V3 Get Loan Program Template Settings

Retrieves all settings for a specific loan program template.

Usage Notes

Path Parameter

  • Loan Program Template path parameter is required. It does not need to be URI encoded.
  • The path is the folder location of the Loan Program Template.
  • Click here to see a tutorial for retrieving Template location and settings.

Loan Program Template Settings Contents

  • The contents of the Loan Program Template will be pre-configured fields for various loan contract properties and loan contract entities related to the Loan Program.
  • For more information about the fields that are returned in your results, refer to the following:
    • V3 Get Loan Schema - Retrieve the Loan Schema and then search for specific loan properties that are configured in the Loan Program Template settings. The Schema will provide meta data about the loan contract property, including: JSON path, data type, field length, enumerations.
    • V3 Get Field Schema - Retrieve the Field Schema for specific Encompass field Ids that are configured in the Loan Program Template. The Field Schema will provide meta data about the loan contract property, including: field id, description, format, jsonPath, etc.