V1 Move Loan to Folder

Move a loan from one folder to other folder.

Usage Notes

Effective with the 24.2 release, when an unarchived loan (Archived=false/5016='N') is moved from a unarchived folder to an archived folder, the archived flag will automatically update to indicate it is now archived (archived=true/5016='Y').

  • If the archived loan is moved back to the original unarchived folder, before the next loan save occurs, the archived flag will revert to it's original unarchived value (archived=false/5016='N').
  • If the archived loan is moved back to the original unarchived folder, after a loan save occurs, the archived flag is now committed to the loan (archived=true/5016='Y') and will not change automatically again. Any subsequent moves will not revert the flag to the original unarchived value. In this scenario, the only way to update the flag is to update the archived Flag (archived/5016) via a separate Loan Update Call (V1 or V3) or V3 Field Writer call.

loanFolder Attributes

Name of the loan folder.
The unique identifier assigned to the loan. Also known as a loanId. Refers to a loan that will be acted upon.