Loan Enhanced Conditions API Contracts and Attributes
The following lists each contract used in the Loan Enhanced Conditions APIs and describes all the attributes that make up each contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Enhanced Condition Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the EnhancedConditionContract object.
Id string | Unique identifier of the condition, which is guaranteed to be unique. For example: "3AA5BF62-3C0D-46A7-8ADE-03907BE0A5E5" When you specify a condition in a call, you provide the condition ID. The condition ID can be retrieved from the response header when the condition is created. |
conditionType string | Read-only. Identifies the type of condition. For example, Preliminary, Underwriting, Post-Closing, etc. The value is obtained from the Enhanced Condition template. |
title string | Title or name of the condition. For example, "Income - Personal Tax Returns". NOTE: At the loan-level, this attribute is Retrieve-Only and cannot be edited. |
internalId string | The internal identifier of the condition that will be displayed to Encompass Web users. Alphanumeric, no special characters. For example, "INC0001". |
internalDescription string | The internal description of the condition that will be displayed to Encompass Web users. For example, "Collect signed and dated returns with all pages and schedules". |
printDefinitions Array of strings | Indicates whether the condition should be printed on internal and/ or external documents. Possible values: "InternalPrint", "ExternalPrint" |
externalId string | The external identifier of the condition that will be displayed to TPO Users. Should be alphanumeric, no special characters to be allowed. |
externalDescription string | The external description of the condition that will be displayed to TPO users. For example, "Provide signed and dated tax returns with all pages and schedules." |
source string | Identifies the source system that created the condition. For example, "Fannie Mae". |
application ApplicationReferenceContract | Identifies the borrower pair associated with this condition. See the ApplicationReferenceContract. |
category string | Identifies the category associated with the condition. Values are defined within Encompass settings and can vary between lenders and investors. Some example values are: Assets Credit Income Legal Misc Property |
priorTo string | Identifies when the condition is required to be cleared or waived. Values are defined within Encompass settings and can vary between lenders and investors. Example values are: Approval Docs Funding Closing * Purchase |
recipient string | Recipient of the condition. For example, "MERS". Values are defined within Encompass settings and can vary between lenders and investors. |
startDate string | Identifies the date the condition takes effect. For example, 2019-11-24T04:14:30Z |
endDate string | Identifies the date that the condition is no longer required. For example, 2019-12-24T04:14:30Z |
requestedFrom string | Identifies the person or entity that the condition is requested from. For example, "Borrower". |
daysToReceive integer | Number of days the condition is expected to be received. |
status string | RetrieveOnly. Name of the current status type of the condition. For example, "Requested". |
statusDate string | RetrieveOnly. Date and time that the current status was applied (should be stored in GMT timezone). For example, 2019-11-24T04:14:30Z. |
statusOpen boolean | RetrieveOnly. Indicates whether the condition is open or satisfied based on the definition. Read-only. |
commentsCount integer | RetrieveOnly. Total number of comments for the condition. |
assignedTo Array[EntityReferenceContract] | List of documents that the condition is assigned to. |
createdBy entityReferenceContract | The Entity Reference contract describing the user or role who created the condition or document. |
createdDate string | Date and time the condition was created. For example, 2019-11-24T04:14:30Z |
lastModifiedBy EntityReferenceContract | RetrieveOnly. Information about the last modification made to the condition. |
lastModifiedDate string | RetrieveOnly. Date and time the condition was last modified. For example, 2019-11-24T04:14:30Z |
isRemoved boolean | Indicates whether the condition has been removed from the loan. |
tracking Array[TrackingEntryContract] | Tracking Event contract. |
comments Array[LogCommentContract] | Log Comment contract. |
definitions EnhancedConditionDefinitionContract | The Enhanced Condition Definition contract. |
sourceOfCondition string | The source of condition is populated at the time when the enhanced condition is added. The following are available values: - User - Manual - ConditionList - AutomatedByUser - FHA - DUFindings - EarlyCheckFindings - LPAFindings - FHA Findings - LCLAFindings - Duplicate - InvestorDelivery (Service-to-Service only) - AutomatedByRule (Service-to-Service only) - PartnerConnect (Service-to-Service only)Duplicate: Duplicate is always set internally when Condition is created with action=duplicateThis is a readOnly attribute for users of Encompass Developer Connect. |
Tracking Entry Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the TrackingEntryContract object.
status string | Name of the status that was marked as complete. |
user EntityReferenceContract | RetrieveOnly. The Entity Reference contract describing the user or role who marked the status tracking entry. |
date string($date-time) | RetrieveOnly. Date and time at which the status was marked as complete. For example, 2022-01-24T22:11:53.648Z |
isChecked boolean | Required. Used to determine whether to add Tracking entry or remove. If set to true, then Tracking entry will be created. Default is false. |
Enhanced Condition Definitions Contract
The following objects and attributes make up the EnhancedConditionDefinitionsContract object.
categoryDefinitions Array[OptionDefinitionContract] | List of the Category field options for this condition type, condition template, or condition. This field only applies to Enhanced Conditions. See the OptionDefinitionContract. |
priorToDefinitions Array[OptionDefinitionContract] | List of the Prior To field options for this condition type, condition template, or condition. This field only applies to Enhanced Conditions. See the OptionDefinitionContract. |
recipientDefinitions Array[OptionDefinitionContract] | List of the Recipient field options for this condition type, condition template, or condition. This field only applies to Enhanced Conditions. See the OptionDefinitionContract. |
sourceDefinitions Array[OptionDefinitionContract] | List of the Source field options for this condition type, condition template, or condition. This field only applies to Enhanced Conditions. See the OptionDefinitionContract. |
trackingDefinitions Array[TrackingDefinitionContract] | List of the Status Tracking definitions for this condition type, condition template, or condition. This field only applies to Enhanced Conditions. See the TrackingDefinitionContract. |
Option Definition Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the OptionDefinitionContract object.
name string | Name of the option that will be displayed in the list or drop-down. For example, "Fulfilled" |
Tracking Definition Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the TrackingDefinitionContract object.
roles EntityReferenceContract | List of roles that have permission to mark or unmark this status tracking entry. See the EntityReferenceContract. |
Log Comment Contract Attributes
The following objects and attributes make up the LogCommentContract object.
id string | Unique ID associated with the comment. Example: "id": "ade11842-a02f-44d7-8554-5dcb7580e676", |
addedby EntityReferenceContract | Information about the user who added the comment. |
comments string | Comments associated with the condition. |
addedDate string($date-time) | RetrieveOnly. Date and time at which the comment was added. For example, 2022-01-24T22:11:53.648Z |
forRole EntityReferenceContract | The role for which the comment was added. See the EntityReferenceContract. |
reviewedBy EntityReferenceContract | Information about the user who reviewed the comment. |
reviewedDate string($date-time) | RetrieveOnly. Date and time at which the comment was reviewed. For example, 2022-01-24T22:11:53.648Z |
isExternal boolean | Indicates whether the comment can be shown externally. |
Entity Reference Contract Attributes
The following attributes make up the EntityReferenceContract object.
entityId string | Required. Unique identifier of the entity. |
entityName string | RetrieveOnly. Name of the entity. |
entityType string | Possible values are: User Role Condition Application Attachment Document MilestoneSetting Milestone |