The DataTable provides support for interacting with data in a spreadsheet format using rows and columns. The DataTable is space-efficient and easy to scan, well suited to presenting large amounts of the same data per object.
Cell Contents
- Non-interactive data: Text, Numbers, Icons, and Progress Indicators.
- Interactive controls: Text Box, Combo Box, Toggle, Button, and Checkbox.
Typically displayed prominently in the visual hierarchy as it is a primary source for prioritization, decision-making and taking action.
Data Tables should not nested within other Data Tables. Other cases of nesting Data Tables within other components need to be validated for support and performance.
- A-Grid (Layout) - If a table-like layout is needed but not sorting or searching. A-Grid has much less overhead then DataGrid.
- List - User only needs a column of information, possibly with reordering, actions and limited extra info (use Cards in List).
- Card Array (Layout) – User needs different information per object to decide which to act on.
- Shuttle - Used for making selections similar with multi-select and filtering similar to a DataTable. Useful in a more constrained space it only provides for a single column of data. User needs only one column of data and is mostly selecting – not taking a variety of actions on the selection.
- The DataTable can be placed on a page, a side panel, or in a dialog.
- The DataTable should always have a label.
- There is often a need to associate buttons that act on the entire DataTable, header controls are used to accomplish this for a page, dialog, or groupbox.
- If the DataTable is the only content on a Page or Dialog
- If the DataTable is embedded in a groupbox, with or without borders.
- Pagination and Infinite Load are mutually exclusive.
- Column Truncation or Wrapping, are mutually exclusive.
- Multiple or Single Select are mutually exclusive.
There are three types of DataTable: Basic, Row Group and Expandable. They share many characteristics but are unique in some key ways.
Basic (all DataTables share these capabilities)
- Cell Contents
- Non-interactive data: Text, Numbers, Icons, and Progress Indicators
- Interactive controls: Text Box, Combo Box, Toggle, Button, Checkbox
- Row toolbar
- Row Reordering
- Row Heights
- Multi-Select
Row Group Header (unique characteristics)
- Row Grouping
- Row groups can be collapsed/expanded.
- Sorting with Row groups is constrained, contents are sorted within a group, but groups are not reordered.
Expandable (unique characteristics)
- There are two types of expandable content:
- Rows that share all, or a subset, of the parent columns.
- Containers that can contain almost anything (e.g. Form Input Controls, Card Array, Embedded table, Shuttle, etc.)
- Does not support Row Grouping
- Does not support Column Sorting
- Does not support nested Data Tables
Drag and Drop - v.2.0 is limited to repositioning rows within a container (v.2.1 will support dragging between containers and dragging / nesting containers).
Updated over 1 year ago