Request Invite DTO Contract
The Invite API generates a loan application link to insert into a customer communication.
The following objects and attributes make up the requestInviteDTO contract object.
consumer object | Object containing information about the lead or opportunity. |
sourceEntityUrn string | The URN of the requesting resource. For example, urn:elli:encompass:BE1117000:entitytype:opportunity:entityid:54cdf549-1ef3-4a94-8ec9-df718e2ab000 |
siteUrl string | URL of the loan application on the Consumer Connect site. |
workflowId string | The workflow ID of the loan application. |
contacts object | Object containing information about the contact (eg Loan Officer) assigned to the lead or borrower. |
Contacts.contactType string | Type of contact. For example, Loan Officer. | string | Email address of the contact assigned to the lead or borrower. |
contacts.loginId string | The contact's Encompass user ID. | string | The contact's first name. |
borrowerRequestedLoanAmount integer | Loan request amount. |
baseLoanAmount integer | Base loan amount. |
estimatedClosingDate date | Estimated closing date for the loan. |
propertyEstimatedValueAmount integer | The estimated value of the property. |
referralSource string | The referral source. |
borrowerCoBorrowerMarriedIndicator boolean | Indicates whether the borrower is married. |
estimatedClosingCostsAmount integer | Amount of the estimated closing costs. |
mortgageType string | Drop-down field. Value should be HELOC if the Loan Purpose is Heloc. |
newFirstMortgageAmount integer | First mortgage amount. |
purchasePriceAmount integer | The purchase price amount. |
principalAndInterestMonthlyPaymentAmount integer | The monthly payment amount including principal and interest. |
Ltv integer | Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ra.tio. |
proposedFirstMortgageAmount string | Proposed first mortgage amount. |
proposedHazardInsuranceAmount string | Proposed hazard insurance amount. |
proposedMortgageInsuranceAmount string | Proposed mortgage insurance amount. |
applications object | Object containing borrower information that will be used to pre-populate the loan application. |
applications.borrower object | Object containing information about the borrower. |
borrower.firstName | Borrower first name. |
borrower.lastName | Borrower last name. |
borrower.homePhoneNumber | Borrower home phone number. |
borrower.mobilePhoneNumber | Borrower mobile number. |
borrower.emailAddressText string | Borrower email or text address. |
borrower.birthDate | Borrower date of birth. |
borrower.maritalStatusType string | Marital status of the borrower. |
borrower.mailingAddressSameAs PresentIndicator boolean | Indicates whether the borrower mailing address is the same as their current address. |
borrower.noCoApplicantIndicator boolean | A value of true indicates there is no co-borrower on the application. |
borrower.priorPropertyTitleType string | The value is contingent on whether IntentToOccupyIndicator = true and HomeownerPastThreeYearsIndicator = true for borrower. |
borrower.priorPropertyUsageType string | The value is contingent on whether IntentToOccupyIndicator = true and HomeownerPastThreeYearsIndicator = true for borrower. |
borrower.propertyForeclosedPast SevenYearsIndicator boolean | Indicates whether the subject property had a foreclosure in the past 7 years. |
borrower.estimatedCreditScore string | A borrower’s estimated credit score. |
borrower.creditReceivedDate date | Date the credit report was received. This value is not used by UI app. |
borrower.jointAssetsAndLiabilitiesIndicator boolean | A value of true indicates a co-borrower is on the loan application. |
borrower.intentToOccupyIndicator boolean | Indicates whether the borrower will occupy the subject property. |
borrower.homeownerPastThreeYears Indicator boolean | Indicates whether the borrower has owned a home in the last 3 years. |
applications.coborrower object | Object containing co-borrower information. |
coborrower.firstName string | Co-borrower first name. |
coborrower.lastName string | Co-borrower last name. |
coborrower.homePhoneNumber | Co-borrower home phone number. The format is: nnn-nnn-nnnn |
coborrower.emailAddressText string | Co-borrower email or text address. |
coborrower.mobilePhone | Co-borrower mobile number. The format is: nnn-nnn-nnnn. |
coborrower.workPhoneNumber | Co-borrower work number. The format is: nnn-nnn-nnnn. |
coborrower.birthDate *** | Co-borrower date of birth. |
coborrower.maritalStatusType string | Marital status of the co-borrower. |
coborrower.mailingAddressSameAs PresentIndicator boolean | Indicates whether the co-borrower's mailing address is the same as their current address. |
coborrower.noCoApplicantIndicator boolean | A value of true indicates there is no co-borrower on the application. |
coborrower.priorPropertyTitleType string | The value is contingent on whether IntentToOccupyIndicator = true and HomeownerPastThreeYearsIndicator = true for co-borrower. |
coborrower.priorPropertyUsageType string | The value is contingent on whether IntentToOccupyIndicator = true and HomeownerPastThreeYearsIndicator = true for co-borrower. |
coborrower.propertyForeclosedPast SevenYearsIndicator boolean | Indicates whether the subject property had a foreclosure in the past 7 years. |
coborrower.estimatedCreditScore string | A co-borrower’s estimated credit score. |
coborrower.creditReceivedDate date | Date the credit report was received. This value is not used by UI app. |
coborrower.jointAssetsAndLiabilitiesIndicator boolean | A value of true indicates a co-borrower is on the loan application. |
coborrower.intentToOccupyIndicator boolean | Indicates whether the co-borrower will occupy the subject property. |
coborrower.homeownerPastThreeYears Indicator boolean | Indicates whether the co-borrower has owned a home in the last 3 years. |
applications.employment object | Object containing borrower or co-borrower employment information. |
employment.currentEmploymentIndicator boolean | Indicates whether the borrower or co-borrower is currently employed. |
employment.employerName string | Name of employer. |
employment.basePayAmount integer | Base pay amount. |
employment.owner string | Indicates who works for this employer: Borrower or CoBorrower. |
employment.phoneNumber string | Phone number of employer. |
employment.selfEmployedIndicator boolean | Indications whether the borrower or co-borrower is self-employed. |
employment.timeInLineOfWorkYears integer | Number of years the borrower or co-borrower have been in their line of work. |
applications.residences object | Object containing borrower or co-borrower home address information. |
residences.mailingAddressIndicator boolean | Indicates whether this address is the mailing address. |
residences.addressCity string | City. |
residences.addressPostalCode string | Zip code. |
residences.addressState string | State. |
residences.URLA2020StreetAddress string | Street address. |
residences.applicantType string | Indicates who lives at this address: Borrower or CoBorrower. |
residences.residencyType string | Type of residence: Current or Prior. |
application.propertyUsageType string | Property use. For example, Primary, Vacation, Investment, and so on. |
application.creditReportReference Identifier string | Credit report reference ID. |
application.firstMortgagePrincipalAndInterest Amount integer | Dollar amount of first mortgage principal with interest. |
application.incomeOfBorrowersSpouseUsed Indicator boolean | Indicates whether the spouse’s income is used. |
application.incomeOtherThanBorrowerUsed Indicator boolean | Indicates whether income other than the borrower’s is used. |
downPayment.downPayment.amount integer | Down payment amount. |
freddieMac.freddieMac.borrowerQualifiesAs VeteranIndicator boolean | Indicates the borrower qualifies as a veteran. |
property object | Object containing information about the subject property. | string | City of subject property. |
property.loanPurposeType string | Loan purpose type. |
property.postalCode string | Zip code of subject property. |
property.refinancePropertyAcquiredYear string | For refinance loan. Year the property was acquired. |
property.refinancePropertyOriginalCostAmount integer | For refinance loan. Original cost of the subject property. |
property.state string | State code of subject property. |
property.addressLineText string | Address of subject property. |
hmda object | Object containing HMDA-related information. |
hmda.propertyType string | Type of property. |
hmda.universalLoanId string | Universal loan ID. |
hmda.loanAmount integer | Loan amount. |
hmda.Income string | Income. |
hmda.interestRate string | Interest rate. |
hmda.loanTerm string | Loan term. |
hmda.propertyValue string | Value of the subject property. |
hmda.hmdaPropertyZipCode string | Zip code of the subject property. |
hmda.hmdaPropertyAddress string | Address of the subject property. |
hmda.hmdaPropertyCity string | City of the subject property. |
hmda.hmdaPropertyState string | State code of subject property. |
hmda.hmdaLoanPurpose string | Loan purpose. | ScheduledClosingDate date | Scheduled closing date for the loan. |
Request Remind DTO Contract
The Remind API generates a link to an incomplete loan application that can be inserted into a prospect or customer communication.
The following objects and attributes make up the requestRemindDTO contract object.
loginId string | Encompass user ID of the loan officer. |
siteId string | The Consumer Connect site ID. For example, 1825622000 |
siteUrl string | URL of the loan application on the Consumer Connect site. |