


Tabs provide single-click navigation across a set of pages or forms. They provide access to groups of content that are related and are at the same level of hierarchy. Tabs offer efficient use of vertical space and quick navigation between groups of content.


Visual Style


Carousel and Truncation

Digital Accessibility

Keyboard Navigation

KEYBOARD & FOCUS*Global standard keyboard interactions apply, and in order of operations from left to right, top to bottom.
TAB, SHIFT+TABMoves focus next and previous from tab to tab (primary/secondary).
The tab key continues down to the secondary tabs (when in secondary level, primary tab behavior is applicable).
SPC, ENT/RETActivates and confirms action when an interactive element receives focus indication (e.g. primary and secondary tabs).
ARROW UP/DOWNMoves focus between primary and secondary tab levels (from primary tab moves to the first secondary tab).
ARROW LEFT/RIGHTMoves focus to next and previous tabs (primary and secondary levels).
SCREEN READER (SR)*Steps from object to object or by jumping between components. Converts interactive elements into speech.
Semantic HTML RoleAnnounced Content (defined by app-side) *Default Screen Reader Announcement (DSRA)ARIA Attributes
TAB LISTAriaLabel + Tab Index (example "primary or secondary”).NA
TAB (BUTTON)AriaLabel + Tab Index (for example "tab 1 of 3" if we are on the first of three tabs”).
State of tab: DSRA (title, type, state, etc.)
Disabled state: When accesed with SR special keys, DSRA is applicable.
ARIA Considerations
• UX/Dev analysis determination: The tab component currently meets a level of compliance that supports both the tab and arrow keys to navigate the tab list.
• WCAG compliance issue: W3 WCAG guideliens for tabs specifies that navigating to tabs within the tab list with the tab key is not recommended.
• Improvement consideration: Per WCAG, navigation from tab to tab should be only via arrow keys. On tab key press, focus should shift to tab content.

*See documentation links below.


Basic Keyboard Functions
W3 WCAG Keyboard Features for Tabs
W3 WCAG Keyboard Interaction for Tabs