V3 Loan Pipeline for Reports

Provides a basis for generating reports from an Encompass loan pipeline that can be accessed through a cursor for reliable paginated data based on a snapshot of a loan pipeline.

This API endpoint added with the 24.3 release of Encompass.


This API endpoint will be GA on December 15, 2024.

This API is for loan pipeline report generation. The first call is made without cursor id, which generates a new cursor with the provided filter criteria. The generated cursor id is returned in the response header 'X-Cursor'. The subsequent calls are made with the cursorId provided in the query parameters along with start / limit for pagination.

The filter criteria is cached on the server side and does not need to be passed in when the call is made with cursor id. The cursor expires after 5 minutes of inactivity.

Note: This endpoint is only for report generation. For all real time pipeline results, loan pipeline end point (~/v3/loanPipeline/) should be used.

Usage Notes

  • A maximum of 10 cursors are allowed per instance. Creation of the 11th cursor will result in the removal of the oldest cursor that is marked for expiration.
  • The cursor expires after 5 minutes of inactivity. However, with continuous use, you can keep the cursor alive up to a maximum of 1 hour.