Borrower information is represented in the borrower contact object. The Borrower Contact object attributes are described below.
Borrower Contact Attributes
employerName string | The name of the contact's employer. |
birthdate string | The contact's date of birth. For example, 1978-02-15 |
referral string | The name of a person or company, if any, who referred the borrower to you. |
firstName string | Required. The contact's first name. Note: Either firstName or lastName is required. |
lastName string | Required. The contact's last name. Note: Either firstName or lastName is required. |
ownerId string | User ID of the user who submitted the API request. |
accessLevel integer | Possible values are: 0 – Private, 1- Public. |
currentMailingAddress object | The contact's home address. | string | The city in which the contact's home is located. |
currentMailingAddress.state string | The state in which the contact's home is located. |
currentMailingAddress.street1 string | Line 1 of the contact's home address. |
currentMailingAddress.street2 string | Line 2 of the contact's home address. | string | The zip code in which the contact's home is located. |
businessWebUrl string | |
jobTitle string | The contact's job title. |
workPhone string | The contact's work phone number. |
homePhone string | The contact's home phone number. |
mobilePhone string | The contact's cell phone number. |
faxNumber string | The contact's fax number. |
personalEmail string | Required. The contact's personal email address. |
businessEmail string | The contact's work email address. |
salutation string | Ms., Miss, Mrs., Mr., Dr., etc. |
id string | The contactId (or id) is the unique identifier of the borrower contact. It is returned in the response header when the contact is created. |
groupIDs Array of integers | The unique identifier of each contact group to which the contact belongs. |
Borrower Field Definition Attributes
filterOnly boolean | When set to true, the corresponding canonical field is used only for filtering contacts. When set to false, the corresponding canonical field is used for selection, sorting and filtering contacts. |
category string | Category of a field. For example, Borrower Contact, Opportunity, Recent Events, Appointments, Loan, Trade, Milestone, Loan Folder, Pipeline, etc. |
description string | A detailed explanation of what each field represents. |
canonicalName string | The canonical name of the field. |
dataType string | Type of a field. For example, Integer, String, YN(checkbox), Datetime, etc. |
dataSource string | Source of the field. Possible values are Loan and BorrowerContact. |
maxLength int32 | The maximum length of the data. If the field dataType is string, then maxLength represents the maximum number of characters accepted as input. |
options array of strings | Array of strings representing possible options for field values. |
Borrower Contact Query Attributes
fields array of strings | List of business contact fields to query. Provide the canonical field names for the contact. |
loanMatchType string | Type of loans to query. Possible values are: None AnyClosed LastClosed AnyOriginated * LastOriginated |