




The Encompass Platform uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. OAuth enables a client application to access information on behalf of the user without disclosing the credentials.

If you are new to OAuth, you can learn more from the OAuth 2.0 specification or the one of the many beginner’s guides available online. If you are already familiar with OAuth, continue with Supported Authorization Flows.

Supported Authorization Flows


Per the OAuth 2.0 specification, the Encompass Platform uses HTTP Basic authentication to authenticate client applications. This means the authorization header must contain the base64 encoded API key, which includes the API client ID and secret in the format: client_id:client_secret. This API key is available from your Encompass super administrator.

The Encompass Platform supports the following authorization flows:

  • Authorization Code
    The authorization code flow, also known as three-legged OAuth, allows an application to obtain an access token through a two-step process: obtain an authorization code by authenticating the user (using the authorization endpoint) and then exchange the authorization code for an access token (using the token endpoint).

  • Resource Owner Password Credentials (commonly used)
    The resource owner password credentials flow (i.e., username and password) allows an application to obtain an access token via a single API call, simply exchange user credentials for an access token (using the token endpoint).
    Note: This grant type should only be used when the authorization code flow is not viable (e.g. console applications).

  • Client Credentials
    This flow allows users to log in to your application with their credentials and supports User Token Impersonation. The client credentials flow is the preferred flow when Single Sign-On (SSO) is enabled in Encompass.



Grant type client_credentials is for ISV partners only, lenders must use grant type = password.

Support for SSO
Developer Connect supports SSO authentication with Developer Connect API integrations and SSO-enabled Encompass instances. Please note the following:

  • User Impersonation
    Developer Connect supports the user impersonation flow. Once an access token is obtained, it can be exchanged by a privileged Encompass user to perform actions in Encompass under a different user account. For user impersonation, Developer Connect utilizes a grant type token exchange (urn:elli:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange) which provides the currently logged-in user with a new access token that includes impersonation semantics. This flow is supported for lenders with grant type resource owner password credentials. To learn how to impersonate a user and make API loan calls as the impersonated user, see Best Practices: User Impersonation.

OAuth Endpoints

The OAuth 2.0 endpoints for the Encompass Platform are:

Authorization Used by the client application to obtain an authorization code.
Token Issuance Used by the client application to obtain an access token.
This is also used to obtain an impersonation access token with the appropriate request header.
Token Introspection Used by the client application to validate an access token and retrieve the associated metadata.
Token Revocation Used by the application to revoke an access token and invalidate the associated session.

Authorization Code

Step 1: Authorize User

The first step is to direct the user to the authorization endpoint supplying the query parameters described below.

Example for Non-SSO:<client_id>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=<redirecturi>&scope=lp&is_sso=false

Example for SSO:<client_id>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=<redirecturi>&scope=lp&is_sso=true&instance_id=BE12222222
client_idRequired. The unique identifier for the client application.

Replace {{client_id}} with the API client ID portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
response_typeRequired. The response type must be "code" for authorization code.
redirect_uriRequired. The absolute URI of the callback. The redirect URI must be an HTTPS URL and should adhere to the standards described in Section 3.1.2 of the OAuth2 spec.
stateRequired. The shared state (opaque value) between the authorization server and callback. This is used to prevent cross-site request forgery.
scopeRequired. The token scope is "lp" for Lending Platform.
is_ssoRequired. Indicates whether SSO is to be used. When set to true, the instance_id must be specified. The default value is false.

Note: If SSO is to be used, Developer Connect must be configured for SSO.
instance_id Required if is_sso is true. The instance_id directs the browser to the Developer Connect SSO login page.
If the instance_id parameter is not provided, the Developer Connect SSO login page will not appear.

On the login page, the user will either enter their Encompass instance ID, user ID and password, or will enter their IdP username and password if SSO is configured.

Step 2: Receive Authorization Code

Once authenticated, the Encompass Platform issues an HTTP 302 to the redirect URI. As part of the redirect, the callback receives an authorization code, which is a single-use grant that expires in one minute.

Step 3: Obtain an Access Token

Next, exchange the authorization code for an access token. To do this, pass the authorization code to the token issuance endpoint,

curl -X POST\
     -u '{{client_id}}:{{client_secret}}'\
     -d 'grant_type=authorization_code'\
     -d 'redirect_uri={{redirect_uri}}'\
     -d 'code={{authorization_code}}'\
client_idRequired. The unique identifier for the client application.

Replace {{client_id}} with the API client ID portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
client_secret Required. The secret for the client application.

Replace {{client_secret}} with the API client secret portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
grant_typeRequired. The grant type must be "authorization_code" for authorization code.
redirect_uriRequired. The absolute URI of the callback from Step 1.
codeRequired. The authorization code returned in Step 2.
  "access_token": "6v8wKWREGjeECskvcibQtdiO7tWn",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

You now have an access token. The access token is active for 30 minutes, up to a maximum of 24 hours. To avoid expiration, the access token must be used (by calling an API) at least once within 15 minutes. If you make a call after the 15 minutes but before the 30 minutes, the token will expire after 30 minutes.

Resource Owner Password Credentials

To obtain an access token, pass the user's credentials to the token issuance endpoint,

curl -X POST\
     -u '{{client_id}}:{{client_secret}}'\
     -d 'grant_type=password'\
     -d 'username={{username}}'\
     -d 'password={{password}}'\
client_idRequired. The unique identifier for the client application.

Replace {{client_id}} with the API client ID portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
client_secretRequired. The secret for the client application.

Replace {{client_secret}} with the API client secret portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
grant_typeRequired. The grant type must be "password" for resource owner password credentials.
usernameRequired. The fully qualified username. The format is:
Encompass user_name@encompass:{{encompass_instance_id}}.

Note: This can be any valid encompass user of that instance. E.g. user1@encompass:BE1111234.
passwordRequired. The password corresponding to the Encompass user.

Client Credentials

To obtain an access token, pass the grant_type = client_credentials, the instance_id and scope = ‘lp’ with client_id and client_secret in the headers.



Grant type client_credentials is for ISV partners only, lenders must use grant type = password. In Encompass, ISV Partners are setup as "API Users". Please see the API User" section below for more information.

curl -L -X POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic dDB2OWVhaDpaMnRoNUszRjgxRGsmcTFNMW04YjlGa2gjeVJqWEJGaGFSMzZLWHVZekFqdjk4bzFKWiNUb2w4UFVuQDBDaFVy'\
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode 'instance_id={{instance_id}}' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=lp'
Authorization (required)“Basic”
Content-Type (required)application/x-www-form-urlencoded
grant_type (required)The grant type must be "client_credentials".
instance_id (required)The Encompass instance ID. E.g. instance_id=BE1111234.
scope (required)The token scope is "lp" for Lending Platform.

API User

ISV Partners are setup as "API Users" in the Encompass lender instance.

The "API User" checkbox grants a supported Encompass Partner access to the lender instance using the Encompass Developer Connect APIs. The ISV partner can use the APIs for the integrations they are building.

To setup an API user, partner API Client ID is required. The ISV partner can request API Keys from ICE Mortgage Technology on the ICE Mortgage Technology Partner Portal.

Once the Partner and the Encompass administrator complete the required process, the Partner will be recognized as a Supported Encompass Partner. Then, they will be issued partner API Keys and will be able to make API calls for the specific lender Encompass instance.

The ISV partner who is engaged with multiple lenders will have separate API keys for each partner/lender pair.

Obtain an Impersonation Token

For user impersonation, exchange the access token for an Impersonation Token. To do this, pass the token-exchange grant type, the recently generated access token (actor_access_token), and impersonated user to be impersonated as the subject user ID, in addition to the client ID and client secret to the token issuance endpoint,


Supported Impersonation Scenarios

Impersonation scenarios currently supported by Developer Connect are provided below. In all cases when a user impersonates another user, the access privileges of the impersonated user are applied to the API calls.

  • Super Administrator - Can impersonate all other Encompass users, including other SuperAdmin users.
  • API Users - Lenders with grant type resource owner password credentials can impersonate any other users at the same level or below them in the organization hierarchy.
curl -X POST\
     -d 'grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange'\
     -d 'actor_token_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token'\
     -d 'subject_user_id={{impersonated_user}}'\
     -d 'actor_token={{token}}'\
     -d 'scope=lp'\
     -d 'client_id={{client_id}}'\
     -d 'client_secret={{client_secret}}'\
grant_typeRequired. The value must be "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange" for user impersonation.
actor_token_typeRequired. The value must be "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token" for user impersonation.
subject_user_idRequired. The Encompass user ID of the impersonated user.
actor_tokenRequired. The access token that has been issued for the currently logged-in user or application.
scopeRequired. The scope is "lp" for Lending Platform.
client_idRequired. The API Client ID portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
client_secretRequired. The API Client Secret portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
  "access_token": "6v8wKWREGjeECskvcibQtdiO7tWn",
  "issued_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access-token",
  "token_type": "Bearer"

Token Introspection

To check the status of an access token (and retrieve the associated metadata), pass the API client ID and secret, plus the access token to the token introspection endpoint,

curl -X POST\
--location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64 encoded username and password>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>'
client_idRequired. The unique identifier for the client application.

Replace {{client_id}} with the API client ID portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
client_secretRequired. The secret for the client application.

Replace {{client_secret}} with the API client secret portion of the API key available from your Encompass super administrator.
tokenRequired. The access token from the Authorization Code, Resource Owner Password Credentials, or User Token Impersonation flow.

If the token is valid, a JSON string is returned; otherwise, an error is raised.

Response for Authorization Code and Resource Owner Password Credentials Flows

  "active": true,
  "scope": "lp",
  "client_id": "nurgbm0b",
  "username": "abcmortgage@encompass:be79039931",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "exp": 1481704218,
  "sub": "abcmortgage@encompass:be79039931",
  "encompass_instance_id": "be79039931",
  "user_name": "abcmortgage",
  "user_key": "abcmortgage@encompass:be79039931",
  "encompass_user": "Encompass\\be79039931\\abcmortgage",
  "identity_type": "Enterprise",
  "encompass_client_id": "3569564881",
  "realm_name": "encompass:be79039931"
active An indicator of whether the access token is valid.
scope The OAuth scope.
client_id The OAuth client ID.
username The fully qualified username. The format is: user_name@realm_name.
token_type The token type, always "Bearer".
exp The number of seconds until the token expires (from January 1, 1970 UTC).
sub The subject associated with the access token. This property contains the same value as username.
encompass_instance_id The Encompass instance ID.
user_name The username.
user_key The fully qualified username. The format is: user_name@realm_name.
encompass_user The Encompass username. The format is:
identity_type The user type is "Enterprise".
encompass_client_id The Encompass client ID.
realm_name The realm name. The format is:

Response for User Token Impersonation Flow
The introspection endpoint returns additional information in the impersonation token response that identifies the impersonated user as well as the impersonator (actor_encompass_user).


User names for both the impersonator and the impersonated user are logged in the audit trail table for loan operations.

  "active": true,
  "scope": "lp",
  "client_id": "nurgbm0b",
  "username": "lpusername@encompass:be79039931",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "exp": 1620929058,
  "sub": "lpusername@encompass:be79039931",
  "bearer_token ": "be79039931-xxxxcx", “
  "encompass_instance_id": "be79039931",
  "user_name": "lpusername ",
  "user_key": "lpusername@encompass:be79039931",
  "encompass_user": "Encompass\\be79039931\\lpusername",
  "identity_type": "Enterprise",
  "actor_encompass_user": "Encompass\\be79039931\\admin
  "encompass_client_id": "3569564881",
  "realm_name": "encompass:be79039931"
activeAn indicator of whether the access token is valid.
scopeThe OAuth scope.
client_idThe OAuth client ID.
usernameThe fully qualified username of the impersonated user. The format is user_name@realm_name.
token_typeThe token type, always "Bearer".
expThe number of seconds until the token expires (from January 1, 1970 UTC).
subThe subject associated with the access token. This property contains the same value as username.
encompass_instance_idThe Encompass instance ID.
user_nameThe username of the impersonated user.
user_keyThe fully qualified username of the impersonated user. The format is user_name@realm_name.
encompass_userThe impersonated user's Encompass username. The format is Encompass{{encompass_instance_id}}{{user_name}}
identity_typeThe user type, always "Enterprise".
actor_encompass_userThe impersonator's Encompass username. The format is Encompass{{encompass_instance_id}}{{user_name}}
encompass_client_idThe Encompass client ID.
realm_nameThe realm name in the format: encompass:{{encompass_instance_id}}.

Token Revocation

To revoke an access token, pass the API client ID and secret plus the access token to the token revocation endpoint,

curl -X POST\
     -u '{{client_id}}:{{client_secret}}'\
     -d 'token={{access_token}}'\

If the token is successfully revoked, the API returns a 204 status; otherwise, an error is returned.