Opportunities Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the Opportunities contract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
borrowers object | Required. A list of borrowers for the Opportunity. BorrowerContract. |
dateCreated string($date-time) | The date and time the Opportunity was created. |
dateModified string($date-time) | The date and time the Opportunity was last modified. |
dateStatusUpdated string($date-time) | Date when the qualification status was last updated. |
documentTrackingLogs object | A list of DocumentTrackingLogs for the Opportunity. DocumentTrackingLogContract. |
documents object | A list of Documents for the Opportunity. DocumentContract. |
estimatedCreditScore integer($int32) | Estimated credit score. |
firstTimeHomebuyer boolean | Indicates whether the borrower is a first-time homebuyer. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this opportunity. |
loanId string | The unique identifier of the loan. |
loanInfo LoanInfoContract | Loan information provided by the LoanInfoContract. |
loanNumber string | The number assigned to the loan. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
purchaseCredits object | A list of purchase credits for the Opportunity. Includes information from the PurchaseCreditContract. |
qualificationStatus string | The qualification status of any Scenario in the Opportunity. |
scenarioCount integer($int32) | Scenario count for the opportunity. |
source string | Source. |
subjectProperty PropertyContract | Information about the subject property as provided by the PropertyContract. |
subordinateFinancing number($double) | Subordinate Financing |
totalAssets number($double) | The total sum of assets for all borrowers. |
totalBankDeposit number($double) | Assets Total Bank Deposits |
totalCurrentHousingPayment number($double) | The total sum of housing expenses for all borrowers. |
totalExpenses number($double) | The total sum of expenses for all borrowers. |
totalIncome number($double) | The sum of all borrowers total income. |
totalScenarioCount integer($int32) | Total scenario count for the opportunity, including deleted scenarios. |
veteranStatus string | Veteran status. |
Borrower Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.BorrowerContract object. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
applicationIndicator integer($int16) | Application Indicator - Loan’s borrower pair index |
asset AssetContract | AssetContract |
emailAddressText string | Email Address of Borrower. |
entityDeleted boolean | Flag to mark entity as deleted |
expense ExpenseContract | ExpenseContract{...} |
firstName* string | Required. First name of the borrower. |
fullName string | Full name of borrower. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this borrower. |
income IncomeContract | Income information provided by the IncomeContract object. |
lastName string | Required. Last name of the borrower. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID used to bind the entity to the loan. |
middleName string | MiddleName of Borrower. |
mobilePhone string | Borrower's cell phone number. |
suffixToName string | Suffix of borrower name. |
Asset Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.AssetContract object, which represents a borrower contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
borrowerId string | Required. The borrower / co-borrower ID associated with the assets. |
cashDeposits cashDeposits | Data provided by the cashDeposits object. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this Asset. |
lifeInsuranceFaceAmount number($double) | The dollar face amount of life insurance. |
lifeInsuranceMarketValue number($double) | Life insurance market value. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID used to bind the entity to the loan. |
stockAndBonds stockAndBonds | Details about the borrower's stocks and bonds as described by the stockAndBonds object. |
subtotalLiquidAssets number($double) | Return total assets value for the borrower. |
totalBankAccount number($double) | Total dollar value of bank account |
Possession Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.PossessionContract object, which
represents an asset item contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
amount number($double) | Decimal amount of asset item. |
description string | Description of asset. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this possession. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID used to bind the entity to the loan. |
Expense Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.ExpenseContract object, which represents an expense contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
alimonyChildSupport number($double) | Expenses - Dollar amount of alimony/child support. |
currentHousingPayment number($double) | Expenses - Dollar amount of current housing payment |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this expense. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in Loan |
totalMonthlyPayments number($double) | Total Monthly Payments |
Income Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.IncomeContract.Attributes object, which represents the borrower /co-borrower's income. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
base number($double) | Base income for borrower / co- borrower. |
bonuses number($double) | Dollar amount of bonuses for borrower / co-borrower. |
commissions number($double) | Dollar amount of commissions for borrower / co-borrower. |
dividendsInterest number($double) | Dollar amount of dividends/Interest for borrower / co-borrower. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this Income. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
netRentalIncome number($double) | Net dollar amount of rental income for borrower / co-borrower. |
otherTypes number($double) | Dollar amount of other types of income for borrower / co-borrower. |
overtime number($double) | Dollar amount of overtime for borrower / co-borrower. |
total number($double) | Total amount of Income for borrower / co-borrower. |
Opportunity DTO
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.OpportunityDto object, which contains the unique identifier of the opportunity. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of the opportunity. |
Loan Info Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.LoanInfoContract object, which contains information about the loan. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
ausType string | AUS type field to support the Optimal Blue (OB) attribute loanInformation.automatedUnderwritingSystem. |
bottomRatioPercent number($double) | Transaction details qualifier bottom ratio percent. |
documentType string | Documentation received for the loan. A few examples are W2, Assets, and No Documentation. |
firstAdjustmentMonths integer($int32) | Term months count. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this opportunity term. |
lienPosition string | Lean position of the loan. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
loanTerms loanTerms | Loan term information provided by the loanTerms contract object. |
loanTypes loanTypes | Loan type information provided by the loanType contract object. |
occupancyType string | Indicates how the property is used. For example, residence or investment. |
propertyType string | Indicates the type of property. A few examples are Attached, Condo, and Manufactured Housing. |
reSubordinatedFirstBalance number($double) | Expenses present mortgage payment. |
reSubordinatedFirstPayment number($double) | Expenses proposed mortgage payment. |
reSubordinatedSecondBalance number($double) | Transaction details for subordinate financing. |
reSubordinatedSecondPayment number($double) | Expenses present other payment. |
subordinateFinancingBalance number($double) | Subordinate financing balance. |
subordinateFinancingPayment number($double) | Expenses proposed other payment. |
targetPrice number($double) | The target price. |
targetRate number($double) | The target rate. |
topRatioPercent number($double) | Transaction details qualifier top ratio percent. |
whoPaidCompensation string | Indicates whether the compensation was paid by the Lender or Borrower. |
Purchase Credit Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.PurchaseCreditContract object, which contains purchase credit. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
amount number($double) | Amount of credit. |
creditType string | Type of credit. |
description string | Description of credit. |
entityId string | Unique identifier of the entity. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this credit. |
isEntityDeleted boolean | Indicates whether the entity is deleted. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
Property Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.PropertyContract object, which contains details about the property. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
annualInsuranceAmount number($double) | Annual insurance amount in dollars. |
annualInsurancePercent number($double) | Annual insurance amount percent. |
annualTaxesAmount number($double) | Annual tax amount in dollars. |
annualTaxesPercent number($double) | Annual tax percent. |
city string | City of property address. |
county string | County of property address. |
downPaymentAmount number($double) | Transaction details down payment amount. |
downPaymentPercent number($double) | Transaction details down payment percent. |
estimatedPropertyValue integer($int32) | Estimate property value in dollars. |
financedMI number($double) | Financed MI amount. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this property. |
loanAmount number($double) | Amount of the loan. |
loanPurpose string | Purpose of the loan ie. Purchase, CashOutRefi. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
monthlyHOAFeeAmount number($double) | Monthly HOA amount in dollars with 2 decimals. |
monthlyHazardInsurance number($double) | Monthly hazard insurance in dollars. |
monthlyRealEstateTaxes number($double) | Monthly real estate taxes in dollars. |
numberOfUnits integer($int32) | Financed Number Of Units |
purchasePrice number($double) | Purchase price. Required if the Loan Purpose is Purchase. |
purposeOfRefinance string | Purpose of the loan. Some examples are Purchase and CashOutRefi. |
state string | State of property address. |
streetAddress string | Street address of property. |
unpaidPrincipalBalance number($double) | Unpaid principal balance. Required if the Loan Purpose is Refinanced. |
zipCode string | Zip code of property address. |
Opportunity Summary Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.OpportunitySummaryContract object, which provides loan summary details. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
borrowerFirstName string | The borrower first name. |
borrowerFullName string | The borrower full name. |
borrowerLastName string | The borrower last name. |
dateCreated string($date-time) | The date the loan was created. |
dateStatusUpdated string($date-time) | The date the qualification status was updated. |
dateUpdated string($date-time) | The date the loan was created. |
id string | The opportunity ID. |
loanId string | The loan ID of the loan. |
loanNumber string | The loan number of the loan. |
loanPurpose string | The loan purpose of the loan. |
owner string | The owner of this opportunity. |
propertyCity string | The city of the property. |
propertyState string | The state of the property. |
propertyZip string | The zip code of the property. |
qualificationStatus string | The status of the loan in string form. |
scenarioCount integer($int32) | The number of scenarios in an opportunity. |
totalScenarioCount integer($int32) | Total scenario count for the opportunity, including deleted ones. |
Loan Fee Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.LoanFeeContractobject, which provides loan fee details. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
description string | Description of the fee. |
entityDeleted boolean | Indicates whether the entity was deleted. |
feePercent number($double) | Fee percentage. |
feeType string | Required. Type of fees. |
fixedFee number($double) | Fixed fee. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this scenario fee. |
includeInAPR boolean | Indicates whether the fee is included in APR. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
payee string | Indicates the entity that will collect this fee. |
totalAmount number($double) | Total amount of fees. |
Notification Email Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.NotificationEmailContract object, which is the contract for sending a notification for a specified OpportunityId. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
attachments object | Attachments object containing information about each attachment. |
body string | Required. The message body of the email notification. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
scenarioId string | Unique identifier of the scenario. |
sendOnFailure boolean | Indicates whether an email is sent if a failure is encountered. |
subject string | Required. Message subject of the email. |
Attachment Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.AttachmentContract object, which represents an attachment contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
documentId string | The attachment's documentId. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
type string | Document type. Some examples are .pdf, and .html. |
Scenario Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.ScenarioContract object, which represents a loan scenario contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
dateCreated string($date-time) | The date and time the scenario was created. |
dateModified string($date-time) | The date and time the scenario was modified. |
dateStatusUpdated string($date-time) | The date and time the qualification status was last updated. |
fee LoanFeeContract | Fee information provided by the LoanFeeContract object. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of the scenario. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in Loan. |
qualificationStatus string | The qualification status of the scenario. |
qualifierSetting QualifierSettingContract | Qualifier details provided by the QualifierSettingContract object. |
scenarioCost ScenarioCostContract | Scenario cost details provided by the ScenarioCostContract object. |
scenarioIndicator string | Scenario Indicator - A-Z. |
terms ScenarioTermsContract | Required. Scenario term details provided by the ScenarioTermsContract object. |
totalPayment number($double) | The total monthly payment for the scenario. |
Scenario Cost Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.ScenarioCostContract object, which represents a loan ScenarioCost contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
aprAmount number($double) | The amount to be included in the APR. |
entityId string | The unique identifier of the entity. |
estimatedClosingCost number($double) | The estimated closing cost. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this Scenario Cost. |
isEntityDeleted boolean | Indicates whether the entity is deleted. |
lenderCredit number($double) | Amount of lender compensation credits. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
sellerCredit number($double) | Amount of seller credits. |
totalCost number($double) | The total estimated closing costs. |
ScenarioId DTO Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.ScenarioIdDto object, which contains the unique identifier of the scenario. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of the scenario. |
Scenario Terms Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.ScenarioTermsContract object, which provides details about the terms for the scenario. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
adjustableRateMortgage AdjustableRateMortgageContract | Adjustable rate mortgage details provided by the AdjustableRateMortgageContract. |
amortizationTermMonths integer($int16) | Number of months in the loan amortization term. |
amortizationType string | Transaction details amortization type. |
annualInsuranceAmount number($double) | Annual insurance amount in dollars. |
annualInsurancePercent number($double) | Percentage amount of annual insurance. |
annualTaxesAmount number($double) | Annual tax amount in dollars. |
annualTaxesPercent number($double) | Annual tax percent amount. |
aprPercent number($double) | Annual percentage rate (APR). |
baseLoanAmount number($double) | The loan amount. |
borrowerRequestedLoanAmount number($double) | Borrower required loan amount. |
closingCostTemplateId string | Unique identifier of the closing cost template used for the loan. |
downPaymentAmount number($double) | Transaction details down payment amount. |
downPaymentPercent number($double) | Transaction details down payment percentage. |
financedGuaranteePercentage number($double) | The financed guarantee percentage rate. |
financingType string | USDA financing type. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this scenario term. |
includeMIInAPRCalculation boolean | Indicates whether the monthly MI will be included in the APR calculation. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
loanType string | Required. The type of loan. For example, VA or FHA. |
monthlyHOAFeeAmount number($double) | The monthly cost of HOA fees in dollars with 2 decimals. |
monthlyHazardInsurance number($double) | The monthly cost of Hazard Insurance in dollars. |
monthlyMIAmount number($double) | The monthly cost of mortgage insurance in dollars. |
monthlyMIPercent number($double) | Adjustment Factor - Percentage rate of the monthly mortgage insurance payments that the borrower will make. |
monthlyPayment number($double) | The proposed monthly housing expenses. |
monthlyRealEstateTaxes number($double) | Monthly real estate taxes in dollars. |
points number($double) | Points value. |
price number($double) | Price. |
program string | Product and Pricing program name - from ICE PPE. |
programId string | Unique identifier of the program. |
purchasePrice number($double) | Purchase price. |
rate number($double) | Rate percent. |
reSubordinatedFirstBalance number($double) | Expenses present mortgage payment. |
reSubordinatedFirstPayment number($double) | Expenses proposed mortgage payment. |
reSubordinatedSecondBalance number($double) | Transaction Details subordinate financing. |
reSubordinatedSecondPayment number($double) | Expenses Present Other Payment. |
subordinateFinancingBalance number($double) | Subordinate Financing Balance. |
subordinateFinancingPayment number($double) | Expenses Proposed Other Payment. |
term string | Required. The loan term. For example, 30YearsFixed, 15YearsFixed, 5YearsARM. |
upfrontMIAmount number($double) | MortgageInsurancePremium Fees - BorPaidAmount. |
upfrontMIPercent number($double) | Mortgage Insurance Premium Upfront Factor Percentage. |
Qualifier Setting Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.QualifierSettingContract object, which includes information about the qualifier settings. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this qualifier setting. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
affordabilityQualification AffordabilityQualificationContract | AffordabilityQualificationContract |
Qualifier Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.QualifierContract object, which includes qualifier information. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
fields fields | Fields for the qualifier. |
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this qualifier. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
status string | Status for the qualifier. |
type string | Type for the qualifier. |
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the EllieMae.LoanOpportunity.Contracts.AdjustableRateMortgageContract object, which includes adjustable rate information. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
id string | The unique, system-generated identifier of this AdjustableRateMortgage. |
indexCurrentValuePercent number($double) | ARM index current value percentage. |
indexMarginPercent number($double) | ARM index margin percentage. |
loanReferenceId string | The ID to bind the entity in the loan. |
rateAdjustmentDurationMonthsCount integer($int32) | ARM rate adjustment duration in months. |
rateAdjustmentLifetimeCapPercent number($double) | ARM rate adjustment lifetime cap percent. |
rateAdjustmentPercent number($double) | ARM rate adjustment percentage. |
rateAdjustmentSubsequentCapPercent number($double) | ARM rate adjustment subsequent cap percent. |
subsequentRateAdjustmentMonthsCount integer($int32) | ARM subsequent rate adjustment in months. |