Pipeline Calls

Best Practices for creating efficient pipeline requests to reduce payload size.

  • Use Query Parameters to Filter your results
    • Utilize the loanFolders attribute to limit loans to a specific pipeline folder (available starting 24.1R)
    • Reduce your payload size by limiting the # of loans to be returned in the payload
    • Use date limits where applicable.
    • When the query parameter of calculateTotalCount=NoWait is included in the request, a calculation of a total loan count that otherwise returned in the X-Total-Count response header attribute will be suppressed. Include this query parameter with the call to optimize performance. If there is a need for that value, you can sum the loan objects returned in the response array directly.
  • Fine-tune results by defining filter criteria. The filter terms you can query against are:
    • CanonicalName (string)
    • Value (object)
    • MatchType (Exact, StartsWith, MultiValue, etc.)
    • Terms (array)
    • Operator (and/or)
    • Precision (minute, hour, day, month, year, recurring)
    • Include (true/false)
  • Your first call for retrieving pipeline should be with limited payload, for subsequent pages retrieve the bigger limit.
  • Cache response data when you can on the client side.
  • Avoid sort if you don’t need to sort data to help with performance.
  • Performing a pipeline search using admin user improves performance.