Manage Plan Codes
Plan Code Request Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the Plan Code request contract. When passing the Plan Code request contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
entity object | Required. Entity object containing details about the Plan Code for a loan program that will be applied to a loan file. |
entity.entityId string | Required. The entity ID is the loan GUID. |
entity.entityType string | Required. The entity type loan in URN format. For example, urn:elli:encompass:loan |
orderType string | The type of order, either opening or closing. |
import string | Indicates how the Plan Code data will be applied to the loan. Possible values are: all - Apply all data associated with plan code. The current loan data will be overwritten with the selected plan code data. planCodeOnly - Apply the plan code data and do not update conflicting loan attributes. Any conflicting data will be retained on the loan. If import is null and there are no conflicts, all data associated with the plan code will be applied to the loan. If import is null and there are conflicts, no data will be applied to the loan. |
Plan Code Response Contract and Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up a Plan Code response contract.
code string | Unique identifier of the plan code. |
description string | Plan code description. |
loanProgramtype string | Plan code type. |
programCode string | Program code. |
investorCode string | Equivalent to the current 3-digit Investor Code used in the ODI system. |
investorName string | The name of the entity sponsoring the loan program. |
investorPlanCode string | The program-specific identifier used by the loan program sponsor to distinguish the loan program from others offered. Can be a combination of letters and integers or a meaningful text description as provided by the lender, investor, etc. |
loanType string | Specifies the type of mortgage being applied for or that has been granted. |
amortizationType string | Describes the cash flow(s) associated with the loan program. |
lienPosition string | Specifies the priority of the lien of the loan transaction. |
ballonLoan boolean | Indicates whether or not a final balloon payment is required under the terms of the loan repayment schedule to fully pay off the loan. |
demandFeature boolean | Indicates that the loan has a demand feature. |
biweeklyLoan boolean | Indicates loan payments are made on a biweekly basis. |
interestOnly boolean | Indicates the loan program payment schedule includes a period during which payments of interest only are made. |
assumabilityType boolean | Indicates whether the loan is assumable by another borrower. |
planFirstChange string | The number of months after origination in which the first interest rate adjustment occurs, if the interest rate on the subject loan can change. |
subsequentChange string | The number of months between the subsequent rate adjustments if the interest rate on the subject loan can change. |
numberOfDaysPerYear string | Identifies the number of days in a year used in the calculation of the construction loan estimated interest amount and the number of days in a year used in the calculation of the construction loan APR. |
prepaymentPenalty boolean | Indicates the loan includes a penalty charged to the borrower in the event of prepayment. |
roundingFactor number | The percentage to which the interest rate is rounded when a new interest rate is calculated. This field is used in conjunction with ARM Interest Rate Rounding Type which indicates how rounding should occur. |
roundingType string | Indicates how the interest rate is rounded when a new interest rate is calculated for an ARM change. This field is used in conjunction with ARM Interest Rate Rounding Factor which indicates the percentage to which the rounding occurs |
indexLookbackPeriod string | Specifies the point in time prior to the effective date of the payment adjustment at which date the effective value of the published index is taken to compute the new payment. |
isConvertible boolean | Indicates whether the loan has a convertible characteristic to be applied when document files are converted into image files in the eFolder. |
recordId string | Record ID. |
isAlias boolean | Indicates whether the plan code is aliased. |
importInvestorToLoan boolean | Indicates whether the investor name should be imported to loan. |
isActive boolean | Indicates whether the plan code is active. |
Id string | Custom Plan Code Id. |
SourceId string | ICE Mortgage Technology plan Id. |
isCustom string | Indicates if the plan code is a custom plan code. |
Apply Plan Code Response Contract and Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the Apply Plan Code response contract.
status string | Apply plan code status. Value are: SUCCESS, CONFLICT, SUCCESS_WITH_CONFLICTS |
Conflicts object | Plan Code Conflict Response with plan code conflicts. |
description string | Plan code description. |
encompassFieldId string | Encompass field ID. |
planFieldId string | Plan code field ID. |
planValue string | Plan code attribute value. |
encompassValue string | Encompass loan attribute value. |
Audit Loan File
Audit Opening Input Request Contract and Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the auditOpeningInput request contract for opening disclosures. When passing the auditOpeningInput request contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
entity | Required. Entity object containing details about the loan file. |
entity.entityId string | Required. The loan ID (GUID). |
entity.entityType string | Required. Entity type in URN format. For example, urn:elli:encompass:loan |
scope | Borrower pair information. |
scope.entityId string | Required. Borrower pair ID or application ID. |
scope.entityType string | Required. Entity type in URN format. For example, urn:elli:encompass:loan:borrower. |
packageTypes Array | Required for User Selected package types. Values can be passed depending on Encompass Settings > Doc Set Up > eDisclosure packages and Control Option. Possible values: AtApp – At Application 3Day – Three-day AtLock – At Lock Approval – Approval GFE – Include GFE TIL – Include TIL LE – Include LE Note: This attribute is used only for user selected package types. Not needed for company selected package types. |
signingModeOverride string | Permitted Signature type (currently supported value: 'WetSignOnly') for opening documents in the send disclosures flow. |
isComplianceAuditRequired boolean | This is an optional indicator which controls whether a compliance audit get performed on the loan. This is applicable only in case of Opening flow. If this attribute is passed in the request payload this will override LOS encompass settings provided under eDisclosures packages → Included Compliance report with audit. |
Audit Closing Request Contract and Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the auditClosingRequest contract for traditional closing disclosures. When passing the auditClosingRequest contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Attribute | Description |
entity | Required. Entity object containing details about the loan file. |
entity.entityId string | Required. The loan ID (GUID). |
entity.entityType string | Required. Entity type in URN format. For example, urn:elli:encompass:loan. |
Audit Opening Status Response Contract and Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the compliance audit status output.
entity object | Entity object containing details about the loan audit status. |
entity.entityId string | The loan ID (GUID). |
entity.entityType string | Entity type in URN format. For example, urn:elli:encompass:loan |
dataAuditResult object | Object containing audit result data. |
dataAuditResult.auditRuleMessages array | List of audit rule messages. |
dataAuditResult.auditRuleMessages. description string | Encompass data audit message. |
dataAuditResult.auditRuleMessages. fields string | List of Encompass field IDs associated with the audit errors/messages. |
dataAuditResult.auditRuleMessages. severity string | Audit message severity such as fatal/required, warning/recommended. |
dataAuditResult.message string | Audit message. |
dataAuditResult.status string | Audit status. |
id string | Unique identifier for the loan audit request. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults object | Loan form printing rule results |
loanFormPrintRuleResults object | Form rule evaluation result. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults | Loan form printing rule results. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.form | Form rule evaluation result. | string | Name of the form. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.form.type string | Type of form (standard or custom). |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.printable boolean | Whether the document is allowed to process. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.reasons | Encompass field error to resolve. The field error must be resolved in order to process documents. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.reasons.field string | Encompass field ID. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.reasons.reasonText string | Reason or description. |
planCodeConflictResult | Plan Code Conflict Result |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields | Plan Code Conflict Result |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. description string | Plan code description. |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. planFieldId string | Plan code field ID. |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. planValue string | Plan code attribute value. |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. encompassFieldId string | Encompass field ID. |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. encompassValue string | Encompass loan attribute value. |
planCodeConflictResult.noOfConflict integer($int32) | Number of attributes in conflict status. |
planCodeConflictResult.planCodeDescription string | Plan code description. |
planCodeConflictResult.planCodeID string | Plan code ID. |
status string | Loan audit status. |
complianceReviewResult.message string | This gives the overall status on the compliance report generation. Values can be "Passed", "Warning", "Did Not Pass". |
complianceReviewResult.reportStatus string | This gives the overall status of the compliance report Values can be: "PASSED" - All the checks done for compliance review. "WARNING" - System has recommended warnings with the data provided. User can download the report and check the warnings. Alternatively, user can also refer to complianceReviewResult.auditRuleMessages to see all recommendation. "ERROR" - System is unable to complete compliance review due to issue(s) in data provided. User can download the report and check the errors. |
complianceReviewResult.complianceReport object | Compliance Report is generated if there are no "Required" data fields reported under the complianceReviewResult.auditRuleMessages. |
complianceReviewResult.complianceReport.authorizationHeader string | Authorization token to download the compliance report. |
complianceReviewResult.complianceReport.url string | URL to download for the compliance report. |
Audit Closing Response Contract and Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the Audit Output response for traditional closing disclosures.
entity object | Entity object containing details about the loan audit status. |
entity.entityId string | The loan ID (GUID). |
entity.entityType string | Entity type in URN format. For example, urn:elli:encompass:loan |
complianceReviewResult object | Object containing compliance result data. |
complianceReviewResult.auditRuleMessages array | List of compliance rule messages. |
complianceReviewResult.auditRuleMessages. description string | Encompass data audit message. |
complianceReviewResult.auditRuleMessages. fields string | List of Encompass field IDs associated with the audit errors/messages. |
complianceReviewResult.auditRuleMessages. severity string | Audit message severity such as fatal/required, warning/recommended. NOTE: All required Audits must be fixed at the loan level before ordering documents. |
dataAuditResult object | Object containing audit result data. |
dataAuditResult.auditRuleMessages array | List of audit rule messages. |
dataAuditResult.auditRuleMessages. description string | Encompass data audit message. |
dataAuditResult.auditRuleMessages. fields string | List of Encompass field IDs associated with the audit errors/messages. |
dataAuditResult.auditRuleMessages. severity string | Audit message severity such as fatal/required, warning/recommended. NOTE: All required Audits must be fixed at the loan level before ordering documents. |
id string | Unique identifier for the loan audit request. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults object | Loan form printing rule results |
loanFormPrintRuleResults object | Form rule evaluation result. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.form | Form rule evaluation result. | string | Name of the form. For example, “Closing Disclosure”. |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.form.type string | Type of form (standard or custom). |
loanFormPrintRuleResults.printable boolean | Whether the document is allowed to process. |
planCodeConflictResult | Plan Code Conflict Result |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields | Plan Code Conflict Result |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. description string | Plan code description. |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. planFieldId string | Plan code field ID. |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. planValue string | Plan code attribute value. |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. encompassFieldId string | Encompass field ID. |
planCodeConflictResult.conflictFields. encompassValue string | Encompass loan attribute value. |
planCodeConflictResult.noOfConflict integer($int32) | Number of attributes in conflict status. |
planCodeConflictResult.planCodeDescription string | Plan code description. |
planCodeConflictResult.planCodeID string | Plan code ID. |
status string | Loan audit status. For example, “Succeeded”. |
complianceReviewResult.message string | This gives the overall status on the compliance report generation. Values can be "Passed", "Warning", "Did Not Pass". |
complianceReviewResult.reportStatus string | This gives the overall status of the compliance report. Values can be: "PASSED" - All the checks done for compliance review. "WARNING" - System has recommended warnings with the data provided. User can download the report and check the warnings. Alternatively, user can also refer to complianceReviewResult.auditRuleMessages to see all recommendation. "ERROR" - System is unable to complete compliance review due to issue(s) in data provided. User can download the report and check the errors. |
complianceReviewResult.complianceReport object | Compliance Report is generated if there are no "Required" data fields reported under complianceReviewResult.auditRuleMessages. |
complianceReviewResult. complianceReport.authorizationHeader string | Authorization token to download the compliance report. |
complianceReviewResult.complianceReport.url string | URL to download for the compliance report. |
Generate Document Package
Generate Doc Set Request Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the generateDocSet request contract that is passed when generating Opening and Closing packages . When passing the generateDocSet request contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
auditId string | Required. Loan audit ID. |
printMode string | Print options for field values in opening docs. Only LoanData is supported at this time. |
Generate Forms Request Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the Generate Forms request contract that is passed when generating on-demand forms. When passing the Generate Forms request contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
entity | Required. Entity object containing details about the loan file. |
entityType (string) | Required. Entity type refers to the object for which the forms need to be generated/requested. This is in the URN (Unique Resource Name) pattern. Supported value: urn:elli:encompass:loan. |
entity.entityId (string) | Required. Loan GUID for which the forms need to be retrieved. |
scope | Required. Entity object containing details about the entity reference (borrower pair). |
scope.entityType (string) | Required. Entity type in URN format. Supported value: urn:elli:encompass:loan:borrower. |
scope.entityId (string) | Required. The unique identifier for scope (borrower pair id). |
printMode string | Print options for field values in opening docs. Only LoanData is supported at this time. |
templates array of strings | Required. List of template names. This specifies the list of Standard, Custom forms and Needed documents. These forms and Needed documents can be found under Encompass Settings > eFolderSetup > Documents Note: To retrieve available templates, call the Get Disclosure Tracking Settings API. If the document template is not added in Encompass Settings or Disclosure Tracking set up, the Send Docs API will fail with a failed dependency error. Some examples are: Mortgage Loan Origination Agreement 1008 - Transmittal Summary Disclosure Notices 1084A Cash Flow Analysis CA Privacy Policy Disclosure FHA 203(k) Purchase Privacy Policy Settlement Service Provider VA Rate Disclosure Closing Disclosure |
eFolder array of objects | This section specifies the additional documents to be added from eFolder. Required when generating an eFolder document. |
eFolder.documents object | Documents to be added to the package of the recipient. Required when generating an eFolder document. | string | Document ID to be added to the package of the recipient. Required when generating an eFolder document. |
eFolder.documents.partyIds string | List of unique identifiers for the recipient within the package. Required when generating an eFolder document. Example: [ Borrower-AdityaFN EDSQABorrower ] |
eFolder.documents.partyIds.signatureType string | Provides information of signature type of the Document. Possible values are: eSignable – The document can be signed electronically. WetSignOnly - A paper copy must be signed and returned by mail or fax. Informational - No signature required. Required when generating an eFolder document. |
signingModeOverride string | Ability to select a different signature type for a package that includes esignable documents. Currently only supports: WetSignOnly - Will override all eSign documents to be treated as WetSign. |
Add Documents to a Package
Add Documents Request Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the addDocuments request contract that is passed when adding documents to an Opening or Closing doc set. When passing the addDocuments request contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
documentType string | Required. Type of document to add. Possible values are: forms - Standard or custom Encompass form. efolder - eFolder document. |
forms object | Object containing details about the scope. |
forms.scope | Entity object defining the scope. |
forms.scope.entityId string | Required. Borrower pair ID or application ID. |
forms.scope.entityType string | Required. Entity type in URN format. For example, urn:elli:encompass:loan:borrower. |
forms.printMode string | Print options for field values in Closing docs. For example LoanData. |
forms.templates string | List of form names. For example, "templates": [ "Closing Disclosure" ] |
eFolder array of objects | Objects defining the eFolder documents to add. |
eFolder.documents object | Object defining an eFolder document to add. | string | eFolder document ID. |
eFolder.documents.partyIds string | List of party IDs associated with the document. |
eFolder.documents.signatureType string | Signature type. Possible values are: eSignable – The document can be signed electronically. WetSignOnly - A paper copy must be signed and returned by mail or fax. Informational - No signature required. |
Send Document Package
Send Package Request Contract
IThe following objects and attributes make up the Send Package request contract that is passed when sending Opening or Closing Packages or On-Demand Forms to a recipient. When passing the Send Package request contract, all attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
documents object | Required. List of documents in the document package. | string | The document ID. |
fulfillments object | Party details. Party details. Fulfillment options are available when the Fulfilment service is enabled. |
fulfillments.toIds string | List of party IDs. |
fulfillments.scheduledDate string($date-time) | Scheduled date time. |
fulfillments.from object | Fulfillment from contact details. | string | Contact's name. |
fulfillments.from.street string | Contact's street address. | string | Contact's city. |
fulfillments.from.state string | Contact's state. |
fulfillments.from.zipCode string | Contact's zip code. |
fulfillments.from.phoneNumber string | Contact's phone number. | object | Fulfillment to contact details. | string | Contact's name. | string | Contact's street address. | string | Contact's city. | string | Contact's state. | string | Contact's zip code. | string | Contact's phone number. |
package object | Package information and options. |
package.from object | Originator's contact details. |
package.from.fullName string | Originator's full name. |
package.from.emailAddress string | Originator's email address. | array of objects | Required. Signing party contact details. The list of recipients who will be signing the document. Also known as the "parties list". | string | Unique identifier of recipient. | string | Full name of recipient. | string | Contact email address. | string | Contact phone number in E.164 international standard format: +[country code][area code][phone number]. For example, +15558675309 Note: Any other variation will result in an "Invalid data for parameter(s)" error. | object | | string | Email subject. | string | Pre-merged email content. |
package.options object | Notification options. |
package.options.notifyOnReceipt boolean | This is the notification option available which indicates that sender would be notified when package is received by the recipient. Default value is false. |
package.options.notifyOnNoReceiptDate string($date-time) | This is the notification option available which indicates that sender would be notified if package is not accessed by recipient on the date specified. |