What is it
When to use:
Use Tabs when there are two or more groups of content that relate explicitly to the parent page, but not to each other. Due to the exclusive nature of the content within each Tab, the user will rarely need to simultaneously view content between multiple Tabs. However, the interaction provides efficient navigation between all content.
Why use it
- The use case includes groups of related information that can be broken into meaningful groups, and the groups of content are approximately one page in length.
- The content groups do not need to be viewed at the same time in order to understand their relationship, or to complete the workflow or task.
Possible Alternate Solutions
- Use Master-Detail
- Accordion - Because the user needs to view all content groups and/or objects one time, or take action directly on the object.
- Use a Data Grid if the majority of an objects’ the content is NOT tabular data, but a series of inputs.
Updated almost 4 years ago