



Visual Style

Horizontal Scroll Bar


Digital Accessibility

Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard & Focus*Global standard keyboard interactions apply, and in order of operations from left to right, top to bottom.
TAB, SHIFT + TABMoves focus to the next and previous interactive elements in the tab order.
SPC, ENT/RET• Activates and confirms action when an interactive element receives focus indication.
• When menu is open then select the choice with focus and close the menu
• Closes the drop-up menu and focus remains on current element.
ARROW UP/DOWN• When drop-up menu is open, down arrow moves focus to the next option
• When drop-up menu is open, up arrow moves focus to the previous option
• When drop-up menu is open, If focus is on the first option, moves focus to the last option
Printable CharactersIf menu is open move focus to the item that most closely matches the characters typed. No spaces and no repeated characters
ESCClose the menu, initiate no action, focus returns to the trigger (page counter).
SCREEN READER*Steps from object to object or by jumping between components. Converts interactive elements into speech.
Semantic HTML RoleAnnounced Content (defined by app-side)ARIA Attributes
BUTTONlabel, type, state, countNA


Basic Keyboard Functions

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