V3 Delete Internal User Profile

Delete an Encompass internal user profile from the system.

This API endpoint added with the 24.2 release of Encompass.


Use With Caution!

Best practice is to  disable  Encompass users and not delete them. You can disable a user profile using the V3 Update Internal User API. If a user is deleted and that user is assigned to loans, the user will remain assigned to those loans until removed.

Usage Notes

  • Access Rights
    • Only administrators (admin account, Super Administrator persona, and/or Administrator persona) or non-admin users with the Settings “Organizations/User” persona can delete user accounts.
    • The calling user only has access to delete users within their same organization, or lower child organizations.
    • Users cannot delete their own user accounts.
  • User cannot be deleted when they are logged in with an active session.
  • If loans are assigned to a user, you must do one of the following things:
    • First, reassign the loans in Encompass Smart Client, and then perform the DELETE user call.
    • Provide parameter ‘ignoreAssignedLoans=true’. This will ignore the assigned loans and allow the deletion of the user. The assigned loans will still need to be reassigned in Encompass Smart Client.
  • If contacts are assigned to a user, you can choose to delete or reassign them to another user. If reassign is chosen, the ReassignContactsToUser parameter must also be provided.