Use the Create Loan Audit API to run document rules on a loan file to confirm the required data is present and valid. Then use the GET Loan Audit Status API to get the status of the audit.
When auditing a loan file, the API runs audit rules on the following four categories:
- Data audit – Identifies missing field values.
- Compliance errors – Identifies errors with form or closing documents and compliance issues.
- Loan print form rules errors – Ensures business rules set on the instance are completed and satisfied.
- Plan code conflict – Identifies any plan code conflicts.
Any issues, field IDs and audit messages are returned in the response along with a Loan Audit ID. All required issues must be resolved before generating disclosures.
Usage Notes
- For eDisclosures only, the borrower pair must be identified in the request.
- A Mavent audit is included for pre-Closing orders.
- Compliance audits are for Closing orders only.
- The payload for an opening audit will vary depending on the eDisclosure package settings, package type, and whether packages are company-selected or user-selected.
- The GET audit call is executed after the POST audit call.
Getting Loan Audit Status
The caller can poll for the request status with the Get Audit Status API or subscribe to a webhook notification to be alerted when the audit is complete.