HTTP Status Codes
Successful Request Responses
Status Code | Description |
200 | Request Successful |
201 | Entity Created Returned when a new entity is created based on the POST/PUT request as well as the Location HTTP header. Shows the newly created entity’s unique URL which includes the primary key/ID for that entity. |
202 | Request Accepted (asynchronous services only). Returned when accepting any asynchronous web service requests to indicate the request will be processed but not requiring the client to remain waiting for a response. |
204 | No Content Returned when no HTTP body is needed, such as a DELETE request. |
304 | Not Modified Returned with entity requests using the If-None-Match header to show that the entity data the client has is the latest version, so no payload/body will be returned to the requestor. |
Invalid Request Responses
Status Code | Description |
400 | Bad request Generic indicator that something is wrong with the request, usually invalid parameters. Check your request before resubmitting. |
401 | Unauthorized Returned when invalid credentials are provided during login. The security token is invalid or expired. |
403 | Forbidden Returned if a user has requested access to an entity that is not allowed for their role/group. |
404 | Resource not found Returned when either REST service URL is invalid or the entity requested was not found. |
405 | Method not allowed Returned if the HTTP method used for the resource is not one of the allowed values supported by that entity. |
409 | Conflict Returned when the requested service call conflicts with the current state of the object of the service. |
410 | Gone Indicates that the REST API is deprecated. Please update to the newer version. |
413 | Payload Too Large The request is larger than the server is willing, or able, to process. |
415 | Unsupported Media Type Returned when the requestor has a media type the server or resource does not support. |
418 | Expectation Failed I'm a teapot (RFC 2324). The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field. |
429 | Too Many Requests If governing usage per a given client’s periodic allowance to access the API, this response indicates they have exceeded their current levels for this period. This should be preceded however by usage of the X-Rate-Limit-*** HTTP headers to show usage levels are approaching their period’s threshold. |
Internal Error Responses
Status Code | Description |
500 | Internal Server Error. Generic error that captures all errors resulting from unexpected errors within the “system”, where the “system” refers to both the RESTful service and all components used internally to satisfy the request. This can include internal service bus errors, platform service errors, database errors, etc. |
503 | Service Unavailable The server is currently unavailable, either overloaded or down for maintenance. |
Updated over 1 year ago