[Composable] Separator


Separator is for presentational purpose only and has no action. It's delicate horizontal border offers sufficient contrast to delineate it as a distinct element, and is to be placed within the menu to distinguish section content.

1 - This indicator serves a presentational purpose and as has no related A11y concerns.

2 - (if color contrast applies) make sure is perceivable by low vision users.

3 - (if color contrast doesn't apply) this is purely presentational it can be treated as a "nice to have" and is correctly marked as "optional" html-wise, so by design we ignore color contrast concerns in favor of a leaner better looking final graphic


Box Model




Validity Criteria:

  • Covers spacing and dimensions: Identifying spacing and dimensions to ensure pieces are A11Y compliant. Use min-width/min-height instead of height/width/max-height/max-width. Define padding/margins in PX, and min-width/min-height in relative measures.
  • Covers responsive/adaptive layout: Given the box models, clearly identify how the layout adapts to breakpoints and responsiveness.



StateDefault GraphicDefault Styling
Idlebackground: neutral-000 (#FFFFFF)
separator: 1px solid, neutral-400 (#8C93A6)
orientation: horizontal
FocusN/A (no required cases)N/A (no required cases)
DisabledN/A (no required cases)N/A (no required cases)
Read-onlyN/A (no required cases)N/A (no required cases)
HoverN/A (no required cases)N/A (no required cases)
ErrorN/A (no required cases)N/A (no required cases)


Not applicable

Use Cases

Original ScenarioDimsum's version


hypothetical scenario graphichypothetical scenario solutionhypothetical scenario description
[UX to add image of hypothetical use-case valuable proposed solution][UX to add an text based description/guidance of the scenario]

Digital Accessibility

Not applicable


Not applicable

Usage Warnings

No known-of issues


Not applicable