Get All Events

Returns all webhook events that occurred on the Lender Platform. Refine your results using query parameters.

Refining Results

Return Loan event history:
Note: Partner-related resources will be supported in a future release.

Return the event history of a specified loan:

Return the event history of Loans with Create Event:

Return the event history of a specified subscription ID:

Return the event history from a range of dates:
Note: If a startTime is not specified, results will be returned for the previous day. If an endTime is not specified, the current time will be used.

Paginate results by setting a starting point and limit:
/webhook/v1/events?startTime=2020-06-29T22:19:35.979Z&endTime=2020-06-30T22:19:35.979Z& eventType=create&status=EventReceived&resourceType=Loan&start=0&limit=100
Note: If start and limit are not specified, the first 100 events will be returned.
