Applications Contract Attributes
The following attributes define the applications object in the Loan Object.
alimonyChildSupportObligationIndicator boolean | True indicates that the borrower has alimony or child support obligations. |
altId string | |
applicantType string | |
bankruptcyIndicator boolean | True indicates that the borrower has a prior bankruptcy. |
birthDate string | The borrower's date of birth. For example, 2017-07-10T16:20:42.219Z |
borrowedDownPaymentIndicator boolean | True indicates that the borrower has a prior bankruptcy. |
coMakerEndorserOfNoteIndicator boolean | |
declarationsJIndicator boolean | |
declarationsKIndicator boolean | |
dependentCount string | The number of dependents. |
dependentsAgesDescription string | The age of the borrower's dependants. Type each age separated by a comma. |
equifaxCreditScoreRanksPercent | |
equifaxDatePulled string | Date the credit report was generated. For example, 2017-07-10T16:20:42.219Z. |
equifaxScore string | The borrower's credit score as reported by Equifax/BEACON. |
experianCreditScore string | The borrower's credit score as reported by Experian/FICO. |
experianCreditScoreRanksPercent | |
experianDatePulled string | Date the credit report was generated.For example, 2017-07-10T16:20:42.219Z. |
emailAddressText string | The borrowers email address. |
firstName string | The borrower's first name. |
hmdaAfricanAmericanIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower's race is African American. |
hmdaAmericanIndianIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower's race is American Indian. |
hmdaAsianIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower's race is African American. |
hmdaEthnicityType string | |
hmdaGenderType string | |
hmdaNotApplicableIndicator boolean | |
hmdaNotProvidedIndicator boolean | |
hmdaPacificIslanderIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower's race is Pacific Islander. |
hmdaRefusalIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower declined to provide information about gender and ethnicity. |
hmdaWhiteIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower's race is Caucasion. |
homeownerPastThreeYearsIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower has owned a home over the past 3 years. |
homePhoneNumber string | The borrower's home phone number. |
intentToOccupyIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower intends to occupy the house. |
lastName string | The borrower's last name. |
loanForeclosureOrJudgementIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower has had a foreclosure. |
mailingAddressSameAsPresentIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower's race is Caucasion. |
maritalStatusType string | Marital status of the borrower. |
middleName string | The borrower's middle name. |
mobilePhone string | The borrower's mobile phone number. |
noCoApplicantIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower is applying for the loan without a co-borrower. |
otherSumAmount | |
outstandingJudgementsIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower has had a judgement against him/her. |
partyToLawsuitIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower is involved in a lawsuit. |
presentlyDelinquentIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower is currently delinquent on an existing loan. |
priorPropertyTitleType string | |
priorPropertyUsageType string . . | |
propertyForeclosedPastSevenYearsIndicator boolean | True indicates the borrower has had a foreclosure within the last seven years. |
schoolingTermYears string | The number of years of school completed by the borrower. |
subtotalLiquidAssetsMinusGiftAmount | The borrower's liquid assets excluding the gift amount. |
suffixToName string | The borrower's suffix, for example: Jr, Sr, 3rd. |
taxIdentificationIdentifier string | The Federal Tax Identification Number or the EIN (Employee Identification Number). |
estimatedCreditScore string | The borrower's estimated credit score. |
transUnionDatePulled string | Date the credit report was generated. For example, 2017-07-10T16:20:42.221Z |
transUnionScore string | The borrower's credit score as reported by Trans Union/Empirica. |
transUnionCreditScoreRanksPercent | |
totalLiabilitiesBalanceAmount | |
totalMonthlyIncomeMinusNetRentalAmount | |
totalPresentHousingExpenseAmount | Total monthly housing expenses. |
vaFederalTaxAmount |