id string | User ID belonging to a user in the organization. |
lastName string | The user's last name. |
firstName string | The user's first name. |
fullName string | The user's full name. |
email string | The user's email address. The address is displayed in areas such as Conversation Log entries and file contact lists. |
phone string | The user's phone number. The number is displayed in areas such as Conversation Log entries and file contact lists. |
cellPhone string | The user's cell phone number. |
fax string | The user's fax number, if applicable. |
employeeID string | The Employee ID Number is intended for use with the Commissions360 product, which can import the field data from Encompass and pass the employee ID number to third-party payroll systems to streamline payments to Encompass users via the Commissions360 system. |
apiUser boolean | Indicates if the user is an API User. |
oAuthClientId string | The assigned oAuth Client ID of the user, if the user is defined as an API User. |
workingFolder string | The default folder for the user's loans. |
organization object | entityRefContract containing organization details. |
entityId string | Unique identifier of the organization the user belongs to. |
entityType string | Type of entity - Organization |
entityName string | Name of the organization the user belongs to. |
entityUri string | URI of the organization. |
subordinateLoanAccess string | Indicates type of access that the user has to all loans in the organization hierarchy below their level. Possible values are: readOnly readWrite |
userIndicators string | Includes list of indicators that are set to true. Possible values are: Enabled - if Account is enabled or active Disabled - if Account is disabled or inactive Locked - if login is disabled TopLevelUser - if user is part of root organization Administrator - if user has Administrator persona SuperAdministrator - if user has SuperAdministrator persona * TopLevelAdministrator - if user is part of root organization and has Administrator persona |
peerLoanAccess string | Indicates whether the user has access to edit loans in the same level of the organization hierarchy. Possible values are: viewOnly edit * disabled |
lastLogin string($date-time) | The date and time the user last logged into Encompass. |
encompassVersion string | The version number of Encompass the user is using. |
chumID string | The number assigned to the user for the HUD Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System (CHUMS). |
nmlsOriginatorID string | The number assigned to the user by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS). |
nmlsExpirationDate string | The expiration date of the user's NMLS license. |
emailSignature string | The user's signature inserted into the email templates used for the Status Online feature. |
personalStatusOnline boolean | Indicates whether the user is authorized to use the Status Online feature. If so, a Status Online update is triggered when the user exits a loan after making changes that match the criteria set configured in the status online templates. |
comments string | Comments added to the user's profile. |
personas array of objects | entityRefContract containing the user's persona information. The persona controls the views and features available to the user. |
entityId string | Unique identifier of the persona. |
entityType string | The type of entity - Persona |
entityName string | The name of the persona. |
entityUri string | URI of the persona. |
ccSite object | Object containing information about the user's Encompass Consumer Connect site. |
useParentInformation boolean | Indicates whether the parent organization’s Encompass Consumer Connect site information is used. |
url string | The Encompass Consumer Connect site URL. |
siteId string | Encompass Consumer Connect site ID. |