V3 eFolder Attachment Contracts and Attributes
File Attachment Contract Attributes
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the fileAttachmentContract.
id string | Gets or sets the unqiue identifier for this attachment. |
title string | Gets or sets the display title for this attachment. |
type string | Gets or sets the type of attachment. Possible values are: Native (for example .pdf or .doc files) Image Background Cloud |
sources Array[string] | RetrieveOnly. Returns the source list of original file attachment IDs. |
isActive boolean | RetrieveOnly. Gets or sets IsActive if file is assigned to document. True indicates it is the active attachment on the document. (Current Version is checked on the Document Details window in Encompass.) False indicates it is not the active attachment on the document. (Current Version is unchecked on the Document Details window in Encompass.) |
assignedTo EntityReferenceContract | RetrieveOnly. Gets or sets the parent reference (i.e document). |
fileSize integer | Gets or sets the file size in bytes. |
rotation integer | Gets or sets the rotation offset of this attachment in degrees. |
isRemoved boolean | RetrieveOnly. Gets or sets IsRemoved. |
pages Array[FileAttachmentPageContract] | RetrieveOnly. Gets or sets the list of pages associated with an image attachment. |
createdBy EntityReferenceContract | RetrieveOnly. Gets or sets the Entity Reference of the user who created this attachment. |
createdDate string | RetrieveOnly. Gets or sets the date/time in UTC this attachment was created. The format is: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ |
Entity Reference Contract Attributes
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the entityReferenceContract.
entityId string | Required. Unique identifier of the entity. |
entityName string | RetrieveOnly. Name of the entity. |
entityType string | The entity type for documents, is “Document”. The entity type for attachments, is “Attachment”. Other possible values are: User Role Condition Application Attachment Document * Persona |
File Attachment Page Contract Attributes
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the attachmentPageContract.
pageImage ImageEntityReferenceContract | Required. Gets or sets the unique identifier of the image file. |
thumbnailImage ImageEntityReferenceContract | Required. Gets or sets an image thumbnail for the page. |
annotations Array[FileAttachmentAnnotationContract] | Gets or sets Annotations for the page. |
fileSize integer | Required. Gets or sets the size of the image file in bytes. |
rotation integer | Required. Gets or sets the rotation in degrees. |
originalKey string | RetrieveOnly. Gets the Original File. |
Image Entity Reference Contract
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the imageEntityReferenceContract.
height integer | Required. Gets or sets the Entity Height. |
width integer | Required. Gets or sets the Entity Width. |
dpiX integer | Required. Gets or sets the Entity DpiX. |
dpiY integer | Required. Gets or sets the Entity DpiY. |
zipKey string | Required. Gets or sets ZipKey. |
imageKey string | Required. Gets or sets ImageKey. |
originalKey string | Gets or sets OriginalKey. |
File Attachment Annotation Contract
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the fileAttachmentAnnotationContract.
text string) | Required. Gets or sets the text body of the annotation. |
createdBy EntityReferenceContract | RetrieveOnly. Gets or sets the user that created the annotation. |
createdDate string | RetrieveOnly. Gets or sets the date the annotation was created. This format is: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ |
visibility string | Required. Gets or sets the Visibility type of the annotation. Possible values are: Public Internal * Personal |
left integer | Required. Gets or sets the Left of the annotation. |
top integer | Required. Gets or sets the Top of the annotation. |
width integer | Required. Gets or sets the Width of the annotation. |
height integer | Required. Gets or sets the Height of this annotation. |
Attachment Upload URL Request
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the attachmentUploadUrl request contract.
assignTo object | The entity Reference to the document that the attachment is to be assigned to. |
assignTo.entityId string | The unique identifier of the document. |
assignTo.entityType string | The entity type. Accepted value is Document. |
file AttachmentFile object | Object that contains the details of the attachment to be uploaded. |
file.contentType string | File type of the attachment to be uploaded. Supported values are as follows: Skydrive/ Cloud Storage: application/emf application/msword application/pdf application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document image/jpeg image/png image/tiff text/html text/plain Media Storage: application/msword application/pdf application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document image/jpeg image/png image/tiff text/html text/plain |
file.name string | Name of the file |
file.size integer | The size in Bytes of the file to be uploaded. Based on the file size, the response will include the indicator whether chunking is required or not. |
title string | The title of the attachment. |
CreateAttachmentResponse object | Object that is returned in the response when an attachment is being uploaded. |
attachmentId string | Unique identifier of the attachment. |
authorizationHeader string | The Authorization request header to be passed when uploading the file. |
expiresAt string | The date and time that the URL expires at. |
multiChunkRequired boolean | Indicates if multi chunk upload is required for the file based on the size specified in the request body. If the file size is greater than 60MB, then the file can be uploaded in 20MB chunks in parallel. |
multiChunk object | Object that contains the multi chunk details when uploading the file if multiChunkRequired is true. |
multiChunk.chunkList Array[Chunk] | The list of chunks for uploading the file in chunks. |
multiChunk.commitUrl string | The URL to be used to commit the file once all the chunks of the file to be uploaded. |
uploadUrl string | The URL where the attachment is to be uploaded when multiChunkRequired is false. |
Chunk object | Object containing the URL and size of each chunk. |
Chunk.size integer | Size of the chunk in bytes |
Chunk.uploadUrl string | URL where the file chunk is to be uploaded. |
ObjectId string | Unique identifier of the document stored in Cloud Storage. |
File Attachment Download URL (AttachmentDownloadDTO)
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the attachmentDownloadUrl.
authorizationHeader string | The Authorization request header to be passed to download the file. |
id string | Unique identifier of the attachment. |
originalUrls Array[string] | List of URLs for the file. |
pages Array[Page] | List of pages in the file |
permissions Array[string] | Permissions that the user downloading the file has for the file. |
rotation integer | Rotation Index |
title string | Title of the attachment. |
type string | Specifies the type of attachment download URL. Possible values are: Native Image Background Cloud |
url string | The URL where the attachment is to be downloaded. |
contentType string | Specifies the content type of the attachment. Applicable only for type = Cloud. |
AIQ Metadata
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the aiqMetadata object. AIQ metadata is returned only for lenders using AIQ.
Id string | AIQ Document GUID. |
type string | AIQ Resource Type. For example, Document|MailItem. |
status string | AIQ Document Status. |
friendlyId string | AIQ Document Friendly ID ("ID"). |
comments string | AIQ Document Comments ("Additional Info"). |
tags array of strings | AIQ Document Tags Collection. |
lastUpdated | AIQ Processing Last Update ("Last Updated") (UTC Format). For example, 2021-11-24T16:32:25.744Z. |