Card Array


What is it
Cards display summary information to help the user assess and prioritize next actions. Each card also serves as the entry point to the content summarized on the card.

When to use:
Cards are best applied when the information being compared is best displayed as a gauge or graph (e.g. status, performance).
Use Cards for browsing smaller data sets. This is especially true when there is more information than is easily displayed in a table. When an object has many different attributes, displayed as label value pairs on a card but, as column headers would be wider than a typical browser window.

Why use it
The user needs an ‘at a glance’ view of objects or processes which show different information depending on their state.

Possible Alternate Solutions

  • Use a Data Grid if comparing the same piece of information across objects is important.
  • Use an Accordion if the amount of information per object or process is more than 2 elements.