Disclosure Tracking Response Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the Disclosure Tracking Settings response contract.
DisclosureTrackingSettingContract object | Object containing Disclosure Tracking settings. |
DisclosureTrackingSettingContract. disclosureTracking2010Forms Array[EntityReferenceContract] | The 2010 forms that are tracked in the Disclosure Tracking tool. |
DisclosureTrackingSettingContract. disclosureTracking2015Forms Array[EntityReferenceContract] | The 2015 forms that are tracked in the Disclosure Tracking tool. |
DisclosureTrackingSettingContract. disclosureRecordingTriggers Array[string] | Describes how disclosure history entries are added to the Disclosure Tracking tool. |
DisclosureTrackingSettingContract. saveDisclosureCopy Array[string] | Defines whether Encompass is to save a local copy of a disclosure document when it is printed or sent electronically from within the eFolder. |
DisclosureTrackingSettingContract. complianceTimeCalculations ComplianceTimeCalculationsContract | Indicates whether the day when a disclosure is sent is included when calculating the Compliance Timeline. |
DisclosureTrackingSettingContract. changedCircumstances Array[string] | Indicates whether fee level disclosures are required to indicate a changed circumstance reason for each revised fee prior to sending a revised disclosure. |
EntityReferenceContract object | Entity details. |
EntityReferenceContract.entityId string | Unique identifier of the entity. |
EntityReferenceContract.entityName string | Name of the entity. |
EntityReferenceContract.entityUri string | URI of the entity. |
EntityReferenceContract.entityType string | Type of entity. |
ComplianceTimeCalculationsContract object | Details about the compliance timeline calculation for RESPA-TILA and GFE/TIL. |
ComplianceTimeCalculationsContract. respaTila RespaTilaContract | Details about the compliance timeline calculation for RESPA-TILA. |
ComplianceTimeCalculationsContract. gfeTil GfeTilContract | Details about the compliance timeline calculation for GFE/TIL. |
RespaTilaContract object | Details about the compliance timeline calculation for RESPA-TILA. |
RespaTilaContract.initialDisclosureDue DateSetting DisclosureDueDateSettingContract | Details about the Initial Disclosure Due Date settings. |
RespaTilaContract.reDisclosureDue DateSetting ReDisclosureDueDateSettingContract | Details about the Redisclosure Due Date settings. |
RespaTilaContract.closingCostsExpiration ClosingCostsExpirationContract | Details about the Closing Costs Expiration settings. |
GfeTilContract object | Details about the compliance timeline calculation for GFE/TIL. |
GfeTilContract.earliestClosingDateSetting EarliestClosingDateSettingContract | Details about the Initial Disclosure Due Date settings. |
GfeTilContract.gfeExpirationDateSetting GfeExpirationDateSettingContract | Details about the Closing Costs Expiration settings. |
DisclosureDueDateSettingContract object | Whether to include the Application Date when calculating the Initial Disclosure. |
DisclosureDueDateSettingContract. includeApplicationDate boolean | Whether the Application Date (field ID 3142; the day when the 2010 GFE is received with all of the required fields populated or the day when the Loan Estimate is received with all of the required fields populated) is included when calculating the 2010 GFE's Initial Disclosure Due Date (field ID 3143) on the Disclosure Tracking tool. |
ReDisclosureDueDateSettingContract object | Whether to include the Application Date when calculating the Initial Disclosure or LE Due Date. |
ReDisclosureDueDateSettingContract. includeChangedCircumstanceDate boolean | Whether the Changes Received Date (field ID 3165 or CD1.X62; the day when the changed circumstance is indicated on the 2010 GFE (field ID 3168)) or the Closing Disclosure Page 1 (field ID CD1.X61) is included when calculating the Revised GFE Due Date (field ID 3167) or the Revised CD Due Date (field ID CD1.X63) (i.e., the Changes Received Date is considered Day 1). |
ReDisclosureDueDateSettingContract. leExpirationDays integer | Whether the Application Date (field ID 3142; the day when the 2010 GFE is received with all of the required fields populated or the day when the Loan Estimate is received with all of the required fields populated) is included when calculating the LE Due date (field ID 3143) on the Disclosure Tracking tool. |
ClosingCostsExpirationContract object | Details about the time of day when the closing costs disclosed on the Loan Estimate expire. |
ClosingCostsExpirationContract.time string | The time of day when the closing costs disclosed on the Loan Estimate expire. The format is: time: hh:mm |
ClosingCostsExpirationContract.timezone string | The time zone. For example, HawaiiTime, AlaskaTime, PacificTime, ArizonaTime, MountainTime, CentralTime, EasternTime. |
EarliestClosingDateSettingContract object | Details about the Earliest Closing Date Setting. |
EarliestClosingDateSettingContract. includeInitialTilSentBorrowerReceivedDate boolean | Whether the Initial TIL Sent Date (field ID 3152; the day the first version of the REGZ-TIL is sent to the borrower) or the Revised TIL Borrower Received Date (field ID 3155; the day the revised version of the REGZ-TIL is received by the borrower) is included when calculating the Earliest Closing Date (field ID 3147). |
GfeExpirationDateSettingContract object | Details about the GFE Expiration Date Setting. |
GfeExpirationDateSettingContract. includeInitialGfeSentDate boolean | Whether the Initial GFE Sent Date (field ID 3148; the day the first version of the GFE is sent to the borrower) is included when calculating the GFE Expiration Date (field ID 3140) on the 2010 GFE. |
GfeExpirationDateSettingContract. gfeExpirationDays integer | The number of business days for which the GFE will be effective after it is disclosed. |