eFolder Document Attributes
entityId string | Unique Identifier of the eFolder document. |
entityType string | Type of document. |
entityName string | Name of the document. |
entityUri string | URL to access the document. |
eFolder Comment Attributes
commentId string | Unique identifier of a comment. |
comments string | Any comments for the condition. |
forRoleId integer($int32) | Unique identifier of the role that this comment was assigned to. Example: 0 |
forRole | Information about the Encompass role ID that has access to this comment. |
entityId string | Unique Identifier of the role. |
entityType string | Type of role. |
entityName string | Name of the role. |
entityUri string | URL to access to the role. |
dateCreated string($date-time) | Date the comment was created. |
createdBy string | Encompass user ID of the user who created the comment. |
createdByName string | Name of the user who created the comment. |
dateReviewed string($date-time) | Date the comment was reviewed. |
reviewedBy string | Encompass user ID of the user who reviewed the comment. |
Underwriting Condition Attributes
id string | Unique identifier of a condition. |
priorTo string | The milestones to describe when the condition must be satisfied. Possible values are: Approval, Docs, Funding, Closing, and Purchase. |
category string | The condition category. Possible values are: Assets, Credit, Income, Legal, Misc, and Property. |
ownerRole string | The role of the Encompass user that owns the condition. A few examples are Loan Officer, Post Closer, and Underwriter. |
allowToClear boolean | Whether to allow the owner to clear the condition. |
printExternally boolean | Whether the document is allowed to be printed externally. |
printInternally boolean | Whether the document is allowed to be printed internally. |
expirationDate string | Date and time that the condition expires. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
isFulfilled boolean | Whether the condition's status is fulfilled. |
fulfilledDate string | Date and time that the condition is fulfilled. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
fulfilledBy object | Information about the Encompass user who fulfilled the condition. |
fulfilledBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who fulfilled the condition. |
fulfilledBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who fulfilled the condition. |
fulfilledBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who fulfilled the condition. |
fulfilledBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isReviewed boolean | Whether the condition's status is Reviewed. |
reviewedDate string($date-time) | Date and time that the condition is fulfilled. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
reviewedBy object | Information about the Encompass user who reviewed the condition. |
reviewedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who reviewed the condition. |
reviewedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who reviewed the condition. |
reviewedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who reviewed the condition. |
reviewedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isRejected boolean | Whether the condition's status is Rejected. |
rejectedDate string | Date and time that the condition is fulfilled. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
rejectedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who rejected the condition. |
rejectedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who rejected the condition. |
rejectedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who rejected the condition. |
rejectedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who rejected the condition. |
rejectedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isCleared boolean | Whether the condition's status is Cleared. |
clearedDate string | Date and time the condition was cleared. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
clearedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who cleared the condition. |
clearedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who cleared the condition. |
clearedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who cleared the condition. |
clearedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who cleared the condition. |
clearedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isWaived boolean | Whether the condition's status is Waived. |
waivedDate string | Date and time the condition was waived. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
waivedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who waived the condition. |
waivedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who waived the condition. |
waivedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who waived the condition. |
waivedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who waived the condition. |
waivedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
templateId string | The ID of the template used to create the condition. |
conditionType string | Type of a condition. Possible values are Underwriting, Post Closing, Preliminary, and Purchase. |
isRemoved boolean | Whether the condition's status is Removed. |
title string | Title of the document. |
description string | Description of the document. |
application string | Loan application to which to apply the condition. Required if applying condition to a specific application. If you want to apply the condition to all applications of the loan, set the forAllApplications attribute to true. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityId string | Application ID. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityType string | Type of entity. For example, Application. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityName string | Name of the Application. Format: Borrower Name & Coborrower Name |
applicationId.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
forAllApplications boolean | A value of true indicates the condition will be linked to all applications or only for a specified application. If linked to a specified application, the application ID must be provided. |
source string | Source of the condition. Possible values are: Escrow, Investor, Recorder’s Office, Borrowers, FHA, VA, MI Company, Other, Manual, Condition Set, and Automated Conditions. NOTE: These values are a combination of all supported values in the request and response files. |
expectedDate string | Date and time the condition is waiting to be received by. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
status string | Indicates the status of the condition. Possible values are Added, Expected, Requested, Received, Rerequested, Fulfilled, Reviewed, Sent, Cleared, Waived, Expired, and Rejected. |
statusDate string | Date and time the condition's status was last changed. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
daysToReceive integer | Number of days for the condition to be received. |
requestedFrom string | User who requested the condition. |
createdDate string | Date and time the condition was created. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
createdBy object | Information about the Encompass user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isRequested boolean | Whether the condition's status is Requested. |
requestedDate string | Date and time the condition was requested. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
requestedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isRerequested boolean | Whether the condition's status is Re-requested. |
rerequestedDate string | Date and time the condition was rerequested. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
rerequestedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who rerequested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isReceived boolean | Whether the condition's status is Received. |
receivedDate string | Date and time the condition was received. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
receivedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isAddedToConditionSet boolean | Whether the condition belongs to a condition set. |
comments string | Any comments for the condition. |
documents string | Any supporting documents. |
Post-Closing Condition Attributes
id string | Unique identifier of a post-closing condition. |
recipient string | Recipient of the condition. |
isSent boolean | A value of true indicates the condition has been sent. |
sentDate string | Date and time the condition was sent. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
sentBy object | User that sent the condition. |
sentBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who sent the condition. |
sentBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who sent the condition. |
sentBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who sent the condition. |
sentBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isCleared boolean | Whether the condition's status is Cleared. |
clearedDate string | Date and time the condition was cleared. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
clearedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who cleared the condition. |
clearedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who cleared the condition. |
clearedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who cleared the condition. |
clearedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who cleared the condition. |
clearedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
templateId string | The ID of the template used to create the condition. |
conditionType string | Type of a condition. Possible values are Underwriting, Post Closing, Preliminary, and Purchase. |
isRemoved boolean | Whether the condition's status is Removed. |
title string | Title of the document. |
description string | Description of the document. |
application string | Loan application to which to apply the condition. Required if applying condition to a specific application. If you want to apply the condition to all applications of the loan, set the forAllApplications attribute to true. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityId string | Application ID. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityType string | Type of entity. For example, Application. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityName string | Name of the Application. Format: Borrower Name & Coborrower Name |
applicationId.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
forAllApplications boolean | A value of true indicates the condition will be linked to all applications or only for a specified application. If linked to a specified application, the application ID must be provided. |
source string | Source of the condition. Possible values are: Escrow, Investor, Recorder’s Office, Borrowers, FHA, VA, MI Company, Other, Manual, Condition Set, and Automated Conditions. |
expectedDate string | Date and time the condition is waiting to be received by. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
status string | Indicates the status of the condition. Possible values are: Added, Expected, Requested, Received, Rerequested, Fulfilled, Reviewed, Sent, Cleared, Waived, Expired, and Rejected. |
statusDate string | Date and time the condition's status was last changed. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
daysToReceive string | Number of days for the condition to be received. |
requestedFrom string | User who requested the condition. |
createdDate string | Date and time the condition was created. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
createdBy object | Information about the Encompass user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example, /v1/users/userId |
isRequested boolean | Whether the condition's status is Requested. |
requestedDate string | Date and time the condition was requested. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
requestedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass For example, /v1/users/userId |
isRerequested string | Whether the condition's status is Re-requested. |
rerequestedDate string | Date and time the condition was rerequested. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
rerequestedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who rerequested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isReceived boolean | Whether the condition's status is Received. |
receivedDate string | Date and time the condition was received. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
receivedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isAddedToConditionSet boolean | Whether the condition belongs to a condition set. |
comments string | Any comments for the condition. |
documents string | Any supporting documents. |
Preliminary Condition Attributes
id string | Unique identifier of an underwriting condition. |
uwAccess boolean | A value of true indicates that underwriting has access to this condition. |
priorTo string | The milestones to describe when the condition must be satisfied. Possible values are: Approval, Docs, Funding, Closing, and Purchase. |
category string | The condition category. Possible values are: Assets, Credit, Income, Legal, Misc, and Property. |
isFulfilled boolean | Whether the condition's status is fulfilled. |
fulfilledDate string | Date and time that the condition is fulfilled. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
fulfilledBy object | Information about the Encompass user who fulfilled the condition. |
fulfilledBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who fulfilled the condition. |
fulfilledBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who fulfilled the condition. |
fulfilledBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who fulfilled the condition. |
fulfilledBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
templateId string | The ID of the template used to create the condition. |
conditionType string | Required. Type of a condition. Possible values are underwriting, postclosing, preliminary, and purchase. |
isRemoved boolean | Whether the condition's status is Removed. |
title string | Required. Title of the document. |
description string | Description of the document. |
application string | Required. Loan application to which to apply the condition. Required if applying condition to a specific application. If you want to apply the condition to all applications of the loan, set the forAllApplications attribute to true. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityId string | Required. Application ID. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityType string | Required. Type of entity. For example, Application. |
applicationId.entityRef.entityName string | Name of the Application. Format: Borrower Name & Coborrower Name |
applicationId.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
forAllApplications boolean | A value of true indicates the condition will be linked to all applications or only for a specified application. If linked to a specified application, the application ID must be provided. |
source string | Required. Source of the condition. Possible values are: Escrow, Investor, Recorder’s Office, Borrowers, FHA, VA, MI Company, Other, Manual, Condition Set, and Automated Conditions. |
expectedDate string | Date and time the condition is waiting to be received by. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
status string | Indicates the status of the condition. Possible values are: Added, Expected, Requested, Received, Rerequested, Fulfilled, Reviewed, Sent, Cleared, Waived, Expired, and Rejected. |
statusDate string | Date and time the condition's status was last changed. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
daysToReceive string | Number of days for the condition to be received. |
requestedFrom string | User who requested the condition. |
createdDate string | Date and time the condition was created. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
createdBy object | Information about the Encompass user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who created the condition. |
createdBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isRequested boolean | Whether the condition's status is Requested. |
requestedDate string | Date and time the condition was rerequested. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
requestedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who requested the condition. |
requestedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isRerequested string | Whether the condition's status is Re-requested. |
rerequestedDate string | Date and time the condition was rerequested. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z. |
rerequestedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who re-requested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who rerequested the condition. |
rerequestedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isReceived boolean | Whether the condition's status is Received. |
receivedDate string | Date and time the condition was received. For example, 2017-03-24T04:14:30Z |
receivedBy string | Information about the Encompass user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityId string | The Encompass user ID of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityType string | The role of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityName string | The name of the user who received the condition. |
receivedBy.entityRef.entityUri string | Location of the entity in Encompass. For example: /v1/users/userId |
isAddedToConditionSet boolean | Whether the condition belongs to a condition set. |
comments string | Any comments for the condition. |
documents string | Any supporting documents. |