A loan is made up of numerous Data Types and Formats that describe the details of the loan such as borrower, subject property, loan type, etc. This API is used to read and write the values of these data elements between your application and Encompass. Loans are also created and deleted with this API. Refer to the V3 Loan Schema Get Loan Schema to construct the payload to Create or Update loans using the V3 APIs.
About Loan IDs
The loan ID is a 32 digit unique identifier assigned to the loan when the loan is created. It does not change through the lifetime of the loan. When you specify a loan in a call, you typically need to provide the loan's ID (loanId). The loan ID is passed in the response body when the loan is created via POST/loans. If the loan was not created through POST/loans, you can get the loan ID in Encompass. To do so, right-click on the loan in the pipeline and select Properties. The loan ID is listed as the GUID and Loan Name in the Encompass smartclient. For example, 547x8xx1-15xx-4fbx-8x23-x033121x1402.
About Loan Views
When using loan management APIs, the following options are available as values for the View query parameter:
- View=entity: Returns everything in the loan file other than log entries.
- View=log: Returns only log entries in the loan file.
- View=full: Returns both loan content and log entries in the loan file. NOTE: This will be the largest payload and not recommended for general use unless the log detail is required.
- View=id: Returns the IDs of the loan resources created or updated. NOTE: Only available when using loan create or update APIs.
Manage Loan using V3 APIs
The V3 Loan Schema Get Loan Schema represents the data contract for the v3 Loan Object. This is different from the V1 Loan Contract, and would require some work to be done to start consuming the v3 Create/ Update Loan APIs. The new V3 APIs are intended to provide an efficient and consistent approach to manage the loan object. In order to achieve this, the Loan Contract is classified into four types of entities:
1. Fixed Collections
- Certain collections are fixed size. These collections are pre-populated with empty items when the loan is created. Ids for these collections are derived using combination of one or more fields in the Entity and sometimes the index of the collection. These items can never be truly removed/deleted. They can only be emptied (all non-id fields are null, blank or zero). It is not possible to reorder the items in within the collection. These fixed collections have standard field IDs in Encompass.
- Can be updated as part of Create & Update Loan APIs.
- Included in Get Loan with view=entity|full if populated with values. Empty objects/ fields can be retrieved by passing the query parameter includeEmpty=true.
- Examples: File Contacts, Fixed Assets, Custom Fields, etc.
2. Variable Collections
- Certain collections have variable size. The ids for the entries are auto generated (typically but not necessarily Guids). The collections are empty when loan is created. The items in these collections can be removed or reordered. These variable collections have repeatable/ indexed field IDs in Encompass.
- Can be created as part of Create Loan API, and those entries can be updated as part of Update Loan API. To manage these collections, separate endpoints will be provided incrementally. Actions that would be supported are: add, update, delete/ remove, reorder and Get.
- Included in Get Loan with view=entity|full if present.
- Examples: VoDs, VoLs, VoEs, etc.
- There are 3 types of variable collections based on where the collection is located in the loan schema-
- Directly under the loan object, so they would follow this pattern for their specific endpoints: /encompass/v3/loans/{loanId}/{entityName}
- Under each borrower pair/ application, following this pattern: /encompass/v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/{entityName}
- Under each applicant (borrower/ coborrower} in an application, following this pattern: /encompass/v3/loans/{loanId}/applications/{applicationId}/{applicantType}/{entityName}
3. Editable Logs
- In general, any items on Log objects are defined without Encompass Field IDs.
- Can be created as part of Create Loan API, and those entries can be updated as part of Update Loan API. To manage these logs, separate endpoints will be provided incrementally. Actions that would be supported are: add, update, delete/ remove, reorder and Get.
- Included in Get Loan with view=logs|full if present.
- Examples: AUS Tracking Logs, Conversation Logs, etc.
4. System Logs
- Cannot be edited by any user.
- Included in Get Loan with view=logs|full if present.
- Examples: Milestone History Log, HTML Email logs, Lock Action Logs etc.