Affiliated Business Arrangement Contract
The following attributes make up the Affiliated Business Arrangement Contract.
id string | System-generated, unique identifier of the Affiliated Business Arrangement in the loan |
lenderName | Name of the Lender |
lenderAddress | Address of the Lender |
lenderAddressCity | City of the Lender |
lenderAddressState | State of the Lender |
lenderAddressZipcode | Zipcode of the Lender |
affiliateName | Name of the affiliate business |
natureOfRelationship | Nature of Relationship with Affiliate Business |
settlementIndicator boolean | Indicates if it is a settlement |
purchaseSaleRefinanceIndicator boolean | Purchase Sale Refinance Indicator |
serviceDescription1 string | Description of Service 1 |
serviceDescription2 string | Description of Service 2 |
serviceDescription3 string | Description of Service 3 |
serviceDescription4 string | Description of Service 4 |
serviceDescription5 string | Description of Service 5 |
serviceDescription6 string | Description of Service 6 |
requiredUseIndicator1 boolean | Indicates if Service 1 is required |
requiredUseIndicator2 boolean | Indicates if Service 2 is required |
requiredUseIndicator3 boolean | Indicates if Service 3 is required |
requiredUseIndicator4 boolean | Indicates if Service 4 is required |
requiredUseIndicator5 boolean | Indicates if Service 5 is required |
requiredUseIndicator6 boolean | Indicates if Service 6 is required |
percentOwnershipInterest number | Percent of Ownership Interest |
Settlement Service Provider Contact Contract
The following attributes make up the Service Provider Contact Contract.
id string | System-generated, unique identifier of the SSP Contact in the loan |
address string | Address of the Service Provider |
city string | City of the Service Provider |
cost number | Cost of the Service Provider |
lineItemNumber string | Line number of the Fees |
phone string | Phone Number of the Service Provider |
postalCode string | Postal Code of the Service Provider |
providerName string | Name of the Service Provider |
relationship string | Relationship with provider |
category string | Service Provider Category |
serviceType string | Type of Service Provided |
state string | State of Service Provider Address |
webUrl string | Web URL address of the Provider |
shopFor boolean | Indicates if the service is being shopped for |
contactName string | Name of Service Provider |
email string | Email Address of Service Provider |
fax string | Fax number of Service Provider |
serviceProviderContactFees array | Fees charged by the provider |
Home Counseling Provider Contract
The following attributes make up the Home Counseling Provider Contract.
id string | System-generated, unique identifier for the Home Counseling Provider in the loan |
selectedIndicator boolean | Indicates if the HCP is selected |
agencyName string | Name of Agency |
agencyAddress string | Address of Agency |
agencyAddressCity string | City of Agency |
agencyAddressState string | State of Agency |
agencyAddressPostalCode string | Postal Code of Agency |
agencyPhoneDirect string | Direct Phone Number of Agency |
agencyPhoneTollFree string | Toll Free Phone Number of Agency |
agencyFax string | Fax Number of Agency |
agencyEmail string | Email Address of Agency |
agencyWebAddress string | Web Address of Agency |
languagesSupported string | Languages supported by the Agency |
counselingServicesProvided string | Counseling Services Provided by the Agency |
agencyAffiliationIndicator boolean | Indicates Agency Affiliation |
agencyAffiliationDescription string | Agency Affiliation Description |
agencySource string | Source of Agency |
distanceMiles number | Number of miles in distance from the address |
agencyId string | ID of the Agency |
homeCounselingProviderId string | Home Counseling Provider ID |