


Toast is a type of notification. It lets the user know the status of a system event, and provides relevant detail to help the user understand may be done next, such as resolving an error or confirming the completion of a task.


Visual Style

Basic Toast

With Link

Notification Types

Placement and Animation

Toast Messages - are notifications that slide in and out, typically in the top right of the page. They are more disruptive than inline notifications and are best used with system-generated messages that do not correspond to a specific section of the UI. User action is required to dismiss all toast messages.

Use the “Basic” Toast for low-level notifications with minimal content for success and informational messaging. Use the Toast “With Link” for high-level critical errors or warnings that require immediate attention and user action. Utilize the Modal Dialog if more functionality and more space for content is needed.

Digital Accessibility

Keyboard Interaction

KEYBOARD & FOCUS (K&F)*Global standard keyboard interactions apply, and in order of operations from left to right, top to bottom.
TAB, SHIFT+TABMoves focus indication to the next and previous interactive elements in the tab order (e.g. clear icon-button, action link).
SPC, ENT/RETActivates and confirms action when an interactive element receives focus indication (e.g. clear icon-button, action link).
ESCCloses the toast, focus should retain the user’s point of regard, and return to the element that invoked the toast open.
Screen Reader (SR)*Steps from object to object or by jumping between components. Converts interactive elements into speech.
HTML/Semantic RoleAnnounced Content (defined by app-side)ARIA Attribute
ALERTTitle and type<div role="alertdialog”, aria-labelledby="dialog1Title”, aria-describedby="dialog1Desc">
LINKLabel tag, tabindex=”0”


Basic Keyboard Functions

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