V3 Manage Warehouse Details

Manage external organization warehouse details.

Usage Notes

  • This API requires the Edit Warehouse Banks persona access. Configure your persona setting located in the following Encompass settings: Company/User Setup > Personas > External Settings > Company Details > TPO Organization Settings > Warehouse Tab > Edit Warehouse Banks.
  • When the action parameter is not passed while invoking the API, the default action will be considered as update.
  • See the following conditional requirements for each action type:
    • warehouse.warehouseDetails.bank.entityId required when action = add & update.
    • warehouse.warehouseDetails.id required when action = update & delete.
    • bank.entityName is readOnly when action = add, update & delete.
    • bank.entityType is readOnly when action = add, update & delete.
  • All date fields have validations related to Min and Max value. Allowed date range is 01/01/1900 to 12/31/2199.
  • Once the warehouse record is deleted, the warehouse record will be deleted from the database, but the bank information will not be deleted.
  • If at least one record is having errors in the request payload, the API will fail with error.