Loan Rate Lock Contract Attributes
The following attributes define the applications object in the Loan Rate Lock Contract.
id string | Unique identifier of the rate lock request. |
requestType string | Lock request type. Possible values are: lock re-lock extension trade extension * cancellation |
requestStatus string | Status of the rate lock before there is an action performed on the request. Possible values are: not locked active lock cancelled lock expired lock |
lockStatus string | Status of the lock request. Possible values are: requested locked old lock old request expired cancelled extension requested denied registered old registration |
lockNumberOfDays integer($int32) | Indicates the total number of lock days for the request. |
lockExpirationDate string | Date on which the rate lock expires. |
requestedBy object | The entityRefContract describing the entity or user who submitted the lock request. |
requestedDate string($date-time) | The date and time when the lock request is created. |
fulfilledDate string($date-time) | The date and time when lock request was fulfilled. |
fulfilledBy object | The entityRefContract describing the entity or user who fulfilled the lock request. |
investor object | Object containing investor name. |
investorDeliveryDate string($date-time) | Investor's delivery date. |
investorCommitment string | Investor's commitment. |
requestIndicators string | Flags that indicate the status of the request. Possible values are: hideLog - Indicates the lock request log needs to be hidden) fakeRequest - Indicates the lock is created with/out a request lockExtension - Indicates the lock is extended. lockCancellation - Indicates the lock is cancelled. * reLock - Indicates that the rate lock is re-locked. |
parentLockRequest object | Object containing attributes that describe the parent lock request. |
parentLockRequest.requestType string | Lock request type of the parent lock request. |
parentLockRequest.lockStatus string | Lock status of the parent lock request. |
parentLockRequest.entityId string | Unique identifier of the parent lock request. |
parentLockRequest.entityType string | Type of the entity (lock request). |
parentLockRequest.entityName string | Name of the parent lock request. |
parentLockRequest.entityUri string | Location of the parent lock request. |
customFields array | List of lock request additional fields. |
customFields.fieldName | Name of the lock request additional field. |
customFields.stringValue | Value of the lock request additional field. |
loanInformation object | Object containing attributes that describe loan information. |
loanInformation.planCode string | The plan code associated with the lock request. |
loanInformation.loanProgramFile | The complete path of the loan program template to be applied when the rate lock request is confirmed. |
loanInformation.loanDocumentationType string | Fannie Mae loan documentation type code. |
loanInformation.lockRequestBorrowers object | Object containing the borrowers' information. |
loanInformation.lockRequestBorrowers. equifaxScore string | The borrower’s Equifax score. |
loanInformation.lockRequestBorrowers. experianScore string | The borrower’s Experian score. |
loanInformation.lockRequestBorrowers. firstName string | The borrower’s first name. |
loanInformation.lockRequestBorrowers. lastName string | The borrower’s last name. |
loanInformation.lockRequestBorrowers.ssn string | The borrower’s social security number. |
loanInformation.lockRequestBorrowers. transUnionScore string | The borrower’s TransUnion score. |
loanInformation.lockRequestBorrowers. selfEmployedIndicator boolean | Flag to indicate self employed status. |
loanInformation.borrowerMinimumFico string | The minimum FICO score allowed for the borrower to qualify for the loan program. |
loanInformation.coBorrowerMinimumFico string | The minimum FICO score allowed for the co-borrower to qualify for the loan program. |
loanInformation.creditScoreToUse string | The credit score to use when qualifying the loan for a loan product. Depending on the loan product and the scores of the applicants, the credit score may come from the borrower, co-borrower, or even co-mortgagors. |
loanInformation.isFirstTimeHomeBuyer boolean | Indicates whether the borrower is a first time home buyer. |
loanInformation.canDemonstrate TwelveMonthMortgageRentalHistory boolean | Indicates whether the borrower can demonstrate twelve months mortgage rental history. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty object | Attributes that define the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty.address string | Address of the subject property. | string | City of the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty.state string | State of the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty.postalCode string | Postal code of the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty.county string | County of the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty. estimatedAmount integer($int32) | Estimated Amount of the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty. appraisedAmount integer($int32) | Appraised Amount of the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty. purchasePrice number($double) | Purchase Price of the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty.usageType string | Usage Type of the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty. numberOfUnits integer($int32) | Number Of Units in the subject property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty. gsePropertyType string | GSE property type. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty. isCondotelProperty boolean | Indicates whether the subject property is a Condotel Property. |
loanInformation.subjectProperty. isNonWarrantableProjectProperty boolean | Indicates whether the subject property is a Non-Warrantable Project Property. |
loanInformation.loanPurposeType string | Loan Purpose Type. Possible values are: construction-perm no cash-out refi purchase construction cash-out refi other |
loanInformation.currentAcquisition boolean | Indicates whether the loan is a current Acquisition. |
loanInformation.currentConstruction Refinance boolean | Indicates whether the loan is a current Construction Refinance. |
loanInformation.loanFor203K boolean | Indicates whether the loan is for a 203K. |
loanInformation.totalForLesserOfSumAsIs number($double) | Total for lesser of sum as is. |
loanInformation.lienPriorityType string | Lien priority type. |
loanInformation.mortgageType string | Mortgage type. Possible values are: Conventional VA FHA USDA-RHS Other * HELOC |
loanInformation.loanAmortizationType string | Loan Amortization Type. Possible values are: fixed rate gpm-rate arm other |
loanInformation.gpmRate number($double) | GPM rate. A mortgage in which the payments are lower in the first years, and then increase annually until a level that fully amortizes the loan within its term. |
loanInformation.gpmYears integer($int32) | GPM years. The number of years the rate (as defined by the GPM attribute) is in effect before the loan is reamortized. |
loanInformation.fnmProductPlanIdentifier string | FNM Product Plan Identifier. |
loanInformation.otherAmortizationType Description string | Description if the amortization type is set to Other. |
loanInformation.requestImpoundWaived string | Request Impound Waived indicator. |
loanInformation.requestImpoundType string | Request Impound Type. Possible values are: Taxes & Insurance taxes only insurance only no impounds |
loanInformation.prepayPenalty boolean | Indicates whether the Penalty is prepaid. |
loanInformation.penaltyTerm string | Term of the penalty in months. |
loanInformation.noClosingCost boolean | Indicates whether there is a closing cost. |
loanInformation.lenderFeeWaiver boolean | Indicates whether there is a lender fee waiver. |
loanInformation.estimatedClosingDate string | Estimated closing date of the loan. |
loanInformation.sellerPaidMiPremium number($double) | Seller paid MI premium. |
loanInformation.fhaUpfrontMiPremiumPercent number($double) | FHA upfront MI premium percentage |
loanInformation.fundingAmount number($double) | Funding amount. |
loanInformation.ltv number($double) | The Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio used for the lock request. |
loanInformation.combinedLtv number($double) | The combined Loan-to-Value (CLTV) ratio used for the lock request. |
loanInformation.mipPaidInCash number($double) | The Amount Paid in Cash or the MIP/Funding amount. |
loanInformation.roundToNearestFifty boolean | Round the Total Loan Amount to the nearest $50 increment. |
loanInformation.balloonLoanMaturityTerms integer($int32) | Balloon loan maturity terms. |
loanInformation.loanAmortizationTerms integer($int32) | Loan amortization terms. |
loanInformation.baseLoanAmount number($double) | Base loan amount. |
loanInformation.borrowerRequested LoanAmount number($double) | Borrower requested loan amount. |
loanInformation.helocActualBalance string | HELOC actual balance. |
loanInformation.firstSubordinateAmount number($double) | First subordinate amount. |
loanInformation.secondSubordinateAmount number($double) | Second subordinate amount. |
loanInformation.otherSubordinateAmount number($double) | Other subordinate amount. |
loanInformation.lockField boolean | Lock field. |
loanInformation.totalSubordinateFinancing number($double) | Total subordinate financing. |
loanInformation.pricingUpdated string | The last date and time that pricing was imported. |
loanInformation.impoundType string | Impound type. Possible options are: Taxes and Insurance (T&I) Taxes only (T) Insurance only (I) No impounds |
loanInformation.impoundWaived string | Whether the impound is waived or not waived. |
loanInformation.isLenderPaid MortgageInsurance boolean | Indicates whether the lender has paid MI. |
loanInformation.pricingHistoryData string | Pricing history data. |
lockRequest | Attributes that define the lock request. |
lockRequest.unDiscountedRate number($double) | The rate at par pricing: the rate the borrower would pay if there were no discount points. |
lockRequest.startingAdjustRate number($double) | Starting adjustment rate. |
lockRequest.startingAdjustPrice number($double) | Starting adjustment price. |
lockRequest.programNotes string | Program notes. |
lockRequest.expectedNetPrice number($double) | Expected net price. |
lockRequest.onrpDate string($date-time) | The time and date of overnight rate protection applied. |
lockRequest.onrpEligible boolean | Indicates if this rate lock is eligible for overnight rate protection. |
lockRequest.correspondentCommitmentType string | Correspondent commitment type of the request. Possible values are: mandatory or best Efforts |
lockRequest.correspondentDeliveryType string | Correspondent delivery type of the request. Possible values are: individual mandatory individual best efforts |
lockRequest.cumulatedDaystoExtend integer($int32) | Cumulated days to extend. |
lockRequest.extensionSequenceNumber integer($int32) | Extension sequence number of the lock request. |
lockRequest.onrpLock boolean | Indicates whether the rate lock is ONRP locked. |
lockRequest.hedging boolean | Indicates whether the rate lock is in hedging. |
lockRequest.penaltyTerm string | Penalty term. |
lockRequest.prepayPenalty string | Prepay penalty. |
lockRequest.daystoExtend integer($int32) | Number of days to extend the rate lock. |
lockRequest.extendedLockExpirationDate string | Expiration date of the extended rate lock. |
lockRequest.fulfilledDate string | Fulfilled date of the rate lock. |
lockRequest.lockCancellationComment string | Additional notes and comments related to the lock cancellation. |
lockRequest.lockCancellationDate string | Date on which the lock was cancelled. |
lockRequest.lockExtendComment string | Additional notes and comments related to the lock extension. |
lockRequest.lockExtendPriceAdjustment number($double) | Price adjustment on the lock extension. |
lockRequest.marginSrpPaidOut number($double) | Margin SRP amount that is paid out. |
lockRequest.isDeliveryType boolean | Indicates if rate lock request delivery type is visible. |
lockRequest.isCancelled boolean | Indicates if the rate lock request is cancelled. |
lockRequest.rateStatus string | The status of the rate. Possible values are 'notLocked', 'locked', 'expired', 'cancelled'. |
lockRequest.requestPending boolean | Indicates if the rate lock request is still pending. |
lockRequest.extensionRequestPending boolean | Indicates if the rate lock extension request is still pending. |
lockRequest.cancellationRequestPending boolean | Indicates if the rate lock cancellation request is still pending. |
lockRequest.reLockRequestPending boolean | Indicates if the rate lock's re-lock request is still pending. |
lockRequest.rateSheetId string | The ID from the investor's rate sheet for the current lock. |
lockRequest.lastRateSetDate string | Date when the interest rate for the loan was last locked. |
lockRequest.lockNumberOfDays integer($int32) | The number of days in the current lock. |
lockRequest.lockDate string | The lock date of the current lock. |
lockRequest.lockExpirationDate string | Expiration date of the rate lock. |
lockRequest.baseRate number($double) | The requested base rate (as a percentage) for the lock. |
lockRequest.adjustments object | Object defining the rate adjustments. |
lockRequest.adjustments.adjustmentType string | Type of adjustment. Possible values are: undefined adjustment * lockExtensionAdjustment |
lockRequest.adjustments.description string | Description of the rate adjustments. |
lockRequest.adjustments.priceAdjustmentType string | Type of price adjustment. Possible values are: undefined baseMargin basePrice baseRate * profitMargin |
lockRequest.adjustments.adjustment number($double) | Dollar amount of the adjustment. |
lockRequest.totalRateAdjustments number($double) | Total amount of rate adjustments. |
lockRequest.netRate number($double) | Net rate. The requested Base Buy Rate plus the Total Rate Adjustments |
lockRequest.basePrice number($double) | Base price.The requested base price for the lock. Enter pricing using 100 as par. Example 1: If the base price is .25 above par, enter 100.25. A loan amount of $100,000 with pricing of 100.25 would result in $100,250 being received. Example 2: If the base price is .25 below par, enter 99.75. A loan amount of $100,000 with pricing of 99.75 would result in $99,750 being received. |
lockRequest.totalPriceAdjustments number($double) | The total of the price adjustments itemized on the Detailed Lock Request form. |
lockRequest.netPrice number($double) | The requested Base Price plus the Total Price Adjustments. |
lockRequest.baseMarginRate number($double) | The requested base ARM margin for the lock. |
lockRequest.totalMarginAdjustments number($double) | The total of the base ARM margin adjustments. |
lockRequest.netMarginRate number($double) | The requested base ARM margin plus the Total ARM Margin Adjustments. |
lockRequest.comments string | Additional comments and notes related to the lock request. |
lockRequest.originalLockExpirationDate string | Original lock expiration date for the requested rate lock extension. |
lockRequest.srpPaidOut number($double) | Service Release Premium Percentage (SRP) to be paid to the Lender. |
lockRequest.loanProgram string | The Loan Program associated with the loan. |
buySide object | Contains buy side attributes. |
buySide.requestedBy string | The individual who entered the buy side lock and pricing information. |
buySide.onrpDate string($date-time) | Lock date for overnight rate protection (ONRP) for an initial lock. |
buySide.onrpEligible boolean | Indicates whether the loan is eligible for ONRP. |
buySide.commitmentNumber string | Unique identifier for the Correspondent Trade associated with the loan. |
buySide.masterCommitmentNumber string | Unique identifier for the Correspondent Master Commitment associated with the loan. |
buySide.tpoName string | Rate lock buy side TPO name. |
buySide.tpoId string | The Site ID for the TPO WebCenter site. |
buySide.orgId string | The organization ID of the TPO Company. |
buySide.commitmentDate string | The commitment date for the loan. |
buySide.commitmentType string | The type of Lock applied to the loan. Possible values are: best efforts mandatory |
buySide.deliveryType string | Delivery type for the loan request. If the Commitment Type is defined, this field will be automatically populated (“Individual Best Efforts for “Best Efforts Commitment Type and “Individual Mandatory” for “Mandatory” Commitment Type). |
buySide.expirationDate string | The date the commitment expires. |
buySide.deliveryExpirationDate string | The day the note was drawn on the loan. |
buySide.startingAdjustPrice number($double) | Rate lock buy side starting adjusted rate. |
buySide.unDiscountedRate number($double) | Lock request buy side undiscounted rate. |
buySide.startingAdjPrice number($double) | Rate lock buy side starting adjusted rate. |
buySide.branchApprovalDate string | Date when the branch price concession was approved. |
buySide.branchApprovedby string | Individual who approved the branch price concession. |
buySide.branchPrice number($double) | Adjustment amount paid by your branch to offset pricing on a lock to subsize the cost to the borrower. |
buySide.corporateApprovalDate string | Date when the corporate price concession was approved. |
buySide.corporateApprovedby string | Individual who approved the corporate price concession. |
buySide.corporatePrice number($double) | Adjustment amount paid by your company to offset pricing on a lock to subsize the cost to the borrower. |
buySide.profitMarginAdjustedBuyPrice number($double) | The value of the rate lock buy side profit margin adjustment. |
buySide.reasonforBranchApproval string | Description of the reason for approving the branch price concession. |
buySide.reasonforCorporateApproval string | Description of the reason for approving the company concession. |
buySide.totalBuyPrice number($double) | Rate lock buy side total buy price. |
buySide.totalPrice number($double) | Rate lock buy side total price. |
buySide.correspondentTradeId string | Unique identifier for the Correspondent Trade associated with the loan. |
buySide.correspondentTradeNumber string | The assigned trade number for the rate lock. |
buySide.daysToExtend integer($int32) | Buy side number of additional days for the rate lock extension. |
buySide.extendedLockExpirationDate string | Buy side expiration date for the requested rate lock extension. |
buySide.lockExtendPriceAdjustment number($double) | Buy side price adjustment for the requested rate lock extension. |
buySide.commitment string | Unique identifier for the Correspondent Master Commitment associated with the loan. |
buySide.rateSheetId string | The ID from the investor's rate sheet. |
buySide.lastRateSetDate string | Date when the interest rate for the loan was last locked. |
buySide.lockNumberOfDays integer($int32) | The number of days in the current lock. |
buySide.lockDate string | The buy side lock day. |
buySide.lockExpirationDate string | The expiration date of the current lock. |
buySide.baseRate number($double) | The base buy side base rate (as a percentage) for the lock. |
buySide.adjustments | Contains attributes describing the buy side rate adjustment. |
buySide.adjustments.adjustmentType string | Type of rate lock buy side adjustment. |
buySide.adjustments.description string | Description of the rate lock buy side profit margin adjustment. |
buySide.adjustments.priceAdjustmentType string | Description of the price adjustment. |
buySide.adjustments.adjustment number($double) | The value of the price adjustment. |
buySide.totalRateAdjustments number($double) | The total value of the buy side rate adjustments. |
buySide.netRate number($double) | The Base Buy Rate plus the total rate adjustments. |
buySide.basePrice number($double) | The Base Buy Price for the lock. Enter pricing using 100 as par. Example 1: If the base price is .25 above par, enter 100.25. A loan amount of $100,000 with pricing of 100.25 would result in $100,250 being received. Example 2: If the base price is .25 below par, enter 99.75. A loan amount of $100,000 with pricing of 99.75 would result in $99,750 being received. |
buySide.totalPriceAdjustments number($double) | The total value of the buy side price adjustments. |
buySide.netPrice number($double) | The Base Sell Price plus the Total Price Adjustments. |
buySide.baseMarginRate number($double) | The buy side base ARM margin for the lock. |
buySide.totalMarginAdjustments number($double) | Description of the buy side base rate adjustment for the lock. |
buySide.netMarginRate number($double) | The Base Buy ARM Margin for the lock plus the Total Buy ARM Margin Adjustments for the lock. |
buySide.comments string | Additional notes and comments. |
buySide.originalLockExpirationDate string | Original lock expiration date for the requested rate lock extension. |
buySide.srpPaidOut number($double) | Service release premium percentage to be paid to the Lender. |
buySide.loanProgram string | Buy side loan program. |
sellSide object | Contains attributes that describe the rate lock sell side. |
sellSide.requestedBy string | The individual who entered the sell side lock and pricing information. |
sellSide.srp number($double) | Service release premium percentage (SRP) from investor. Read only. |
sellSide.investor object | Object containing investor properties. |
sellSide.servicer string | Name of the servicer. |
sellSide.servicingFee number($double) | Rate lock sell side servicing fee. |
sellSide.guarantyBaseFee number($double) | Rate lock sell side guarantee base fee. |
sellSide.guaranteeFee number($double) | Rate lock sell side guarantee fee. |
sellSide.poolNumber string | The pool number assigned by the investor. |
sellSide.poolId string | Unique identifier for a group or pool of loans. |
sellSide.commitmentContractNumber string | The commitment contract number. |
sellSide.productName string | Rate lock sell side product name. |
sellSide.msrValue number($double) | Mortgage servicing rights (MSR) value. |
sellSide.commitmentDate string | Rate lock sell side commitment date. |
sellSide.actualAmount number($double) | Rate lock sell side actual amount. Read only. |
sellSide.actualPrice number($double) | Rate lock sell side actual price. Read only. |
sellSide.actualSrp number($double) | The service release premium (SRP) from the Sell Side on the Secondary Registration tool. Read only. |
sellSide.diffAmount number($double) | Rate lock sell side different amount. Read only. |
sellSide.diffPrice number($double) | Rate lock sell side different price. Read only. |
sellSide.diffSrp number($double) | Rate lock sell side different SRP. Read only. |
sellSide.netAmount number($double) | The Base Sell Price plus the Total Price Adjustments. Read only. |
sellSide.paidMiPremium number($double) | Rate lock sell side paid MI premium. Read only. |
sellSide.correspondentEscrow DisbursementsToBePaid number($double) | Correspondent escrow disbursements to be paid by the seller. |
sellSide.tradeMgmtPrevConfirmedLockGuid string | tradeMgmtPrevConfirmedLockGuid |
sellSide.tradeId string | Rate lock sell side trade ID. Read only. |
sellSide.tradeNumber string | Rate lock sell side trade number. Read only. |
sellSide.daysToExtend integer($int32) | Sell side number of additional days for the rate lock extension. |
sellSide.extendedLockExpirationDate string | Sell side expiration date for the requested rate lock extension. |
sellSide.lockExtendPriceAdjustment number($double) | Sell side price adjustment for the requested rate lock extension. |
sellSide.servicingType string | Rate lock sell side servicing type. |
sellSide.discountYsp number($double) | The investor providing the rate lock for the loan. Read only. |
sellSide.masterContractNumber string | The master contract number. |
sellSide.gainLossPercentage number($double) | Rate lock sell side gain loss percentage. Read only. |
sellSide.gainLossPrice number($double) | Rate lock sell side gain loss price. Read only. |
sellSide.gainLossTotalPrice number($double) | Rate lock sell side gain loss total price. Read only. |
sellSide.rateSheetId string | The ID from the investor's rate sheet. |
sellSide.lastRateSetDate string | Date when the interest rate for the loan was last locked. |
sellSide.lockNumberOfDays integer($int32) | The number of days for the sell side lock. |
sellSide.lockDate string | The sell side lock date. |
sellSide.lockExpirationDate string | The date the sell side rate lock expires, calculated by adding the value in the # of Days field to the date in the Lock Date field on the Secondary Lock Tool. |
sellSide.baseRate number($double) | The base sell side rate (as a percentage) for the lock. The rate is populated from the Sell Side Lock and Pricing column on the Secondary Lock Tool. |
sellSide.adjustments object | Object containing attributes that describe sell side rate lock adjustments. |
sellSide.totalRateAdjustments number($double) | The total value of the sell side rate adjustments. Read only. |
sellSide.netRate number($double) | The base sell side rate plus the total rate adjustments. Read only. |
sellSide.basePrice number($double) | The base sell side price for the lock. Enter pricing using 100 as par. Example 1: If the base price is .25 above par, enter 100.25. A loan amount of $100,000 with pricing of 100.25 would result in $100,250 being received. Example 2: If the base price is .25 below par, enter 99.75. A loan amount of $100,000 with pricing of 99.75 would result in $99,750 being received. |
sellSide.totalPriceAdjustments number($double) | The total value of the sell side price adjustments. Read only. |
sellSide.netPrice number($double) | The base sell side price plus the total rate adjustments. Read only. |
sellSide.baseMarginRate number($double) | The sell side base margin rate. |
sellSide.totalMarginAdjustments number($double) | The sell side total margin adjustment. Read only. |
sellSide.netMarginRate number($double) | The base sell side net margin rate. Read only. |
sellSide.comments string | Additional notes and comments. |
sellSide.originalLockExpirationDate string | Original lock expiration date. Read only. |
sellSide.srpPaidOut number($double) | Service release premium percentage (SRP) paid out. |
sellSide.loanProgram string | Sell side loan program. Read only. |
comparison object | Contains attributes that describe the rate lock comparison. |
comparison.requestedBy string | requestedBy |
comparison.investor object | Object containing investor properties. |
comparison.servicingType string | Rate lock comparison servicing type. |
comparison.discountYsp number($double) | The rate lock comparison for the yield spread premium (YSP). |
comparison.masterContractNumber string | The rate lock comparison master contract number. |
comparison.gainLossPercentage number($double) | Rate lock comparison gain loss percentage. |
comparison.gainLossPrice number($double) | Rate lock comparison gain loss price. |
comparison.gainLossTotalPrice number($double) | Rate lock comparison gain loss total price. |
comparison.rateSheetId string | The ID from the investor's rate sheet. |
comparison.lastRateSetDate string | Date when the interest rate for the loan was last locked. |
comparison.lockNumberOfDays integer($int32) | The number of days for the rate comparison lock. |
comparison.lockDate string | The rate comparison lock date. |
comparison.lockExpirationDate string | lockExpirationDate |
comparison.baseRate number($double) | baseRate |
comparison.adjustments object | Object containing attributes that describe comparison rate lock adjustments. |
comparison.totalRateAdjustments number($double) | totalRateAdjustments |
comparison.netRate number($double) | netRate |
comparison.basePrice number($double) | basePrice |
comparison.totalPriceAdjustments number($double) | totalPriceAdjustments |
comparison.netPrice number($double) | netPrice |
comparison.baseMarginRate number($double) | baseMarginRate |
comparison.totalMarginAdjustments number($double) | totalMarginAdjustments |
comparison.netMarginRate number($double) | netMarginRate |
comparison.comments string | comments |
comparison.originalLockExpirationDate string | originalLockExpirationDate |
srpPaidOut number($double)comparison. | srpPaidOut |
comparison.loanProgram string | loanProgram |
isVoidable boolean | Indicates if the Rate Lock is voidable. This field is readOnly. |
isCancellable boolean | Indicates if the Rate Lock is cancellable This field is readOnly. |
isExtendable boolean | Indicates if the Rate Lock is extendable. This field is readOnly. |
EnableZeroParPricingRetail boolean | Encompass Zero Based Par Pricing settings, from Secondary Setup>Product and Pricing. Indicates whether lock is offered in basis points, instead of par, for retail loans. Par Pricing is 0.000. |
EnableZeroParPricingWholesale boolean | Encompass Zero Based Par Pricing settings, from Secondary Setup>Product and Pricing. Indicates whether lock is offered in basis points, instead of par, for wholesale loans. Par Pricing is 0.000. |
Entity Ref Contract Attributes
entityRefContract Attributes | Description |
entityId string | Unique identifier of the entity |
entityType string | Type of the entity |
entityName string | Name of the entity |
entityUri string | The URI of the entity, with which the entity can be accessed |
Request Payloads
The request payload changes based on the rate lock action. The supported contract attributes for each action type are provided in the samples below.
//POST v1/loans/{loanId}/ratelockRequests
"lockRequest": {
"lockDate": "string",
"lockNumberOfDays": int,
"lockExpirationDate": "string",
--"lockCancellationComment": "string",
--"lockCancellationDate": "string",
--"fulfilledDate": "string",
--"lockExtendComment": "string",
--"cumulatedDaystoExtend": int,
--"extensionSequenceNumber": int,
"lastRateSetDate": "string",
"rateSheetId": "string",
"comments": "string",
"loanProgram": "string",
"baseRate": decimal,
"unDiscountedRate": decimal,
"startingAdjustRate": decimal,
"startingAdjustPrice": decimal,
"programNotes": "string",
"basePrice": decimal,
"baseMarginRate": decimal,
"netMarginRate": decimal,
"onrpDate": "dateTime",
"onrpEligible": bool,
"correspondentCommitmentType": "string",
"adjustments": [
"adjustmentType": "string",
"priceAdjustmentType": "string",
"description": "string",
"adjustment": decimal
"srpPaidOut": decimal,
"onrpLock": bool,
"hedging": bool,
"penaltyTerm": "string",
"prepayPenalty": "string",
"marginSrpPaidOut": decimal,
"isDeliveryType": bool,
"correspondentDeliveryType": "string"
"loanInformation": {
"loanProgram": "string",
"loanDocumentationType": "string",
"borrowerMinimumFico": "string",
"coBorrowerMinimumFico": "string",
"creditScoreToUse": "string",
"subjectProperty": {
"address": "string",
"city": "string",
"state": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"county": "string",
"numberOfUnits": "short",
"estimatedAmount": "int",
"appraisedAmount": "int",
"usageType": "string",
"purchasePrice": "decimal",
"gsePropertyType": "string",
"isCondotelProperty": "bool",
"isNonWarrantableProjectProperty": "bool",
"subjectPropertyPropertyStreetAddress": "string",
"subjectPropertyUnitType": "string",
"subjectPropertyUnitNumber": "string"
"loanPurposeType": "string",
"mortgageType": "string",
"loanAmortizationType": "string",
"gpmRate": "decimal",
"gpmYears": "int",
"fnmProductPlanIdentifier": "string",
"otherAmortizationTypeDescription": "string",
"lienPriorityType": "string",
"loanAmortizationTerms": "int",
"balloonLoanMaturityTerms": "int",
"requestImpoundWaived": "string",
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Response Payloads
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