole Dollars. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. target number | Required. Represents the desired price target using 100-based pricing (e.g. “100” for par, “101” for 1 point premium, etc.), Or the rate target (e.g. “6.125” for 6.125%). If this value is not supplied, target pricing of 100 is assumed |
ratesLoanInformationInput. includeClosingCost boolean | Indicates whether Closing Cost is included in down payment |
ratesLoanInformationInput. noClosingCost string | Optional. Indicates whether there is a closing cost. Possible values are: Null 0 = Closing cost 1 = No closing cost |
ratesLoanInformationInput. lenderFeeWaiver boolean | This field can be Null, Y, or N. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. communityAffordableSecond boolean | This field can be Null, Y, or N. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. loanChannel integer | The Channel of the Loan. Possible values are: 0 = Retail 1 = Wholesale 2 = Correspondent 3 = Brokered 4 = None ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'] |
ratesLoanInformationInput.noLoan boolean | Indicates whether it is new property. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. giftForDownPayment number | Gift assets being applied towards the down payment, in whole dollars. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. sellerConsessionForDownPayment number | Seller Consession applied towards Down Payment. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. helocInitialDraw number | Initial draw amount for Heloc loan. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. helocCreditLimit number | Credit limit for Heloc loan. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. totSubClosedEndMort number | Total of subordinate closed end mortgages for Heloc loan. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. helocDrawnTotal number | Total drawn amount for Heloc loan. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. loanAmountMaxLine number | Loan amount max line. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. fhaCaseNumberDate string | FHA Case Number Date. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. prepaymentPenaltyTerm integer | Prepayment Penalty Term. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. condotel boolean | Condotel. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. selfEmployedBorrower boolean | SelfEmployedBorrower. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. selfEmployedCoBorrower boolean | SelfEmployedCoBorrower. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. non_warrantable_Condo boolean | Non_warrantable_Condo. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. usdaGuarantee number | USDA Guarantee. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. otherHELOCDraws number | Other HELOC Draws. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. otherHELOCLines number | Other HELOC Lines. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. print2003Application string | Indicates if it is URLA 2020 form or not. |
ratesLoanInformationInput. commitmentType integer | Specifies the rate lock commitment type. Expected values are: 1 = Mandatory 2 = Best Efforts |
ratesLoanInformationInput. estimatedClosingCost number | Estimated Closing Cost on the loan. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.hedged boolean | Indicate true if hedged. Default is false. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.averageRepresentativeCreditScore integer | The average credit score across borrowers. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.mtgIns number | The proposed mortgage insurance amount. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.dtiIncomeOverride number | For Debt to Income, the income override value, if any. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.dtiDebtOverride number | For Debt to Income, the debt override value, if any. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.constructionRefinance boolean | Indicate true if construction refinance. Default is false. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.term number | Term in years. Defaults to 30 years. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.feeAmount decimal | Upfront Government Fees |
ratesLoanInformationInput.feeAmountFinanced decimal | Upfront Government Fees Financed. (Included in the Total Loan Amount) |
ratesLoanInformationInput.feeAmountPaidinCash decimal | Upfront Government Fees Paid in Cash. |
ratesLoanInformationInput.lockDate string | Lock Date Example: "2025-03-12T17:30:52.652Z" |
ratesPropertyREOInput.gseRefinancePurposeType string | The GSE refinance purpose type. Possible values are: - CashOutDebtConsolidation - CashOutHomeImprovement - CashOutLimited - CashOutOther - CashOutOriginalLender - ChangeInRateTerm - NoCashOutOther - NoCashOutFHAStreamlinedRefinance - NoCashOutFREOwnedRefinance - NoCashOutStreamlinedRefinance - NoCashOutOriginalLender |
ratesCompensationInput object | Loan officer compensation information. |
ratesCompensationInput. model integer | Required. Loan officer compensation model. Possible values are: 1 = Borrower 2 = Creditor |
ratesCompensationInput. points number | Loan officer compensation points. |
ratesCompensationInput. pointsTotalBased string | Loan officer compensation points. |
ratesCompensationInput. amount number | Loan officer compensation dollar amount. |
ratesCompensationInput. minimum number | Loan officer compensation minimum amount. |
ratesCompensationInput. maximum number | Loan officer compensation maximum amount. |
ratesBorrowerInput object | Borrower information. |
ratesBorrowerInput.firstName string | Borrower first name. |
ratesBorrowerInput.lastName string | Borrower last name. | string | Contact phone number. |
ratesBorrowerInput.streetAddress string | Contact address. | string | Contact city. |
ratesBorrowerInput.state string | Contact state as standard two character State code. | string | Contact ZIP code. | string | Contact email address. |
ratesBorrowerInput. borrowerFinanancial string | The ratesBorrowerFinancialInput object and other financial details from the borrower. |
ratesBorrowerInput.citizenship integer | Borrower Citizenship status. Possible values are: 1 = USCitizen 2 = PermanentResidentAlien 3 = NonPermanentResidentAlien ['1', '2', '3'] |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput object | Borrower's financial history. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 30DaysMortgageLatestin12Months integer | Number of mortgage payments made 30 days late over the last 12 months. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 60DaysMortgageLatestin12Months integer | Number of mortgage payments made 60 days late over the last 12 months. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 90DaysMortgageLatestin12Months integer | Number of mortgage payments made 90 days late over the last 12 months. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 30DaysMortgageLatestin24Months integer | Number of mortgage payments made 30 days late over the last 24 months. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 60DaysMortgageLatestin24Months integer | Number of mortgage payments made 60 days late over the last 24 months. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 90DaysMortgageLatestin24Months integer | Number of mortgage payments made 90 days late over the last 12 months. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 120DaysMortgageLatestin12Months integer | Number of mortgage payments made 120 days late over the last 12 months. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. noticeOfDefaultForeClosure integer | Number of months since the Notice of Default or Foreclosure. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. bankruptcyInMonths integer | Number of months since Bankruptcy disposed/closed. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. demonstrateHousingPaymentHistory boolean | This field indicates whether the borrower(s) can demonstrate a 12-month housing payment history. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. firstTimeHomeBuyers boolean | This field indicates the First Time Home Buyer status. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. noCreditScores boolean | This field indicates No credit scores selection. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. dscr number | This field indicates DSCR. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. nonQMDocLevel integer | This field indicates Non-QM Doc Level. Possible values are: 1 = 24 months with two or tax returns 2 = 12 months with two or tax returns 3 = 24 months personal bank statement 4 = 12 months personal bank statement 5 = 24 months business bank statements 6 = 12 months business bank statements ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'] |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. bkType integer | This field indicates BK Type. Possible values are: 1 = Chapter Seven 2 = Chapter Eleven 3 = Chapter Thirteen ['1', '2', '3'] |
ratesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. nodType integer | This field indicates NOD Type. Possible values are: 1 = Foreclosure Default 2 = Short Sale 3 = Deed in Lieu ['1', '2', '3'] |
ratesPropertyREOInput object | Rates property REO information. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.value number | Subject Property value. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.type integer | Required. Subject Property type. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.use integer | Required. Subject Property use. | string | Required. Subject property ZIP code. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.streetAddress string | Subject property street address. | string | Subject property city. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.county string | Subject property county code (use Government/HUD County Code. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.state string | Required. Subject property State as standard two character state code. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.rural boolean | Indicates Subject Property as Rural or Architecturally Unique/Distinct. Possible values are: 0 = (default) Property is not rural/unique 1 = Property is rural/unique | number | Required. Subject property real estate taxes, in whole dollars , |
ratesPropertyREOInput.insuranceAmount number | Required. Subject property homeowner’s insurance, in whole dollars. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.associationFee number | Required. Subject property association fees, in whole dollars. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.rentalIncome number | Required. Subject property rental income, in whole dollars. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.occupancyRate number | Property occupancy rate. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.propValueUsed integer | PropValueUsed. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.otherRealEstate Owned array | ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput and Other Real Estate Owned by Borrower information. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.gseRefinance PurposeType string | Get or set Gse Refinance Purpose Type. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.stateCode integer | State Code. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.countyCode integer | County Code. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.censusTract number | Census Tract. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.msa integer | MSA. |
ratesPropertyREOInput.unitTypeId integer | UnitType. Possible values are: 1 = Apartment 2 = Basement 3 = Building 4 = Condo 5 = Department 6 = Floor 7 = Front 8 = Hangar 9 = Key 10 = Lobby 11 = Lot 12 = Lower 13 = Office 14 = Penthouse 15 = Pier 16 = Rear 17 = Room 18 = Side 19 = Space 20 = Stop 21 = Suite 22 = Trailer 23 = Unit 24 = Upper ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24'] |
ratesPropertyREOInput.unitNumber string | Unit number. |
ratesLockRequestAdditionalFieldsInput object | Rates lock request additional fields. |
ratesLockRequestAdditionalFieldsInput. fieldId string | Required only when lockrequest additional fields are sent for qualification. |
ratesLockRequestAdditionalFieldsInput. dataType string | Required. The data type of custom field. |
ratesLockRequestAdditionalFieldsInput. value string | This value of custom field in string format. |
ratesLockRequestAdditionalFieldsInput. description string | The description of custom fields. |
ratesLockRequestAdditionalFieldsInput. options array | ratesOptionsInput object containing borrower personal information. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialInput object | Borrower's financial information. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialInput.creditScore integer | Borrower’s representative Credit/FICO score to be used for eligibility and pricing. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialInput.liquidAsset number | Borrower’s liquid assets, in whole dollars. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialInput.retirement Asset number | Borrower’s retirement assets, in whole dollars. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialInput.income number | Borrower’s annual income, in whole dollars. |
ratesBorrowerFinancialInput.monthly Debt number | Borrower’s monthly debt, in whole dollars. |
ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput object | Real estate owned information. |
ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. use integer | Property use. Possible values are: 1 = PrimaryResidence, 2 = SecondaryResidence, 3 = InvestmentOrRentalproperty, 4 = PrimaryPendingSale ['1', '2', '3', '4'] |
ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. value number | The market value of the property. |
ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. mtgBalance number | Other property total existing mtgBalance, in whole dollars. |
ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. monthlyPayment number | Other property total monthly mortgage payments, in whole dollars. |
ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. rentalIncome number | Rental Income, in whole dollars. |
ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. occupancyRate number | Occupancy rate. |
ratesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. isPropertyCommercial boolean | Indicates whether the property is commercial. |
ratesOptionsInput object | Rates options. |
ratesOptionsInput.key string | Option field name. |
ratesOptionsInput.value string | Option field value. |
Lock Attributes
The following attributes make up the lockInput object. When passing the lockInput object, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
sourceApplicationName string | Required. Name of the source application. |
sourceApplicationFormName string | Required. Name of the source application form. |
requestAction integer | This attribute is required for relock requests only. For all other requests, this parameter is optional. Possible values are: 1 = QuoteRequest 2 = ValidateRelock, 3 = CheckEligibilityAndPricing 4 = BuyRequest ['1', '2', '3', '4'] The default value is QuoteRequest, which represents the current pricing. |
requestLockStatus integer | This is Optional Parameter but required for relock requests. Possible values are: 0 = NoStatus 1 = NotLocked 2 = ActiveLock 3 = Expired 4 = Cancelled ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'] |
eppsUserName string | The ICE PPE User ID is required to validate whether the Encompass user is mapped to an ICE PPE user. |
facadeUserID string | User ID that should be considered as the caller of the API. If the user ID of the currently logged user is not passed, then facadeUserID will be used. |
programID integer | Required. The unique identifier of the program. |
rateDataID integer | Required. The unique identifier of the Rate. |
lienPosition integer | Required. The borrower's lien position. |
effectiveDate string | Required. The date from the previous snapshot. This field is optional. effectiveDate should be less than Data Retention Days configured in database (current configuration is 1 year). |
Eligible Rates Attributes
The following attributes make up the eligibleRates contract. When passing the eligibleRates contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
eligibleRatesInput object | Rates input information. |
eligibleRatesInput.requestAction integer | Required only for relock requests. The default value is QuoteRequest when nothing is supplied. This will represent the current pricing. |
eligibleRatesInput.eppsUserName string | The ICE PPE user ID is required to validate if the Encompass User is mapped to an ICE PPE User. |
eligibleRatesInput.facadeUserID integer | User ID that should be considered as the caller of the API. If the user ID of the currently logged user is not passed, then facadeUserID will be used. |
eligibleRatesInput.userTierId integer | Represents the userID used for pricing. This is also known as the compUserID. |
eligibleRatesInput.lockDays integer | Number of days to lock the rate for. |
eligibleRatesInput.loanType string | Indicates whether the loan is a Heloc or NonHeloc loan. |
eligibleRatesInput.deliveryType integer | Specifies the rate lock delivery type. |
eligibleRatesInput.buydownContributor integer | Specifies the BuydownContributor. It is a required field if BuydownType has a non-zero value. Possible values are: 0 = None 1 = Lender 2 = Seller 3 = Builder 4 = Borrower 5 = Unassigned 6 = Parent 7 = Non_ParentRelative 8 = UnrelatedFriend 9 = Employer ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] |
eligibleRatesInput.buydownType integer | Specifies the BuydownType. Possible values are: 0 = None 1 = Three_Two_One 2 = Two_One 3 = One_Zero 4 = OnePointFive_PointSeventyFive 5 = One_PointFive ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] |
eligibleRatesInput.eligibilityRequest | Request for determining eligibility. |
eligibleRatesInput.loanInformation | EligibleRatesLoanInformationInput object. |
eligibleRatesInput.compensation | Compensation details. |
eligibleRatesInput.agencyApprovals integer | The previously obtained FNMA / FHLMC approval level. |
eligibleRatesInput.productType array[integer] | Specifies one or more desired Loan Product Types. You may provide multiple instances of this field in your form submission. Not all product types are available for every scenario. |
eligibleRatesInput.productOptions array[integer] | Specifies one or more desired Product Options. You may provide multiple instances of this field in your form submission. Not all options are available for every scenario. Tip: Use the Get Product Options API to get a list of products available for the user. |
eligibleRatesInput.specialProducts array[integer] | Specifies zero or more desired Special Loan Products. Special Product selections are independent of IncConventional, IncFHA and IncVA selections. Tip: Use the Get Special Products API to get a list of products available for the user. |
eligibleRatesInput.documentationLevel integer | This value represents the documentation level or documentation type. Possible values are: 1 = FullDoc 2 = SIVA 3 = SISA 4 = NIVA 6 = NINA 7 = NoDoc 9 = LimitedDoc 10 = LiteDoc ['1', '2', '3', '4', '6', '7', '9', '10'] |
eligibleRatesInput.borrowers Array[EligibleRatesBorrowerInput] | The eligibleRatesBorrowerInput object and other personal information from the borrower. |
eligibleRatesInput.borrowerFinancial History | Includes the EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput object and borrower's financial history. | EligibleRatesPropertyREOInput | Subject Property and Other Real Estate Owned details. |
eligibleRatesInput.lockRequest AdditionalFields Array[EligibleRatesLockRequest AdditionalFieldsInput] | Lock Request Additional Fields. |
eligibleRatesEligibilityInput object | Rates eligibility information. |
eligibleRatesEligibilityInput.effectiveDate string | The date from the previous snapshot. This field is optional. effectiveDate should be less than Data Retention Days configured in database (current configuration is 1 year). |
eligibleRatesEligibilityInput.specificRateDataID integer | The previously locked rateDataId. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput object | Rates loan eligibility information. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. loanId integer | The application loan ID. This is required field when requestAction is set to validateRelockRequest. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. lienPosition integer | The Borrower's Lien Position. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. loanPurpose integer | This value represents the purpose of the loan. Possible values are: 1 = Purchase, 2 = RateOrTermRefinance, 3 = CashOutRefinance |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. firstMortgageAmount number | The 1st Lien mortgage amount, in whole dollars. For 1st mortgage transactions, this is the loan amount for the imported loan. For 2nd mortgages, this is the balance on any existing First Lien. For combination 1st and 2nd combo transactions, this is the First Lien portion of the total loan amount. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. secondMortgageAmount number | The 2nd lien mortgage amount, in whole dollars. For 1st mortgage transactions, this is the balance on any existing Second Lien. For 2nd mortgage transactions, this is the loan amount for the imported loan. For 1st and 2nd combo transactions, this is the second lien portion of the total loan amount. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. totalMortgageAmount number | The sum of FirstMortgageAmount and SecondMortgageAmount. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. financedAmount number | Financed or PMI amount in whole dollars. The field value is valid only in case of lien position as 1st mortgage. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. otherPayment number | The monthly mortgage payment in whole dollars for any pre-existing mtgBalance or other loans that will exist concurrently with the imported loan. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. cashOut number | The desired cash out for a Cash-Out Refinance transaction in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. target number | Represents the desired price target using 100-based pricing (for example, “100” for par, “101” for 1 point premium, and so on), Or the rate target (for example, “6.125” for 6.125%). If this value is not supplied, target pricing of 100 is assumed. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. includeClosingCost boolean | Indicates whether the closing cost is included in the down payment. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. noClosingCost boolean | This field can be Null, Y, or N. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. loanChannel integer | The Channel of the Loan. Possible values are: 0 = Retail 1 = Wholesale 2 = Correspondent 3 = Brokered 4 = None ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'] |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. noLoan boolean | Indicates whether the subject property is new. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. giftForDownPayment number | Gift assets being applied towards the down payment in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. sellerConsessionForDownPayment number | Seller concession applied towards down payment. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. helocInitialDraw number | Initial draw amount for Heloc loan. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. helocCreditLimit number | Credit limit for Heloc loan. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. totSubClosedEndMort number | Total of subordinate closed end mortgages for Heloc loan. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. helocDrawnTotal number | Total drawn amount for Heloc loan. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. loanAmountMaxLine number | Loan amount max line. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. prepaymentPenaltyTerm integer | Prepayment Penalty Term. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. lenderFeeWaiver boolean | This field can be Null, Y, or N. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. communityAffordableSecond boolean | This field can be Null, Y, or N. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. fhaCaseNumberDate string | FHA Case Number Date. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. condotel boolean | Condotel. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. selfEmployedBorrower boolean | Indicates whether the borrower is self-employed. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. selfEmployedCoBorrower boolean | Indicates whether the coborrower is self-employed. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. non_warrantable_Condo boolean | Non_warrantable_Condo. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. commitmentType integer | Specifies the rate lock commitment type. Expected Values 1 = Mandatory 2 = Best Efforts |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. averageRepresentativeCreditScore integer | The average credit score across borrowers. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput.mtgIns number | The proposed mortgage insurance amount. |
eligbileRatesLoanInformationInput. dtiIncomeOverride number | For Debt to Income (DTI), the income override value, if any. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. dtiDebtOverride number | For Debt to Income (DTI), the debt override value, if any. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput. constructionRefinance boolean | True indicates if construction refinance. Default is false. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput.term number | Term in years. Defaults to 30 years. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput.feeAmount decimal | Upfront Government Fees |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput.feeAmountFinanced decimal | Upfront Government Fees Financed. (Included in the Total Loan Amount) |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput.feeAmountPaidinCash decimal | Upfront Government Fees Paid in Cash. |
eligibleRatesLoanInformationInput.lockDate string | Lock Date Example: "2025-03-12T17:30:52.652Z" |
eligibleRatesCompensationInput object | Information for rates compensation. |
eligibleRatesCompensationInput. model integer | Loan officer compensation model. Possible values are: 1 = Borrower 2 = Creditor |
eligibleRatesCompensationInput. points integer | Loan officer compensation points. |
eligibleRatesCompensationInput. pointsTotalBased string | Loan officer compensation points |
eligibleRatesCompensationInput. amount number | Loan officer compensation dollar amount. |
eligibleRatesCompensationInput. minimum number | Loan officer compensation minimum amount. |
eligibleRatesCompensationInput. maximum number | Loan officer compensation maximum amount. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerInput object | |
eligibleRatesBorrowerInput.firstName string | Borrower first name. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerInput.lastName string | Borrower last name. | string | Borrower phone number. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerInput.streetAddress string | Borrower address. | string | Borrower city. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerInput.state string | Borrower state as standard two character state code. | string | Borrower ZIP code. | string | Borrower email address. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerInput. borrowerFinanancial | Includes the ligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialInput object and borrower financial details. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerInput.citizenship integer | Borrower Citizenship status. Possible values are: 1 = USCitizen 2 = PermanentResidentAlien 3 = NonPermanentResidentAlien ['1', '2', '3'] |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput object | |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 30DaysMortgageLatestin12Months integer | Number of 30-day mortgage latest in the last 12 months. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 60DaysMortgageLatestin12Months integer | Number of 60-day mortgage latest in the last 12 months. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 90DaysMortgageLatestin12Months integer | Number of 90-day mortgage latest in the last 12 months. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 30DaysMortgageLatestin24Months integer | Number of 30-day mortgage latest in the last 24 months. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 60DaysMortgageLatestin24Months integer | Number of 60-day mortgage latest in the last 24 months. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 90DaysMortgageLatestin24Months integer | Number of 90-day mortgage latest in the last 24 months. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. 120DaysMortgageLatestin12Months integer | Number of 120-day mortgage latest in the last 12 months. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. noticeOfDefaultForeClosure integer | Number of months since Notice of Default or Foreclosure. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. bankruptcyInMonths integer | Number of months since Bankruptcy disposed/closed. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. demonstrateHousingPaymentHistory boolean | This field indicates whether the borrower(s) can demonstrate a 12-month housing payment history. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. firstTimeHomeBuyers boolean | This field indicates First Time Home Buyer status. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. nonQMDocLevel integer | This field indicates Non-QM Doc Level. Possible values are: 1 = 24 months with two or tax returns 2 = 12 months with two or tax returns 3 = 24 months personal bank statement 4 = 12 months personal bank statement 5 = 24 months business bank statements 6 = 12 months business bank statements ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'] |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. nodType integer | Specifies NODType. Possible values are: 1 = Foreclosure_Default, 2 = Short_Sale, 3 = Deed_in_Lieu ['1', '2', '3'] |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. bkType integer | Specifies BKType. 1 = Chapter_Seven, 2 = Chapter_Eleven, 3 = Chapter_Thirteen ['1', '2', '3'] |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. dscr number | Specifies DSCR. |
EligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialHistoryInput. noCreditScores boolean | Specifies NoCreditScores. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput object | |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput.value number | Subject Property value. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput.type integer | Subject Property type. Possible values are: 1 = Family1 2 = Family2 3 = Family3 4 = Family4 5 = Condo1To4Story 6 = Condo5To8Story 7 = Condo9PlusStory 8 = Townhouse 9 = CoOp 10 = DoublewideMobile 11 = Manufactured 12 = CondoDetached 13 = PUD 14 = MHAdvantage ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14'], |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput.use integer | Subject property use. | string | Subject property ZIP code. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput. streetAddress string | Subject property street address. | string | Subject property city. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput.county string | Subject property county code (use Government/HUD County Code). |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput.state string | Subject property state as standard two character state code. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput.rural boolean | Indicates Subject Property as Rural or Architecturally Unique/Distinct. Possible values are: 0 = (default) Property is not rural/unique. 1 = Property is rural/unique. | number | Subject Property Real Estate Taxes, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput. insuranceAmount number | Subject Property Homeowner’s Insurance, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput. associationFee number | Subject Property Association Fees, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput. rentalIncome number | Required. Subject Property Rental Income, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput. occupancyRate number | Property Occupancy Rate. |
eligibleRatesPropertyREOInput. otherRealEstateOwned Array[EligibleRatesOtherRealEstate OwnedInput] | Other Real Estate Owned by Borrower. |
eligibleRatesLockRequestAdditionalFieldsInput object | |
eligibleRatesLockRequestAdditional FieldsInput.fieldId string | This is Required field when lockrequest additional fields are sent for qualification. Min. Length: 1 |
eligibleRatesLockRequestAdditional FieldsInput.dataType string | The Data type of custom field Min. Length: 1 |
eligibleRatesLockRequestAdditional FieldsInput.value string | This value of custom field in string format. Min. Length: 1 |
eligibleRatesLockRequestAdditional FieldsInput.description string | The description of custom fields. |
eligibleRatesLockRequestAdditional FieldsInput.options Array[EligibleRatesOptionsInput] | Borrower personal information. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialInput object | |
eligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialInput.creditScore integer | Borrower’s representative Credit/FICO score to be used for eligibility and pricing. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialInput.liquidAsset number | Borrower’s liquid assets, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialInput.retirementAsset number | Borrower’s retirement assets, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialInput.income number | Borrower’s annual income, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesBorrowerFinancialInput.monthlyDebt number | Borrower’s monthly debt, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput object | |
eligibleRatesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. use integer | Property use. Possible values are: 1 = PrimaryResidence 2 = SecondaryResidence 3 = InvestmentOrRentalproperty 4 = PrimaryPendingSale ['1', '2', '3', '4'] |
eligibleRatesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. value number | The Market value of the property. |
eligibleRatesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. mtgBalance number | Other property total existing mtgBalance, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. monthlyPayment number | Other property total monthly mortgage payments, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. rentalIncome number | Rental Income, in whole dollars. |
eligibleRatesOtherRealEstateOwnedInput. occupancyRate number | Occupancy Rate. |
eligibleRatesOptionsInput object | |
eligibleRatesOptionsInput.key string | Option Field Name. |
eligibleRatesOptionsInput.value string | Option Field Value. |
Adjustment Rates Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the Adjustment Rates contract. When passing the Adjustment Rates contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
eppsUserName string | The ICE PPE user name/id is required to validate whether the user is mapped to an Encompass user. |
facadeUserID string | User ID that should be considered as the caller of the API. If the user ID of the currently logged user is not passed, then facadeUserID will be used. |
loanId integer | Required. The application loan ID. This is required field when requestAction is set to validateRelockRequest. Min. Value: 1 Max. Value: 2147483647 |
lienPosition integer | Required. The Borrower's Lien Position. |
effectiveDate string | The date from the previous snapshot. EffectiveDate should be less than Data Retention Days configured in database(current configuration is 1 year). |
specificRateDataID integer | Required. The previously locked RateDataId. Optional but required for relock requests. |
Guidelines Contracts and Attributes
This API returns program guidelines for a specified program ID.
Guidelines Response
The following guidelinesOutput response is returned for a given program ID.
GuidelinesOutput object | |
performanceIndicators object | Object containing the indicators of the API performance. |
performanceIndicators.entry | Start time of the API |
performanceIndicators.elapsedTime | Total time taken by the API |
performanceIndicators.qualification PerformanceIndicators | Qualification Performance Indicators |
allRegsUrl string | The AllRegs URL being used internally by ICE PPE. |
applicationIdentifier string | Application Identifier. Application-level configuration set up by ICE PPE. |
passKey string | The application-level configuration set up by ICE PPE for pass key. |
performanceIndicators object | |
performanceIndicators.entry string | Start time of the API. |
performanceIndicators.elapsedTime integer | Total time taken by the API. |
performanceIndicators.qualification PerformanceIndicators qualificationPerformanceIndicators | Qualification Performance Indicators. |
qualificationPerformanceIndicators object | |
qualificationPerformanceIndicators. total integer | Total time taken. |
qualificationPerformanceIndicators. preQualification integer | Time taken for PreQualification. |
qualificationPerformanceIndicators. ruleQualification integer | Time taken for RuleQualification. |
qualificationPerformanceIndicators. postQualification integer | Time taken for PostQualification. |
Guideline Details Response
The following guidelinesDetailsOutput response is returned for a given program ID and qualification ID.
lUsageFlag (boolean, optional),
pTypeFlag (boolean, optional),
minCreditFlag (boolean, optional),
maxLTVFlag (boolean, optional),
maxCLTVFlag (boolean, optional),
maxHCLTVFlag (boolean, optional),
maxLoanFlag (boolean, optional),
pUsageFlag (boolean, optional),
maxLineFlag (boolean, optional),
guidelineDetailID (integer, optional),
credit (integer, optional),
ltv (number, optional),
cltv (number, optional),
maxLoan (integer, optional),
maxLine (integer, optional),
maxCash (integer, optional),
hcltv (number, optional),
guidelineVersionID (integer, optional),
pUsagesString (string, optional),
pTypesString (string, optional),
lUsageString (string, optional),
ltvString (string, optional),
cltvString (string, optional),
hcltvString (string, optional),
maxLoanString (string, optional),
maxLineString (string, optional)
Lookups Response Contracts and Attributes
The following Lookups return data in the format of key-value pairs.
- Agency Approvals
- Bankruptcy
- Citizenship
- Counties
- Delivery Types
- Encompass Elements
- Foreclosure
- Investors
- Lien Position
- Loan Terms
- Loan Usage
- Prepay Penalty Terms
- Product Options
- Property Types
- Property Use
- Special Products
- Standard Products
Buydown Type Response
buydownTypeId integer | BuydownTypeId from the BuydownType table. |
descriptionText string | BuydownType. |
displayOrder integer | DisplayOrder from BuydownType table. |
Buydown Contributor Type Response
buydownContributorTypeId integer | BuydownContributor ID. |
descriptionText string | BuydownContributor. |
displayOrder integer | DisplayOrder from BuydownContributor table. |
Client Settings Response
options object | Options as configured on the EPPS Admin tab > Settings > Options. The Options section is used to manage features on the EPPS Qualify and Summary tabs. |
options.skipIncome boolean | Indicates whether income checking rules are not considered for qualified programs and rates on the Qualify tab. |
options.skipAssets boolean | Indicates whether asset checking rules are not considered for qualified programs and rates on the Qualify tab. |
options.allowLock boolean | Indicates whether the Lock Request button displays at the bottom of the Summary tab. Authorized users may click this button to submit a rate lock request to the lock desk via ICE PPE. |
options.roundCorr boolean | Indicates whether prices are rounded down by an eighth for loans in the Correspondent channel. |
options.roundBroker boolean | Indicates whether prices are rounded down by an eighth for loans in the Broker channel. |
options.noClosingCost boolean | Indicates whether a No Closing Cost option is displayed on the General tab and ICE PPE will return the appropriate profit margin or loan level price adjustment (LLPA). |
options.flagged boolean | Indicates whether the Flagged check box on the Qualify tab is selected and flagged programs are included in Qualification results. |
options.isMIQuotesEnabled boolean | Indicates whether MI quotes are enabled. |
encompassSettings object | Encompass Settings as configured in EPPS Admin tab > Settings >Encompass Settings. |
encompassSettings.changeEffective DateOnReLock boolean | Indicates whether changes to the Effective Date are allowed on re-lock and lock update. |
encompassSettings.changeProgram OnReLock boolean | Indicates whether loan program changes are allowed on re-Lock and lock update. |
encompassSettings.changeAdditional LoanProg boolean | Indicates whether selection of additional loan programs are allowed only when current loan program is no longer eligible on re-lock and lock update. |
productTypes | The product types included in product and pricing results (on the Qualify tab). |
Commitment Types Response
commitmentTypeID integer | Commitment type ID. |
description string | Description of the commitment type. For example, Best Efforts. |
Custom Fields Response
newFieldId integer | Unique identifier of the custom field. |
originalFieldId integer | Unique identifier of the original field. |
description string | Description of the custom field. |
type string | Data type. For example, DROPDOWNLIST. |
editable boolean | Indicates whether the custom field is editable. |
hidden boolean | Indicates whether the custom field is hidden. |
masterList array of strings | Master list of custom fields. |
Documentation Types Response
documentationId integer | Document ID. |
documentation string | Documentation Type. For example, Full, LimitedDocumentation, NoDocumenation, and so on. |
income number | Borrower income. |
incomeLevel string | Indicates the income level. For example, Full Income, Alternative Income, Lite Income, Stated Income, No Income, and so on. |
assets number | |
assetsLevel string | Indicates the asset level. |
employment number | |
employmentLevel string | Indicates the borrower's level of employment. For example, Employed or Retired, and so on. |
displayOrder | Order in which a documentation type is displayed in the drop-down. |
Loan Limits Response
limitText string | The description for the Limit Type field. |
limit1 integer | The amount for the 1 Unit field. |
limit2 integer | The amount for the 2 Unit field. |
limit3 integer | The amount for the 3 Unit field. |
limit4 integer | The amount for the 4 Unit field. |
effectiveDate string | The date for the Effective Date field. |
iOrder integer | The order specifier for limit type. Determines the listing order of limits. |
Locations Response
city string | Name of the city within the given zip code. |
countyID integer | County ID. |
county string | County name. |
stateID integer | Number of the state. For example, Alaska = 1, Alabama = 2, Arkansas = 3, and so on. |
state string | Name of the state for given zip code. |
abbrev string | State abbreviation. |
Lock Days Response
lockDays integer | Number of lock days. |
virtualLock integer | Number of virtual lock days. |
NOD Types Response
nodTypeID integer | Notice of Default (NOD) Type ID. |
description string | NOD Type description. For example, Short Sale ,Foreclosure/Default, Deed in Lieu, and so on. |
displayOrder integer | Order in which the NOD Type is displayed in the drop-down. |
Non QM Doc Level Response
nonQMDocLevelTypeId integer | DocLevelId from the NonQMDocLevelOutput table. |
descriptionText string | Non-QM documentation description. For example, 24 Months W-2/Tax Returns 12 Months W-2/Tax Returns 24 Months Personal Bank Statements 12 Months Personal Bank Statements 24 Months Business Bank Statements 12 Months Business Bank Statements |
displayOrder integer | Order in which the Non-QM documentation is displayed in the drop-down. |
States Response
stateID integer | Number of the state. For example, Alaska = 1, Alabama = 2, Arkansas = 3, and so on. |
state string | Name of state available for the user/client. |
abbreviation string | State abbreviation. |