Add, update, remove the DBA records for a given external organization.
Usage Notes
- This API requires the Edit DBA persona access. Configure your persona setting located in the following Encompass settings: Company/User Setup > Personas > External Settings > Company Details > TPO Organization Settings > DBA > Edit DBA. If the user does not have access to DBA one level above, they will not be able to see DBA details in GET response.
- DBA Names can be only added when the useParentInfo flag is set to false for the given DBA record for the external org. To set the flag to false, use the PATCH external org call.
- If the useParentInfo is already set as true and the request payload contains the DBA attributes to be added or updated, then the API will fail with error indicating that the these attributes cannot be added or updated when useParentInfo is true.
- One or more DBAs can be updated (using update action) for DBA name successfully when the data is valid. However, if at least one record is having errors in the request payload, the API will fail with error.
- When the action is set to reorder, all DBA record IDs must be passed in the request. Use the v3/settings/externalOrganizations/tpos/{{orgId}}?entities=dba API to return the list of DBAs for the given order.