Input Mask



A set of masks that apply standard formatting to alpha-numeric characters, such as decimal placements, unit indicators, ZIP code, phone number, etc.



See Input Field spec for general interaction rules
In editable forms, computable numerical values will align left.
In non-editable, or within comparison components/screens, computable numerical values will align right


Computable values align right in data tables and other types of components where comparison is important.

Date Input Behavior

The Date Mask behavior is based on the standard HTML element; (

Continuous String:
The mask allows the user to enter month day and year as a continuous string.


  • The mask auto advances once you have entered two valid numbers (eg. “02” or “12”), or a single number that can only be valid as a single digit. (eg. 4, 5, etc. in the case of day) (2, 3, etc in the case of month)
  • Month only requires two digits if the number starts with 1 or 2. if anything between 3 and 9 are entered it auto completes and advances.
  • Day only requires two digits if the number starts with 1 or 2 or 3. if anything between 4 and 9 are entered it auto completes and advances.


  • Type 3 into month, result is 03 and auto advance to day
  • Type 4 into day, result is 04 and auto advance to year
  • If the user enters a month or day that is beyond the valid range of numbers the closest valid number is inserted automatically. For example type 33 into day, result is 31 and auto advance to year.


  • The Day is validated after the control loses focus (user clicks on another object or tabs out of the control. If the day should be 30, 29, or 28 based on the year and month this is validated after the control loses focus. The Error condition is indicated per text box error state (red surround and error message)


  • The user can click into any of the three numbers (month, day, year) to edit that number.
  • All the same rules apply to both entering and editing a number.

For example if the user types 34 for day then 31 is automatically entered and the cursor automatically advances.



Usage Warnings

Protected Input Mask

In conformance with the ICE MT privacy policy and WCAG 2.2 AA accessibility requirements, the visual display and audible announcement of Nonpublic Personal Information (NPI) must be protected. For example, the Social Security Number (SSN) is set to protected=true by default, and may be deactivated with the action icon located on the right of the input field.

In order to reduce inadvertent disclosure of NPI, the PROTECTED state will:

  • Display bullet for each character in the input field
  • For the Input Field, Screen Reader will announce:
    • Value: Number of characters
    • State: Contents selected
    • Description: 'secure edit text'
    • Role: Text Field ?
    • Instruction/Hint: To enter text in this field, type. This is a secure text field. Text typed into this field will not be displayed and will not be announced by the screen reader.
  • The Toggle Button that sets the protected state of the input field will announce:
    • Label:
    • Description: Warning: this is a secure text field. If you selectunprotected all characters in this field will be displayed, and announced by the screen reader.
    • Role: Button; You are currently on a toggle button. To select or deselect, press Control-Option-Space
    • State: Selected

The UNPROTECTED state will:

  • Display the actual characters in the input field
  • For the Input Field, Screen Reader will announce:
    • Value: Number of characters
    • State: Contents selected
    • Role: Secure edit text?
    • Description: Warning: this is a secure text field. Contents are currentlyunprotected and all characters in this field will be displayed, and announced by the screen reader.
    • Instruction/Hint: To enter text in this field, type. This is a secure text field. Text typed into this field will not be displayed and will not be spoken by VoiceOver.
  • The Toggle Button that sets the protected state of the input field will announce:
    • Description: Warning: this is a secure text field. Contents are currentlyunprotected and all characters in this field will be displayed, and announced by the screen reader.
    • Role: Button; You are currently on a toggle button. To select or deselect, press Control-Option-Space
    • State: Not Selected


Digital Accessibility

Keyboard Navigation

Use standard order of operations, Left to Right, Top to Bottom.

Navigation details for embedded components can be found in their respective specs.

TabTakes user to the next interactive element in the tab order
Shift+TabTakes user to the previous interactive element in the tab order
EnterSubmits value
Arrow Left/RightHighlighted Values: Moves cursor to beginning/end of selected values
Arrow Up/Down- Date/Time Inputs: Reels through field values - Highlighted Values: Moves cursor to beginning/end of selected values


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