Create Package Event Contracts
Request Contract and Attributes
The Create Package Event request contract is described in the table below.
group object (packageEventGroupInput) | Group details for the package. |
group.clientId string | The customers ICE Mortgage Technology client identifier. |
group.instanceId string | The customers ICE Mortgage Technology instance identifier. A single customer may have multiple instances for various purposes like test / legal separation. This is the tenant ID. |
group.groupNamespace string | The type of the entity represented by the grouping and the individual of which is represent by the id. Encompass uses the loans namespace. | string | The unique identifier within the instance/namespace combination. Encompass uses their loan GUID. It is not required to be a GUID. |
group.versionnumber | The incrementing version; used internally and externally so it will not be contiguous. |
group.createdDate string | Date the group was created within the delivery system. |
group.modifiedDate string | Date the group was last modified in the delivery system. |
group.consentSettings object (packageEventGroup ConsentSettingsInput) | Consent setting determining behavior across group. |
group.recipients Array of objects (packageEventGroupRecipientInput) | Group recipient references containing cross package recipient data correlated to package recipients on id. |
group.custom string | Custom metadata attached. This should never be a hard dependency. |
Id string | The unique identifier within the group for this package. It should be treated as an opaque string without assumption on format. |
status string | This represents the possible states a package can be in. Created Completed Expired Voided Cancelled Replaced |
createdDate string | The date and time captured as the package was being created. |
modifiedDate string | The date and time captured as the package was modified. |
signedDate string | The date and time captured as the package was signed. Only populated once signed - no default value. |
completedDate string | The date and time captured as all tasks completed on the package. Only populated once signed - no default value. |
from object (packageEventFromInput) | Package sender details. |
notifyWhenViewed boolean | This indicates the sender requested they be notified when the package was viewed and the delivery platform will send a notification to them. |
recipients Array of objects (packageEventRecipientInput) | The recipients in the package relevant to the Partner integration. Other recipients are excluded before the event is sent. |
tasks Array of objects (packageEventTaskInput) | A reference to all tasks in the package and common metadata for the tasks. This correlates to the recipient’s task statuses on ID. |
documents Array of objects (packageEventDocumentInput) | Document metadata lookup for the package. To see documents sent to each recipient correlate to recipient documents on ID. |
notViewed object (packageEventNotViewedInput) | Data related by notification request if not viewed. |
replace object (packageEventReplaceInput) | Details on replacement - replacement tracking is an optional feature. |
replacementTracking Array of objects (packageEvent Replacement TrackingInput) | Contains chain of replacements to track history. |
expirationDates object (packageEventExpiration DatesInput) | Dates by task type that trigger expiration if any of those task recipients have not completed expiration. |
custom object | Custom metadata attached. This should never be a hard dependency. Can be arbitrary JSON - provided by source. |
cancelled boolean | The package has been cancelled. It is possible for a package to be restored after cancellation. cancelled packages should no longer be displayed to recipients. |
replaced boolean | The package was replaced by a new package and is no longer valid. It is possible for a user to create a new package to replace an existing one without telling the delivery system. Actions, like task completion, will no longer successfully execute but the recipients should still be able to see it. |
voided boolean | The package is no longer valid do to an explicit request. Actions, like task completion, will no longer successfully execute but the recipients should still be able to see it. |
expired boolean | The package has become invalid due to incompletion prior to the expiration date. Actions, like task completion, will no longer successfully execute but the recipients should still be able to see it. |
Package Response Contract and Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the Package response contract.
recipients Array of objects | Each recipient’s partner entities. |
recipient.Id string | Recipient ID correlating to the one sent in the creation event. |
recipient.createdEmail object | Email to send to customer when package is ready for preview and / or signature. It must allow the recipient to navigate to the Partner Portal in addition to describe what is needed. This is generally accomplished by embedding the portal link with identifying information for the recipient to deep link to a package. |
recipient.createdEmail.subject string | Email subject line. |
recipient.createdEmail.content string | Email content in HTML format to be sent to the Partner. It is expected that the link to the portal will be embedded here to allow the user to directly navigate to the package in the partner portal. For example: <html><head><title>Email</title></head><body>The body of the email<br></body><a href=\"{E4DBAF4B-4D08-4982-A8D5-169C3A771C05}\">Link to docs</a></html> |
recipient.portal object | Portal information to use when directing the recipient to the Partner Portal. The URL will be used by non-email scenarios like support or other integrating applications to direct users to the Partner Portal to complete documents. |
url string | URL for the recipient to navigate to the Partner Portal.{E4DBAF4B-4D08-4982-A8D5-169C3A771C05} |
Create Session API Contracts
Request Contract and Attributes
All attributes in the createSessionInput request contract are optional unless otherwise specified.
instanceId string | Required. The customers unique ICE Mortgage Technology instance Id. This would have been provided in the create package event. |
groupNamespace string | Required. The namespace, e.g. scope, of the group Id. The groupNamespace for Encompass is loans. |
groupId string | Required. The group identifier representing the package containers, e.g. base entity. Unique within the instanceId/groupNamespace combination. Encompass uses the loan GUID. |
packageId string | Required. The package identifier representing the package of documents. Unique within the instanceId/groupNamespace/groupId combination. |
recipientId string | Required. The recipient identifier representing a recipient who is expected to complete tasks in the package. Unique within the instanceId/groupNamespace/groupId/packageId combination. This is the person’s session being opened. |
userId string | Required. The Partner userId opening the session that was identified as this recipient by the Partner system. This will be used to validate the user logging in is the one expected and bind to the recipient. Once bound this cannot change. |
returnUrl string | Required. The URL the Delivery Room UI will redirect to once the user leaves the room. The format is:https://.* When using an iframe the returnUrl must have the same domain as the application hosting the iframe, and any ancestors, or there may be issues loading or using the widget. |
ui object (uiCustomization) | Schema for the Point of Sale Partner Integration - UI Customization. |
UI Customization Contract
All attributes in the uiCustomization contract are optional unless otherwise specified.
site object | Object defining the style for the site. |
site.title object | Object defining the page title text, location, and style for the site. |
site.title.text string | Page title. |
site.title.align string | Vertical text alignment. For example, bottom, middle, top. |
site.title.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties for the title element as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
site.logo object | Logo to be displayed in the header. |
site.logo.image-url string | URL pointing to the logo image. |
site.logo.height number | Logo height in px. |
site.logo.width number | Logo width in px. | object | The theme to apply to the site. |
site.theme.fonts string | Comma-separated list of fonts to be used on the site. e.g. 'proxima-nova, Arial, sans-serif' |
site.theme.colors string | Colors to apply to the site. |
site.theme.colors.brand string | Branded Color Codes, which define the color used for link text and buttons. When not using the default color theme, 8 colors must be provided. The format is: ^#([0-9A-F]){6}$ Color codes should be provided in hex color code format. For example: "brand": [ "#F6FBFF", "#EBF6FF", "#A3D6FF", "#52A6EC", "#1394E5", "#1E79C2", "#006AA9", "#005181" ] See UI Customization > Colors to view the default colors for Brand. |
site.theme.colors.neutral string | Neutral Color Codes, which define borders, texts and in some cases background color. When not using the default color theme, 11 colors must be provided. The format is: #([0-9A-F]){6}$ Color codes should be in hex color code format. For example, "neutral": [ "#E0E3E8", "#CBCFD7", "#B0B9C8", "#8C93A6", "#697489", "#464F5C", "#353C45", "#25292F", "#FFFFFF", "#F6F7F9", "#EBEDF0" ] See UI Customization > Colors to view the default colors for Neutral. |
site.theme.colors.success string | Success Color Codes. When not using the default color theme, 2 colors must be provided. The format is: ^#([0-9A-F]){6}$ Color codes should be in hex color code format. For example, "success": [ "#D4F0E5", "#207E56" ] See UI Customization > Colors to view the default colors for Neutral. |
site.theme.colors.warning string | Warning Color Codes. When not using the default color theme, 3 colors must be provided. The format is: ^#([0-9A-F]){6}$ Color codes should be in hex color code format. For example, "warning": [ "#FBDe31", "#FBB431", "#D17A00" ] See UI Customization > Colors to view the default colors for Neutral. |
site.theme.colors.danger string | Danger Color Codes. When not using the default color theme, 2 colors must be provided. The format is: ^#([0-9A-F]){6}$ Color codes should be in hex color code format. For example, "danger": [ "#F7CDD2”, "#C64252" ] See UI Customization > Colors to view the default colors for Neutral. |
exit-button object | Defines the button used to exit the application and return to the Partner portal. |
exit-button.text string | Custom text for the Exit button. |
exit-button.showIcon boolean | Indicates whether to show the Exit icon in addition to the text on the button. When false, the icon will not be displayed. |
exit-button.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties for the exit button as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
tasks-page-title object | Properties for the Tasks Page Title. |
tasks-page-title.text string | Custom title text to display on the Tasks Page. |
tasks-page-title.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties for the Tasks Page Title as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
consent-page-title object | Properties for the Consent Page Title. |
consent-page-title.text string | Custom title text to display on the Consent Page. |
consent-page-title.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties for the Consent Page title as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
review-page-title object | Properties for the Review Page Title. |
review-page-title.text string | Custom title text to display on the Review Page widget. |
review-page-title.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties for the Review Page Title as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
esign-card-title object | Properties for the eSign Task Card Title. |
esign-card-title.text string | Custom title text to display on the eSign Task Card. |
esign-card-button object | Defines the button text/style to use on the eSign Task Card. |
esign-card-button.text string | Custom text to display on the eSign Task Card button. |
esign-card-button.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
enote-card-title object | Properties for the eNote Task Card Title. |
enote-card-title.text string | Custom title text to display on the eNote Task Card. |
enote-card-button object | Defines the button text/style to use on the eNote Task Card. |
enote-card-button.text string | Custom text to display on the eNote Task Card button. |
enote-card-button.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
review-card-title object | Properties for the Review Task Card Title. |
review-card-title.text string | Custom title text to display on the Review Task Card. |
review-card-button object | Defines the button text/style to use on the Review Task Card. |
review-card-button.text string | Custom text to display on the Review Task Card button. |
review-card-button.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
voided-card-title object | Properties for the Voided Task Card Title. |
voided-card-title.text string | Custom title text to display on the Voided Task Card. |
voided-card-button object | Defines the button text/style to use on the Voided Task Card. |
voided-card-button.text string | Custom text to display on the Voided Task Card button. |
voided-card-button.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
expired-card-title object | Properties for the Expired Task Card Title. |
expired-card-title string | Custom title text to display on the Expired Task Card. |
expired-card-button object | Defines the button text/style to use on the Expired Task Card. |
expired-card-button.text string | Custom text to display on the Expired Task Card button. |
expired-card-button.custom-style object (styleProps) | Custom style properties as defined in Custom Style Attributes. |
Custom Style Attributes
Custom style properties for an individual item. A few examples are the Exit button, eSign card button, Tasks page title, and the eSign card title. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified. The default theme will be applied if no other value is specified.
background-color string | Background color to use for an element. |
color string | Color for an element. |
fonts string | Font face for an element, e.g.: 'proxima-nova, Arial, sans-serif'. |
font-size number | Font size for an element in px. |
font-weight number | Font weight for an element. e.g. 100 for normal, 700 for bold. minimum: 100 maximum: 900 multipleOf: 100 |
font-style string | Font style for an element. e.g. italic Enum: [ normal, italic ] |