Response Codes

Apply a Plan Code

Response CodeDescription
Documents were added successfully.
The plan code was successfully applied to the loan file.
401 UNAUTHORIZED Authorization information was missing from the request or the token is expired.
404 NOT FOUND Indicates the Loan does not exist or the entityType URN is malformed.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Indicates an unexpected error occurred when trying to get the plan codes. Error information is provided in the response body.

Create Loan Audit

Response CodeDescription
200 SUCCESSThe loan audit was successfully run on the loan file.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDAuthorization information was missing from the request or the token is expired.
404 NOT FOUNDIndicates the Loan does not exist or the entityType URN is malformed.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERRORIndicates an unexpected error occurred when trying to run the audit. Error information is provided in the response body.

Generate Packages and Forms

Response CodeDescription
200 SUCCESSThe doc set was generated successfully.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDAuthorization information was missing from the request or the token is expired.
404 NOT FOUNDIndicates the Loan does not exist or the entityType URN is malformed.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERRORIndicates an unexpected error occurred when trying to generate the doc set. Error information is provided in the response body.

Add Documents to a Package

Response CodeDescription
202 ACCEPTEDRequest is accepted.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDAuthorization information was missing from the request or the token is expired.
403 FORBIDDENThe user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action.
404 NOT FOUNDIndicates the Loan does not exist or the entityType URN is malformed.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERRORIndicates an unexpected error occurred when trying to add documents to the doc set. Error information is provided in the response body.

Send Document Package

Response CodeDescription
202 ACCEPTEDRequest is accepted.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDAuthorization information was missing from the request or the token is expired.
403 FORBIDDENThe user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this action.
404 NOT FOUNDIndicates the Loan does not exist or the entityType URN is malformed.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERRORIndicates an unexpected error occurred when trying to add documents to the doc set. Error information is provided in the response body.

Print On Demand

Response CodeDescription
200 SUCCESSThe print order was generated successfully.
400 BAD_REQUESTThe request payload is invalid because it is missing values for a required parameter.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDAuthorization information is missing from the request or the token is expired.
403 FORBIDDENUser has inadequate roles.
404 NOT FOUNDThe specified loan does not exist.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERRORAn exception occurred.