The following section lists each contract used in the V3 Loan Pipeline APIs and describes all the attributes that make up each contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Loan Pipeline Query Contract
The following attributes make up the LoanPipelineQueryContract object.
loanIds Array[string] | List of loan IDs to return. |
fields Array[string] | List of fields to return. |
sortOrder Array | List of fields with more details like sort order as described by the Loan Pipeline Sort Contract. |
filter | Criteria to filter loans as described by the Query Criterion Contract. |
orgType string | Organization type to filter on. Possible values are Internal and TPO. The default is Internal. |
tpoId | External organization identifier, if the request is to retrieve TPO loans. See Entity Reference Contract . |
loanOwnership string | Loan Ownership. Possible values are AllLoans and MyLoans. The default is AllLoans. |
loanFolders Array[string] | A list of folder names that a user can pass in the request body to perform a search within the specified folders. |
includeArchivedLoans boolean | Use to indicate if the query should include archived loans. |
Loan Pipeline Sort Contract
The following attributes make up the LoanPipelineSortContract object.
canonicalName string | Canonical field name. |
order string | Possible values are None, Ascending, and Descending. |
Query Criterion Contract
The following attributes make up the QueryCriterionContract object.
canonicalName string | The canonical name of the field to be used in the query. |
value object | Using the canonicalName and the matchType operator to compare against this constant value. In all cases, this will be a single value except when utilizing the matchType of MultiValue. In the case when this is an array of values, the filter term will evaluate to true if any of the values in the array matches the value in the loan. |
matchType string | Possible values are: - Equals - NotEquals - GreaterThan - GreaterThanOrEquals - LessThan - LessThanOrEquals - Exact - StartsWith - Contains - MultiValue - IsEmpty - IsNotEmpty |
precision string | Possible values are Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Year, and Recurring. The default behavior is Day. NOTE: The Precision attribute only applies to date/dateTime values. |
include boolean | The flag include works as a NOT operator when set to false. An include value of true means all loans satisfying this query term will be considered when evaluating the loans. This is the default value. An include value of false means all loans NOT satisfying this query term will be considered when evaluating the loans. Possible values are true and false. |
terms array | For complex queries, an array of filter terms that are associated by the operator type can be provided instead of canonicalName, value, matchType and precision combination. |
operator string | The operator utilized to link multiple terms. Possible values are And and Or. |
Loan Pipeline User View Contract
The following attributes make up the LoanPipelineUserViewContract object.
Id string | A unique identifier of the Pipeline View. |
orgType string | Enum: Internal, Tpo |
tpoId | For TPO views. Requires orgType be provided as Tpo. TpoId should be a valid Id for the user creating the pipeline user view. See Entity Reference Contract . |
Name string | Name of the Pipeline View. It is a required property for creating the Pipeline user view. |
viewType string | RetrieveOnly. Enum: UserView, PersonaView |
loanFolderSelectionType string | enum: AllFolders, AllActiveFolders, AllArchiveFolders, SelectedFolders |
loanFolders array | To select individual folders, SelectedFolders must be provided in loanFolderSelectionType .Unique list of folders. User should have access for passed list of loan folders, however if they do not have access, the user will still not be able to view those folders. See Entity Reference Contract . |
loanOwnership string | Enum: Allloans, MyLoans |
filterSummary string | RetrieveOnly |
Filter | Filter criteria to generate loans included in Pipeline View. Filter definitions should be valid against canonical names. See Query Criterion Contract. |
Columns array | Columns to be displayed in Pipeline View. At least one column should be passed, column definitions should be valid against canonical names and must be unique values. See Loan Pipeline View Column Contract. |
Loan Pipeline View Column Contract
The following attributes make up the PipelineViewColumnContract object.
canonicalName string | Required. |
fieldType string | RetrieveOnly. Enum: String, Numeric, DateTime |
Description string | RetrieveOnly. |
Alignment string | RetrieveOnly. Enum: Left, Right, Center |
Width integer 32 | Max: 2147483647 Min: 1 |
Sort | See Loan Pipeline View Column Sort Contract. |
Loan Pipeline View Column Sort Contract
The following attributes make up the PipelineViewColumnSortContract object.
Order string | Enum: None, Ascending, Descending. |
Priority integer 32 | RetrieveOnly. |
Entity Reference Contract
The following attributes make up the EntityReferenceContract object.
entityId string | Required. |
entityName string | RetrieveOnly. |
entityUri string | RetrieveOnly. |
entityType string | Possible values: "Default", "User", "Role", "Condition", "Application", "Attachment", "Document", "MilestoneSetting", "ReoProperty", "NonBorrowingOwner", "Milestone", "BorrowerContact", "BusinessContact", "Organization", "Persona", "Form", "FieldDefinition", "ExternalOrg", "PipelineView", "PersonaView", "UserView", "LoanTemplateSet", "TemplateFolder", "ClosingCostTemplate", "LoanFolder", "LoanDuplicationTemplate", "Loan", "Borrower", "CoBorrower", "ResourceLock", "CorrespondentMaster", "CorrespondentTrade", "LoanTrade", "MBSPool", "Trade", "UserGroup", "DocumentTemplate", "ConditionView", "Company", "CompanyExtension", "Branch", "BranchExtension", "Vod", "Voe", "Vol", "Vom", "Vor", "CustomPlanCode", "EMPlanCode", "StandardForm", "CustomForm", "ConditionType", "ConditionTemplate", "LoanProgramTemplate", "DisclosureTracking2015Log", “SettlementServiceProviderTemplate", "AffiliatedBusinessArrangements", "RateLock", "DesignatedRole", "ExternalOrgPricingGroups", "ExternalOrgCompanyStatus", "ExternalOrgCompanyRating", "LoanOriginatorCompensationPlan", "ExternalUser", "TemplateFile" |