eFolder Attachments

About eFolder Attachments

An eFolder attachment is an electronic file sent to you from a borrower or service provider, usually via your service provider's network, the Loan Center, or an Encompass Consumer Connect website. When you receive an attachment, you can place it into the eFolder of a loan, and then assign it to an eFolder document. An attachment can be assigned to only one document at a time. An eFolder document can contain one or more attachments.

Using APIs for Loan eFolder Documents and Attachments

Encompass Developer Connect eFolder Documents and Attachments APIs enable the management of documents and attachments within the eFolder of a loan. It is recommended to leverage the V3 version of the APIs as they are backward compatible and the most current. It is important to note that there may not be an equivalent V3 API for some V1 APIs, and that some V1 APIs may not work with some attachment types.

Viewing Attachments in Encompass

Developer Connect V3 APIs work seamlessly with Encompass. Whether accessing attachments from the media server or cloud storage, the flow is the same with V3 APIs. With cloud storage, Encompass users will notice improved performance. Encompass users may notice subtle changes in appearance of attachments when rendered in the document viewer of the Encompass eFolder for new loans.

Using Both V1 and V3 APIs

The V1 and V3 versions of these APIs can be used simultaneously. Developer Connect eFolder Documents and Attachments V3 APIs are backward compatible. It is important to note that some V1 APIs used to manage attachments may no longer work depending on the attachment type. In such cases, the available V3 equivalent version of the API will be required. API calls will be automatically directed to the correct server depending on where the attachment is stored. Documents can be managed using V1 or V3 APIs, and the workflow will not break.

Working with Attachments

Keep the following points in mind when using the V3 APIs to store and retrieve loan attachments:

  • A file attachment can be assigned to only one document at a time.
  • Multiple file attachments can be assigned to the same document.
  • A file attachment can be unassigned from a document and reassigned to another document.
  • Each attachment is assigned a unique identifier known as an attachment ID. The attachment ID is returned in the response header when the attachment is created. Attachment IDs are also returned in the GET /attachments response. When retrieving or updating an attachment, the attachment's ID is required.
  • Native-format files (for example .pdf or .doc files) are the only attachmentType that can currently be created through the API.

The Developer Connect API and Encompass support the storage and retrieval of the following attachment types:

  • Text documents (.txt)
  • Adobe PDF documents (.pdf)
  • Microsoft Word Documents (.doc, docx)
  • TIFF images (.tif)
  • JPEG images (.jpg, .jpeg, *.jpe)
  • Enhanced Metafile (.emf)
  • XPS (.xps)
  • HTML (Encompass only)
  • Office Open XML (.docx) (Encompass only)