Organization Info Object Attributes
The following attributes are contained within the organizationInfo object. These attributes are created and managed in Encompass > Settings > Organizations/Users.
id string | Unique Identifier of the organization. |
name string | Name of the organization. |
description string | Additional text describing the organization. |
orgInformation object | Object containing attributes that describe the organization's information. |
orgInformation.address object | Object containing the organization's address information. | string | The city in which the organization is located. |
orgInformation.address.state string | The state in which the organization is located. |
orgInformation.address.street1 string | Line 1 of the organization's address. |
orgInformation.address.street2 string | Line 2 of the organization's address. | string | The organization's ZIP code. |
phone string | The organization's phone number. |
fax string | The organization's fax number. |
email string | The contact email for the organization. |
orgCode string | The alpha-numeric value used by the Auto Loan Numbering feature. The code displays at the beginning of the loan number when a loan is started by a user who is a member of the organization. |
dba array of strings | Contains DBA list (string) that states the name under which the organization does business (Doing Business As). |
nmls object | Object containing Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) information. |
nmls.useParentInfo boolean | Indicates whether the organization is to use the NMLS license number assigned to the organization above it. Changes made to the parent's information are reflected in this organization. |
nmls.code string | The organization's NMLS license number. |
mersMin object | Object containing Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS) MIN information. |
mersMin.useParentInfo boolean | Indicates whether the organization is to use the MERS license number assigned to the organization above it. Changes made to the parent's information are reflected in this organization. |
mersMin.code string | The MERS MIN number for the organization. |
legalEntityIdentifier object | Object containing Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) information. |
legalEntityIdentifier.useParentInfo boolean | Indicates whether the organization is to use the same LEI information as the organization above it. Changes made to the parent's information are reflected in this organization. |
legalEntityIdentifier.hmdaProfile object | The LEI associated with the organization. |
legalEntityIdentifier.hmdaProfile.entityId string | The organization's HMDA profile ID. |
legalEntityIdentifier.hmdaProfile.entityType string | The entity type is "hmdaProfile". |
legalEntityIdentifier.hmdaProfile.entityName string | The name of the HMDA profile for the organization. |
legalEntityIdentifier.hmdaProfile.entityUri string | Unique resource identifier for HMDA profile details. |
legalEntityIdentifier.lei string | The LEI code that is associated with the organization's HMDA profile. |
consumerConnectLoSearch object | Object containing information about Encompass Consumer Connect Loan Officer Search settings. This applies if an Encompass Consumer Connect website is associated with the organization. If a website is associated with the organization, the organization will be listed in the website's search results for loan officers. |
consumerConnectLoSearch.useParentInfo boolean | Indicates whether the organization is to use the same Encompass Consumer Connect Loan Officer Search settings as the organization above it. Changes made to the parent's information are reflected in this organization. |
consumerConnectLoSearch.showInSearch boolean | Indicates whether the organization is displayed in Encompass Consumer Connect search. | string | The name that will appear in the Encompass Consumer Connect search for this organization. |
onrpSettings object | Object containing information about the Overnight Rate Protection (ONRP) settings. |
onrpSettings.useParentInformation boolean | Indicates whether the organization is to use the same ONRP settings as the organization above it. |
onrpSettings.enableOnrp boolean | Indicates whether ONRP is enabled for the organization. |
onrpSettings.useChannelDefault boolean | Indicates whether Channel Defaults or Custom Settings are used by the organization. |
onrpSettings.continuousCoverage boolean | Indicates whether ONRP coverage is continuous or set for a specific time period Note: If true, then onrpSettings<day> EndTime settings are set to the Lock Desk Start Time and cannot be edited. In addition, the onrpSettings for Saturday, Sunday, and Weekend/HolidayCoverage are disabled. |
onrpSettings.weekdayStartTime string | The start time for weekday coverage. For example, 05:00. |
onrpSettings.weekdayEndTime string | The end time for weekday coverage. For example, 17:00. |
onrpSettings.weekendHolidayCoverage boolean | Indicates whether weekend and holiday coverage is available. |
onrpSettings.enableSunday boolean | Indicates whether Sundays are covered. |
onrpSettings.sundayStartTime string | The start time for Sunday coverage. For example, 05:00. |
onrpSettings.sundayEndTime string | The end time for Sundays coverage. For example, 17:00. |
onrpSettings.enableSaturday boolean | Indicates whether Saturdays are covered. |
onrpSettings.saturdayStartTime string | The start time for Saturday coverage. For example, 05:00. |
onrpSettings.saturdayEndTime string | The end time for Saturday coverage. For example, 05:00. |
onrpSettings.noMaximumLimit boolean | Indicates whether there is no maximum limit on ONRP dollar amount or ONRP tolerance percentage. |
onrpSettings.dollarLimit number($double) | The ONRP dollar amount limit. This attribute is required if onrpSettings.noMaximumLimit is set to false. |
onrpSettings.tolerance integer($int32) | The ONRP tolerance percentage. |
emailSignature string | The organization's email signature that displays in email notifications for Status Online Updates. The signature is added to an email when content is populated from a template with a signature field. However, if a signature is configured in the My Profile setting in the Personal Settings, the personal signature will be used instead. |
license object | Object containing licensing information for the organization. This licensing information is used when running compliance testing on a loan file. |
license.atrExemptCreditors string | Indicates the organization qualifies as an exempt creditor and displays a description. Possible values are: community development financial institution community housing development organization down payment assistance provider non-profit organization |
license.atrSmallCreditors string | Indicates whether the organization qualifies as a Small Creditor or Rural Small Creditor. |
license.homeState string | The home state code where the organization's main (or home) office is located. |
license.lenderType string | The type of licenses used by the organization (or its branches) in one or more states. |
license.statutoryStatusKansasType string | If the organization does business in Kansas, this attribute is can be set to NoStatutoryElection or UCCCElectionForAllLoans. |
license.statutoryStatusMarylandType string | If the organization does business in Maryland, this attribute is can be set to NoStatutoryElection or CreditGrantorLawElection |
license.useCustomLenderProfileForECS boolean | Whether the organization's theory of lending (including custom rules) is to be applied when running Encompass Compliance Service (ECS) compliance tests on a loan file. |
license.useParentInformation boolean | Indicates whether the organization is to use the same license information as the organization above it. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypes object | Object containing the licenses that apply to your organization. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypesstateAbbrevation string | The State code for which the license applies. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypeslicenseType string | The type of license. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypesisExempted boolean | Indicates whether the state license is exempt. When a license is exempt, the Encompass Compliance Service does not apply any license or compliance rules associated with that license in the property state. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypeslicenseNo string | The license number. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypesissueDate string | The date the license is issued to the loan officer. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypesstartDate string | The Start Date is the date that the loan officer’s license becomes associated with the company and they can start taking loan applications on behalf of the company. In most states this is referred to as the Sponsorship Date (not required in all states). |
license.stateLicenseExtTypesendDate string | The expiration date of the license, type the expiration date. When a state license expires, loan team members will not be able to assign loans in that state to the loan officer. If a loan has already been assigned to the loan officer and their license subsequently expires (or if the loan officer tries to originate a new loan after their license expires) they will not be able to enter the Subject Property State in the loan file. If the End Date field is left blank, Encompass assumes the license never expires. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypeslicenseStatus string | The status of the license. Possible values are: Transition Requested Transition Cancelled Transition Rejected Pending Incomplete Pending Review Pending Deficient Pending Withdrawal Request Withdrawn Application Abandoned Withdrawn Voluntary without Licensure Denied Denied on Appeal Approved Conditional Approved Deficient Approved Failed to Review Approved Inactive Approved on Appeal Approved Surrender/Cancellation Requested Revoked Revoked on Appeal Suspended Suspended on Appeal Temporary Cease and Desist Temporary Expired Temporary Failed to Review Terminated Order to Surrender Terminated Surrendered/Cancelled |
license.stateLicenseExtTypesstatusDate string | The date that the status is in effect. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypesisApproved boolean | Indicates whether the license is approved. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypeslastChecked string | The date that the license was last checked. |
license.stateLicenseExtTypesisSelected boolean | Indicates whether the license is selected for this organization. |
parentOrg object | Object containing information about the parent organization. |
parentOrg.entityId string | The ID of the parent organization. |
parentOrg.entityType string | The entity type is Organization. |
parentOrg.entityName string | The name of the organization. |
parentOrg.entityUri string | Organization reference URI. |
children object | Object containing information about the child branches and users of the organization. |
entityId string | ID of the parent organization. |
entityType string | The entity type is Organization. |
entityName string | Name of the child organization. |
entityUri string | Organization reference URI. |
compensationPlans object | Object containing information about the organization's compensation plans. |
compensationPlans.useParentInformation boolean | Indicates whether the organization is to use the same compensation plans as the organization above it. |
compensationPlans.plans array of strings | Object containing information about the organization's compensation plans. |
compensationPlans.plans.startDate string | The start date for the organization's compensation plan. The date that the plan will go into effect for the organization. |
compensationPlans.plans.endDate string | The end date for the organization's compensation plan. |
compensationPlans.plans.plan array of strings | Details about each compensation plan. |
compensationPlans.plans.plan.entityId string | The compensation plan ID. |
compensationPlans.plans.plan.entityType string | The entity type is CompensationPlan. |
compensationPlans.plans.plan.entityName string | The name of the compensation plan. |
compensationPlans.plans.plan.entityUri string | Compensation plan reference to URI. |
ccSite object | Object containing information about the associated Encompass Consumer Connect website. |
ccSite.useParentInfo boolean | Indicates whether the organization uses the parent organization’s Encompass Consumer Connect site information. |
ccSite.url string | The Encompass Consumer Connect site URL. |
ccSite.siteId string | The Encompass Consumer Connect site ID. |
numberOfChildOrganizations integer($int32) | Number of child organizations associated with this organization. |
numberOfChildUsers integer($int32) | Number of users associated with this organization. |