Correspondent Trade Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the CorrespondentTradeContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Correspondent Trades tab
aotInformation AotInformationContract | If a dealer is associated with the Correspondent Trade, the Assignment of Trades (AOTs) information will be described by the AotInformationContract. |
assignedAmount number($double) | The Assigned Amount for the loan or loans being added to the trade. |
assignedLoanList assignedLoanList | List of loans assigned to the trade. Including the LoanAssignmentContract which includes the entityReferenceContract for the loan IDs. |
assignmentPercentage number($double) | Percentage of loans assigned to the Trade. |
autoCreateLoanAuto string | Indicates when trades are auto-generated from the Encompass Trade Management setting. |
commitmentDate string($date-time) | Required. The loan lock date or commitment date. |
commitmentType string | Required. Specifies the commitment type. Possible values are None, Best Efforts, and Mandatory. |
correspondentMasterId EntityReferenceContract | Information about the correspondent master commitment described by the EntityReferenceContract. |
deliveryExpirationDate string($date-time) | Required. The date on which the trade expires. |
deliveryType string | Required. Delivery type for the Correspondent Trade as defined by Encompass External Company Settings > Commitments For example, None, AOT, BulkAOT, Co-Issue, Forwards, IndividualBestEfforts, IndividualMandatory, and Bulk. |
eppsLoanPrograms eppsLoanPrograms | The ICE PPE loan programs associated with this trade for loan program eligibility and loan pricing through ICE PPE. See the ICE PPE Loan Program contract. |
expirationDate string($date-time) | Required. Date the Correspondent Trade expires. |
filter FilterContract | Trade filter details as described by the FilterContract. |
isAutoCreated boolean | Indicates whether the Correspondent Trade was automatically created. |
isWeightedAvgBulkPriceLocked boolean | Indicates whether the Weighted Average Bulk Price (WABP) is calculated and locked. |
numberOfLoans integer($int32) | Total number of loans assigned to the Trade. |
overrideTradeNameOverride boolean | Override the Commitment Number that was automatically assigned. |
pairOffs pairOffs | Details of Pair-Offs against Trade. |
pricing PricingContract | Pricing adjustments, simple trade pricing items, and SRP table information as described by the PricingContract object. |
purchasePercentage number($double) | This attribute is not implemented in this version. Coming soon. |
retrieveOnly boolean | Internal |
totalPairOffAmount number($double) | The total Pair-Off amount of the Trade. |
totalPairOffGainLoss number($double) | The total Pair-Off gain/loss of the Trade. |
tpoDetails TpoDetailsContract | Information about the TPO TpoDetailsContract. |
tradeInfoContract TradeInfoContract | Information about the trade contract as described by the TradeInfoContract object. |
weightedAvgBulkPrice number($double) | The weighted average price for loan trades. |
isToleranceLocked boolean | A flag to indicate if the tolerance can be edited. To update tolerance isToleranceLocked needs to be "true". |
Correspondent AOT Information Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the AotInformationContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Correspondent Trades > AOT Information area
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
aotOriginalTradeDate string($date-time) | The AOT original trade date. |
aotOriginalTradeDealer string | The AOT original trade dealer. |
aotSecurityCoupon number($double) | The AOT security coupon. |
aotSecurityPrice number($double) | The AOT security price. |
aotSecurityTerm string | The AOT security term as configured in Encompass Settings > Secondary Setup > Trade Management Setup > Trade Management Fields. For example: • 30Yr • 20Yr • 15Yr • 10Yr |
aotSecurityType string | The AOT security type as configured in Encompass Settings > Secondary Setup > Trade Management Setup > Trade Management Fields. For example: • FNMA • FHLMC • GNMA I • GNMA II |
aotSettlementDate string($date-time) | The AOT settlement date. |
Loan Assignment Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the LoanAssignmentContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
loanID EntityReferenceContract | Information about loan as described by the EntityReferenceContract object. |
loanFieldsInfo string | Loan details. |
Entity Reference Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the EntityReferenceContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
entityId string | Unique identifier of the entity. |
entityName string | Used primarily by Role references. |
entityType string | Type of the referenced entity. Possible values are: Default, User, Role, Condition, Application, Attachment, Document, MilestoneSetting, ReoProperty, NonBorrowingOwner, Milestone, BorrowerContact, BusinessContact, Organization, Persona, Form, FieldDefinition, ExternalOrg, PipelineView, PersonaView, UserView, LoanTemplateSet, TemplateFolder, ClosingCostTemplate, LoanFolder, LoanDuplicationTemplate, Loan, Borrower, CoBorrower, ResourceLock, CorrespondentMaster, CorrespondentTrade |
entityUri string | The Entity Uri resource. |
retrieveOnly boolean | Internal |
Authorized Trader Reference Contract
An authorized trader is the person authorized to execute a Trade on behalf of the TPO. The following objects and attributes make up the AuthorizedTraderReferenceContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
email string | Email address of the authorized trader. |
entityId string | Required. Field EntityReference.EntityId |
entityName string | Used primarily by Role references |
entityType string | Type of the referenced entity. Possible values are Default, User, Role, Condition, Application, Attachment, Document, MilestoneSetting, ReoProperty, NonBorrowingOwner, Milestone, BorrowerContact, BusinessContact, Organization, Persona, Form, FieldDefinition, ExternalOrg, PipelineView, PersonaView, UserView, LoanTemplateSet, TemplateFolder, ClosingCostTemplate, LoanFolder, LoanDuplicationTemplate, Loan, Borrower, CoBorrower, ResourceLock, CorrespondentMaster, CorrespondentTrade. |
entityUri string | The Entity Uri resource. |
Co-Issue Information Contract
A co-issue transaction occurs when a selling lender transfers the servicing rights for a mortgage loan to a GSE approved servicer at the same time it sells the loan to the GSE. The seller is paid by the GSE for the loan asset and by the servicing buyer for the mortgage servicing rights (MSRs). The co-issue sale is considered an "automatic" transfer because GSE's prior approval of the transaction is not required. However, the co-issue transaction requires extensive coordination of data, documents, and cash settlements between the seller and servicer.
The following objects and attributes make up the CoIssueInformationContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
agencyDeliveryType string | Agency Delivery Type |
agencyName string | Agency Name |
docCustodian string | DocCustodian |
fundType string | Fund Type |
originationRepWarrantType string | OriginationRepWarrantType |
ICE PPE Loan Program Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the EppsLoanProgramContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Correspondent Trades > Eligible Loans area
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
programId string | The ICE PPE (formerly EPPS) loan program ID. |
programName string | The ICE PPE (formerly EPPS) loan program name. |
Filter Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the FilterContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
dataLayout DataLayoutContract | The DataLayoutContract which describes the column layout. |
filterType string | Indicates the type of filter for eligible loans for Trade. |
simpleTradeFilter SimpleTradeFilterContract | Information about the simple trade filter as described by the SimpleTradeFilterContract object. |
Simple Trade Filter Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the SimpleTradeFilterContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Loan Search > Simple Search
ATTRIBUTE | Description |
fieldList string | Available in a future release. |
investorStatuses string | Available in a future release. |
loanPrograms string | Available in a future release. |
ltvRange string | Available in a future release. |
maxNoteRate number($double) | MaxNoteRate |
milestones string | Available in a future release. |
minNoteRate number($double) | Minimum note rate. |
occupancyStatuses string | Available in a future release. |
termRange string | Available in a future release. |
Pair Off Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the PairOffContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Correspondent Trades > Pair-Off area
calculatedPairOffFee number($double) | Calculated Pair-Off fee. |
comments string | Comments of Pair-Off transaction. |
displayCalculatedPairOffFee number($double) | Value of the calculated Pair-Off fee. |
displayedTradeAmount number($double) | Displayed Trade amount. |
index integer($int32) | Display order index. The default is 1. |
pairOffDate string($date-time) | Pair-Off date. |
pairOffFeePercentage number($double) | Pair-Off fee percentage. |
requestedBy string | The user who requested the pair-off. |
retrieveOnly boolean | Internal |
tradeAmount number($double) | Trade amount. |
Pricing Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the PricingContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Correspondent Trades > Pricing tab
appendPriceAdjustmentTemplate boolean | Indicator of appending a price adjustment template. |
isAdvancedPricing boolean | Indicator of simple pricing or advanced pricing. |
priceAdjustmentTemplateName string | Name of price adjustment template. |
simpleTradePricingItems simpleTradePricingItems | Details provided by the simpleTradePricingItems contract. |
srpTable srpTable | Details provided by the srpTable contract. |
srpTableTemplateName string | Name of SRP table template. |
Simple Trade Pricing Item Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the SimpleTradePricingItemContract object. The SimpleTradePricingItemContract object defines a Base Price table with a range of note rates and prices for the loans in the trade. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Correspondent Trades > Pricing > Price Adjustments area
price number($double) | Price for the rate (in basis points). |
rate number($double) | Rate for the simple trade. |
serviceFee number($double) | Available in a future release. |
Srp Table Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the SrpTableContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Correspondent Trades > Pricing > SRP Pricing and SRP Details areas
baseAdjustment number($double) | The Base SRP Adjustment. Typically, a negative value. This adjustment percent is added to the Base SRP value. |
impoundsAdjustment number($double) | Impounds adjustment percentage. |
srpStateAdjustments srpStateAdjustments | Details of the SRP State Adjustments as described by the srpStateAdjustments object. |
Srp State Adjustment Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the SrpStateAdjustmentContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Where to find these field attributes in Encompass:
Encompass > Trades > Correspondent Trades > Pricing > SRP Details area
adjustment number($double) | State adjustment from Base SRP. |
impoundAdjustment number($double) | Impound adjustment from Base SRP. |
state string | Subject property state. |
Tpo Details Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TpoDetailsContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
externalOriginatorManagementId integer($int32) | External Originator Management ID |
organizationId string | The organization code of the TPO company. |
tpoCompanyName string | Required. Name of the TPO company. |
tpoId string | Required. Unique identifier of the TPO company. |
Trade Info Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TradeInfoContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
commitmentNumber string | Required. Commitment number. |
description string | Description of the Trade. |
id string | The unique identifier of the Trade. When a Trade is created, the ID or TradeID is returned in the Location Header. |
maxAmount number($double) | Maximum amount. |
minAmount number($double) | Minimum amount. |
notes string | Note added to correspondent trade. |
openAmount number($double) | Open amount. |
status string | Status For example, None, Open, Committed, Shipped, Purchased, Archived, Pending, and Voided. |
tolerance number($double) | Required. Tolerance. |
tradeAmount number($double) | Required. Trade amount. |
tradeIndicator array | Trade disposition. For example, Archived, Locked, and Cloned. A value is returned only for true. |
Trade Assignment Statistics Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TradeAssignmentStatisticsContract object, which provides Trade Assignment metrics of all trade assignment categories. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
assignedAmount integer($int32) | Sum of all loan amounts. |
loanCount integer($int32) | Count of loans in assigned loans pipeline. |
maximumAmount integer($int32) | Maximum Amount. |
minimumAmount integer($int32) | Minimum Amount. |
openAmount integer($int32) | Trade Amount less Assigned Amount = Open Amount |
pairOffAmount integer($int32) | Pair-off Amount |
percentAssignmentCompletion integer($int32) | Assigned Amount / Trade Amount expressed as a percentage |
percentWac number($double) | Loan Amounts * Note Rates |
totalGainLoss integer($int32) | Sum of Gain Loss column. |
Trade Event History Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TradeEventHistoryContract object, which contains a historical log of all events of the trade. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
createdBy EntityReferenceContract | EntityReferenceContract identifying the user or entity that created the trade event. |
createdTimeStamp string($date-time) | Date and time the trade event was created. |
eventDetails string | Information about the trade event. |
eventSummary string | Summary about the trade event. |
Trade Note Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TradeNoteContract object, which contains free entry notes logged for a trade. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
createdBy EntityReferenceContract | EntityReferenceContract identifying the user who created the note. |
createdTimeStamp string($date-time) | Date and time the note was created. |
details string | Note text and details. |
id string | Unique identifier assigned to the note. |
entityRemove boolean | Indicator to delete the note. |
Trade Pipeline Field Definition Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TradePipelineFieldDefinitionContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
canonicalName string | LoanReportFieldDef.FieldDefinition.FieldID |
description string | LoanReportFieldDef.FieldDefinition.Description |
fieldId string | LoanReportFieldDef.FieldID |
fieldType string | Possible values are: String, Numeric, DateTime. |
maxLength integer($int32) | LoanReportFieldDef.FieldDefinition.MaxLength |
Options object | TradePipelineFieldOptionContract |
Trade Pipeline Field Option Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TradePipelineFieldOptionContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
reportingDatabaseValue string | Option values in the reporting database. |
text string | Option name. |
value string | Option value. |
description string | Option description. |
Trade Pipeline Item Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TradePipelineItemContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Entity EntityReferenceContract | Details provided by the EntityReferenceContract object. |
fields string | String_Dict contract. |
Trade Pipeline Query Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the TradePipelineQueryContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
fields fields | List of fields. |
filter QueryCriterionContract | Details provided by the QueryCriterionContract object. |
sortOrder sortOrder | List of fields with more details like sort order. |
view string | View of Trades according to the Status. Possible values are: None, Current, Archived, Voided. |
Query Criterion Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the QueryCriterionContract object, which describes the query criteria to get the loans in the pipeline view. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
canonicalName string | Field name. |
include boolean | Indicates whether to include or exclude results returned by match type. Default is true |
matchType string | Match Type. Possible values are: Unknown, Equals, NotEquals, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEquals, LessThan, LessThanOrEquals, Exact, StartsWith, Contains, MultiValue, IsEmpty, IsNotEmpty. |
operator string | Binary operator to evaluate multiple query terms. Possible values are: And, Or. |
precision string | Precision to match dates. Possible values are: Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Year, Recurring. |
terms terms | Complex query terms. |
value value | Value to be matched with. |
Pipeline Field Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the PipelineFieldContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
canonicalName string | Canonical name of the field. |
fieldId string | Field id |
header string | Header |
order string | Sort order. Possible values are: None, Ascending, Descending. |
Put Loan Assignment Response Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the PutLoanAssignmentResponse object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
batchJob BatchJobInfoContract | Details provided by the BatchJobInfoContract object. |
failedAssignment String_Dict | Details provided by the String_Dict contract. |
loanAssignments loanAssignments | Details provided by the LoanToTradeAssignmentContract object. |
Batch Job Info Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the BatchJobInfoContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
applicationChannel string | Application Channel. Possible values are: None, Encompass, SDK, EBS, SMOS |
batchJobId integer($int32) | Unique identifier of the Batch Job. |
batchJobItems batchJobItems | Details provided by the batchJobItems contract. |
entity EntityReferenceContract | Details provided by the EntityReferenceContract object. |
result string | Result |
status string | Batch Job Status. Possible values are: None, Created, InProgress, Completed, Cancelled, Error, Deleted, Ready, CompletedWithError. |
type string | Batch Job Type. Possible values are: None, TradeSynchronization, BidTape. |
Batch Job Item Info Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the BatchJobItemInfoContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
action string | Action |
batchJobId integer($int32) | Unique identifier of the Batch Job. |
batchJobItemId integer($int32) | Unique identifier of the Batch Job Item. |
Entity EntityReferenceContract | Details provided by the EntityReferenceContract object. |
result string | Details about the batch job item result. |
status string | Batch Job Item Status. Possible values are: None, Created, InProgress, Completed, Cancelled, Error. |
Loan to Trade Assignment Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the LoanToTradeAssignmentContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
loanId string | Trade Type. |
rejectedReason string | Eligible Loan GUIDs. |
status string | Status of the trade. |
tradeId integer($int32) | The unique identifier of the Trade. When a Trade is created, the ID or TradeID is returned in the Location Header. |
Loan Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the LoanContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
loan EntityReferenceContract | Details about the loan provided by the EntityReferenceContract. |
totalPrice number($double) | Total Price. |