id integer | RetrieveOnly. Unique Identifier of the Third-Party Originator (TPO) company / external organization. Required for retrieving, updating, or deleting the org details or orgId. |
tpoId string | RetrieveOnly. System generated unique identifier for the TPO company and its branches in its hierarchy. |
parentOrg EntityReference | RetrieveOnly. Details about the parent organization provided by the EntityReferenceContract. |
childOrganizations Array [EntityReference] | RetrieveOnly. Details about the child organizations provided by the EntityReferenceContract. |
primarySalesRepAe ExtOrgSaleRepAeContract | Required. Indicates your company’s account executive assigned to this TPO as a primary sales representative. An external organization must have an associated primary sales representative. Details are provided in ExtOrgSaleRepAeContract. |
Name string | Name of the TPO company. This is the unique identifier for the company. Maximum length is 128 characters. |
hierarchyPath string | RetrieveOnly. Represents the hierarchy path from root level for the current organization. Example: Third Party Originators\Loan Officers |
isLoginDisabled boolean | Indicates if the TPO company is deactivated. |
isMfaEnabled boolean | Indicates if multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required for the TPO company connect sites. |
brokerOptions string | Used to select whether you want to "Disable Fee Management" for your brokers (default), enable them to "Request LE & Disclosures" or enable them to "Generate LE & Disclosures". Only one option can be selected. Enum: DisableFeeManagement, RequestLEAndDisclosures, GenerateLE, GenerateLEAndDisclosures |
companyDetails ExtOrgCompanyDetailsContract | Indicates the basic and corporate information related to the TPO company. Details are provided in ExtOrgCompanyDetailsContract. |
basicInfo ExtOrgBasicInfoContract | Indicates the additional information like Rate Lock, Product and Pricing, Approval Status, and Business information related to the TPO company. Details are provided in ExtOrgBasicInfoContract. |
dba ExtOrgDbaContract | Used for managing multiple DBA (Doing Business As) names associated with the TPO company. Authorized users can add, edit, delete, and arrange the sequence of DBA names displayed in the DBA list. You can also indicate the default DBA for the TPO company. Details are provided in ExtOrgDbaContract. |
warehouse ExtOrgWarehouseContract | Used to manage the warehouse banks associated with this TPO. Authorized users have the ability to select from a list of banks set up by the Encompass administrator in the Banks setting. Details are provided in ExtOrgWarehouseDetailsContract. You can also update business information related to the bank, include notes, and update contact information associated with the bank. |
Commitments ExtOrgCommitmentsContract | Used to manage and track the TPO company's assigned commitment authority. Details are provided in ExtOrgCommitmentsContract. |
loanCriteria ExtOrgLoanCriteriaContract | Used to manage external org loan criteria and specify the type of loans, and from which loan origination channel that the TPO can submit to your company. Details are provided in ExtOrgLoanCriteriaContract. |
CustomFields ExternalOrgCustomFieldsContract | Used to manage custom fields. Authorized users can enter custom data for these fields. The custom fields are configured in the TPO Custom fields settings. Details are provided in ExternalOrgCustomFieldsContract. |
tpocSetup ExtOrgTPOCSetUpContract | Used to manage the TPOC setup. This will define TPO Connect site details that the TPO company will use to manage loan files. Details are provided in ExtOrgTPOCSetUpContract. |
entityId string | Unique identifier of the particular entity. |
entityName string | Name of the particular entity. |
entityType string | If the entity reference is for the primary sales representative, the entity type will be either External User or User. If the object is Warehouse bank, then the entity type will be Bank. |
user SalesRepEntityReferenceContract | Required. The primary sales representative user for the current organization. Details are provided in SalesRepEntityReferenceContract. |
assignedDate string | Assigned date of the primary sales representative user for the current organization. Indicates the date that the Account Executive (AE) was assigned to their client. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd |
useParentInfo boolean | Indicates that the values of all Company details properties will be inherited from the Parent organization. Usage Note: For the root organization, Use Parent Info is not applicable. In addition, if the request payload contains Use Parent Info in the root organization, the API will fail with error as bad request. Under company details, if Use Parent Info property is set as true, the API will fetch some of the dependent required properties from its parent. Hence, this property becomes required under Company details object. |
type string | Indicates the type of organization. Enum: Company, CompanyExtension, Branch, BranchExtension - The value CompanyExtension or Branch is allowed only when the current org is under Company. - The value BranchExtension is allowed only when the current org is under Branch. - The value Company is allowed only when the current org is at root level. - If Use Parent Info is set as true and the parent organization is Company, the current org will be set as CompanyExtension. - If use parent info is set as true and the parent organization is Branch, the current org will be set as BranchExtension. |
channels Array[string] | Required. Identifies the type of TPO Company. Allowed Values: Broker, Correspondent or both. An External Org must have Channel type defined. Hence, from the business validation point of view, this is required to be in the request body for creating the TPO Company. |
underwritingTypes Array[string] | Identifies the type of TPO Company. This is a conditionally required property. When the channel is selected as Correspondent, the underwriting type is Required. Allowed Values: Delegated, Non-Delegated |
tpoManager EntityReferenceContract | The TPO company contact who creates and manages the TPO company contacts on your TPO WebCenter website and to whom the Welcome emails will be sent. Details are provided in EntityReferenceContract. |
timeZone string | Required. Indicates the time zone of the TPO organization to help determine when the purchasing wire cut off time is. Timezone is required to be defined for the External org. Enum: HawaiiTime, AlaskaTime, PacificTime, ArizonaTime, MountainTime, CentralTime, EasternTime |
noAfterHourWires boolean | Indicates that this organization does not accept wire transfers sent outside of normal business operating hours. This enables lenders to indicate that they prefer to receive wire transfers only during funding hours and simplify the reconciliation process. |
canAcceptFirstPayments boolean | Indicates that the seller is approved to accept first payments. |
organizationId string | The organization code of the TPO company. |
companyOwnerName string | The name of the owner of the TPO company. |
companyLegalName string | The name of the TPO company. This may be same as the Organization name (API field 'name') above. An External Organization must have a Legal Name. Hence, from the business validation point of view, this is required to be in the request body for creating the TPO Company. |
address ExtOrgAddressContract | The address of the TPO company. Details are provided in ExtOrgAddressContract. |
billingAddress ExtOrgBillingAddressContract | The TPO company’s corporate billing address. Details are provided in ExtOrgAddressContract. |
phone string | Required. The TPO company’s phone number. PhoneNumber format: ###-###-#### #### |
fax string | The TPO company’s fax number. PhoneNumber format: ###-###-#### #### |
email string | The TPO company’s email address. EmailAddress format: ######@####.### |
website string | The TPO company's website. |
visibleOnTpoConnect boolean | This field is applicable when the organization type is either company extension or branch extension. In addition, indicates if this organization to be visible on TPOWC. This is no longer in use by TPOC. |
lastLoanSubmittedDate string | RetrieveOnly. The date a loan was last submitted by the TPO company. DateTime format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ |
rateLockInfo ExtOrgRateSheetLockInfoContract | Indicates the TPO company's email address(es) and fax number(s) the system uses to send the Rate Sheet and Lock information. Details are provided in ExtOrgRateSheetLockInfoContract. |
productAndPricing ExtOrgPricingContract | Enables multiple price groups to be applied to a TPO company. Details are provided in ExtOrgRateSheetLockInfoContract . |
approvalStatus ExtOrgApprovalStatusContract | Indicates the details related to the TPO company’s approval status with your company. The Current Status and Company Rating fields in this object have customizable values and can be configured by your Encompass administrator using TPO Settings. These values can be fetched using the following APIs: V3 Get Company Status V3 Get Company Rating V3 Get Company Price Groups |
businessInformation ExtOrgBusinessInfoContract | Indicates the TPO company’s general business information such as if the company is incorporated, state in which it is incorporated, LEI, NMLS ID, whether the company is DU Sponsored, and whether the company is LPA Sponsored. Details are provided in ExtOrgBusinessInfoContract. |
useParentInfo boolean | Indicates whether the parent company information is used for this TPO company. Enabling this field will inherit the values of the properties of DBA object from its parent organization. |
dbaDetails Array[ExtOrgDbaDetailsContract] | Information about the DBA. Details are provided in ExtOrgDbaDetailsContract. |
useParentInfo boolean | Indicates whether the parent company information is used for this TPO company. Enabling this field will inherit the values of these properties of Warehouse object from its parent organization. For the first level of Orgs (list of orgs that are created directly under the Third Party Originators) useParentInfo cannot be passed in the request payload. If passed, the API will fail with error. If initially for child org, useParentInfo is set true and user is setting useParentInfo as false, then data which was inherited from parent stays as it is if no data is passed explicitly, it does not get deleted. If initially for child org, useParentInfo is set to false and user is updating to true, then data of child is replaced by parent's data. |
warehouseDetails Array[ExtOrgWarehouseDetailsContract] | Used to manage the warehouse banks associated with this TPO company. Authorized users can select from a list of banks set up by the Encompass administrator in the Banks setting. You can also update business information related to the bank, include notes, and update contact information associated with the bank. Note: A new API endpoint will be provided in a future release to retrieve the list of warehouse banks. |
entityId string | Unique identifier of the associated primary sales representative user for the current organization. |
entityName string | RetrieveOnly. Name of the associated primary sales representative user for the current organization. |
entityUri string | RetrieveOnly. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the entity. |
entityType string | Entity type is always set to User. Allowed values: User, Externaluser |
personas Array[EntityReferenceContract] | RetrieveOnly. Details are provided in Entity Reference Contract for Personas. |
phone string | RetrieveOnly. Phone number of the associated primary sales representative user. |
email string | RetrieveOnly. Email of the associated primary sales representative user. |
city string | Required. The TPO company’s corporate contact city information. |
state string | Required. The TPO company’s corporate contact state information. |
street1 string | Required. The TPO company’s corporate contact street address one information. |
street2 string | Required. The TPO company’s corporate contact street address two information. |
zip string | Required. The TPO company’s corporate contact zip code information. Zip Code format: ##### -#### |
city string | Required. The TPO company’s billing city information. |
state string | Required. The TPO company’s billing state information. |
street1 string | Required. The TPO company’s billing street address one information. |
street2 string | Required. The TPO company’s billing street address two information. |
zip string | Required. The TPO company’s billing zip code information. Zip Code format: ##### -#### |
useParentInfo boolean | Indicates that values of the rateLockInfo object properties will be inherited from the Parent organization. |
rateSheetEmail string | The email address for the rate sheet. EmailAddress format: ######@####.### |
rateSheetFax string | The fax number address for the rate sheet. PhoneNumber format: ### -###-#### #### |
lockInfoEmail string | The email address for the lock information. EmailAddress format: ######@####.### |
lockInfoFax string | The fax number address for the lock information. PhoneNumber format: ### -###-#### #### |
useParentInfo boolean | Indicates that values of the productAndPricing object properties will be inherited from the Parent organization. |
broker ExtSettingReferenceContract | ValidEntityType(EntityRefTypeContract.Application) |
delegated ExtSettingReferenceContract | ValidEntityType(EntityRefTypeContract.Application) Note: Price groups can only be applied if the corresponding channels have been enabled. |
nonDelegated ExtSettingReferenceContract | ValidEntityType(EntityRefTypeContract.Application) Note: Price groups can only be applied if the corresponding channels have been enabled. |
eppsUserName string | ICE PPE (Product & Pricing Engine) (formerly EPPS) user name. |
eppsCompModel string | ICE PPE comp model. Enum: BorrowerOnly, CreditorOnly, BorrowerOrCreditor |
useParentInfo boolean | Indicates that values of the approvalStatus object properties will be inherited from the Parent organization. |
currentStatus EntityReferenceContract | ValidEntityType(EntityRefTypeContract.Application) Note: The Current Status and Company Rating fields have customizable values and can be configured by your Encompass administrator using TPO Settings. |
addToWatchlist boolean | Indicates whether the company should be tracked and monitored on the Watch List. Allowed values: true, false |
currentStatusDate string | Indicates the status changed date. User can manually set date for this field. Hence, API will not automatically set this date field on changing the Current status property. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd |
approvedDate string | Indicates when the TPO was approved by your company. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd |
applicationDate string | Indicates the date of the application. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd |
companyRating EntityReferenceContract | ValidEntityType(EntityRefTypeContract.Application Note: The Current Status and Company Rating fields have customizable values and can be configured by your Encompass administrator using TPO Settings. |
useParentInfo boolean | Indicates that values of the BusinessInfo object properties will be inherited from the Parent organization. |
isIncorporated boolean | Indicates if the company is incorporated or not. |
stateOfIncorporation string | Indicates the state in which the company is incorporated. Enum: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY, VI, GU, PR |
dateOfIncorporation string | Indicates the date on which the company is incorporated. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd |
yearsInBusiness string | RetrieveOnly. Calculates the TPO company’s years in business based on the current date and the date entered in the Date of Incorporation field. |
typeOfEntity string | Type of business entity. Enum: Individual, SoleProprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, LimitedLiabilityCompany, Other |
otherEntityDescription string | Other Entity description. |
taxId string | Tax identification number of the business. Note: The value should follow the format. Examples: When use SSN format is true: 123-44-4444. When use SSN format is false: 12-3444444 |
useSsnFormat boolean | Indicates if the Tax ID should follow the SSN format or not. |
lei string | General business information - LEI. AlphanumericField |
nmlsId string | General business information - NMLS ID. |
financialsPeriod string | General business information - Financials Period. |
financialsLastUpdate string | Date the general business information financials last updated. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd Range: (0-1E+17) |
companyNetWorth integer | General business information such as company net worth. |
eoExpirationDate string | Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance company expiration date. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd |
eoCompany string | E&O insurance company. |
eoPolicyNumber string | E&O policy number. |
mersOriginatingOrgId string | Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) originating organization ID. |
isDuSponsored boolean | Indicates if company is Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter (DU) sponsored. |
isLpaSponsored boolean | Indicates if company is Freddie Mac Loan Prospector (LPA) sponsored. |
lpaSponsoredDetails LpaSponsoredDetailsContract | LPA details provided in ExtOrgLpaSponsoredContract. |
canCloseInOwnName boolean | Indicates whether the company can fund in their own name. |
canCloseInOwnName boolean | Indicates whether the company can close in their own name. |
id integer | This is the unique identifier of the Doing Business As (DBA) record for the TPO company. - Required for updating or deleting the DBA record. For action is update/delete/reorder - If the data is repeated (a dbaId is appearing more than once in request payload), the API will fail with error. - Not required for adding DBA record. |
name string | Name of the DBA record. - Required for adding DBA record. - Not required for updating or deleting DBA record. - The DBA Name maximum value is 256 characters. - DBA name is not unique within organization. There can be more than one DBA with the same name. |
isDefault boolean | Indicates if the given DBA (Doing Business As) is the default DBA for the TPO company. Note: Only one default DBA is allowed for the organization. |
bank EntityReferenceContract | Indicates the bank assigned as the warehouse of the TPO company. |
id integer | Unique identifier of the warehouse bank. |
statusDate string | Status date of the warehouse bank. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd To clear the value of the statusDate, the user needs to pass the null value explicitly. |
isApproved boolean | Indicates if the warehouse bank is approved for the TPO Company |
accountNumber string | Account number of the particular warehouse bank of TPO company. |
accountName string | Account name of the particular warehouse bank of TPO company. Maximum length is 256 characters. |
creditAccountNumber string | Credit account number of the particular warehouse bank of the TPO company. |
creditAccountName string | Credit account name of the particular warehouse bank of the TPO company. |
description string | Description of the particular warehouse bank of the TPO company. |
baileeExpiration string | The bailee expiration deadline date. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd |
selfFunder boolean | Indicates if the correspondent warehouse bank is a self-funding bank. |
baileeLetterReq boolean | Indicates if the correspondent warehouse bank bailee letter is required. |
triParty boolean contact ExtOrgWarehouseContactContract | Indicates if the correspondent warehouse bank tri-party contact contract is included. |
notes string | The correspondent warehouse bank note field contents. |
entityId string | Required. Unique identifier of the entity. |
entityName string | RetrieveOnly. Name of the entity. |
entityUri string | RetrieveOnly. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the entity. |
entityType string | The entity type. |
settingCode string | RetrieveOnly. The setting code of the entity. |
lpaTpoNumber string | Loan Prospector (LPA) TPO company number. |
tpoLpaPassword string | Loan Prospector (LPA) TPO company credential. |
useBankContact boolean | Indicates if Use Bank Contact is selected. |
name string | ReadOnly if useBankContact = True. This attribute is read only if useBankContact is set as true. |
email string | ReadOnly if useBankContact = True. [EmailAddress: ######@####.###] [MaxLength] This attribute is read only if useBankContact is set as true. |
phone string | ReadOnly if useBankContact = True. [PhoneNumber: ###-###-#### ####] This attribute is read only if useBankContact is set as true. |
fax string | ReadOnly if useBankContact = True. [PhoneNumber: ###-###-#### ####] This attribute is read only if useBankContact is set as true. |
bestEfforts ExtOrgCommitmentsBestEffortsContract | Indicates TPO's best efforts in their commitment authority. It refers to an agreement made by a service provider to do whatever it takes to fulfill the requirements of a contract for the sale of mortgage. |
dailyLimitWarningMessage string | - If the amount is exceeded, the following warning message appears: The Daily Volume Limit cannot be more than the Max Commitment Authority. - User can update the out-of-the-box warning message to display. |
mandatory ExtOrgCommitmentsMandatoryContract | Indicates TPO’s firm commitment to sell mortgage. |
LoanPolicy string | Indicates whether to restrict the sellers to lock loans over the daily volume limit. Supported values are the following: - No Restrictions - To enable sellers to lock loans over the daily volume limit. - Don’t Allow Lock - (default) To restrict sellers from locking loans that are over the daily volume limit amount. |
commitmentAmountWarningMessage string | - If the policy is violated, the following warning message appears: The loan amount exceeds the available amount of the daily volume limit. In such cases, the seller cannot submit the lock request. - User can update the out-of-the-box warning message to display. |
tradesPolicy string | Indicates the policy for trades exceeding max commitment authority. Supported values are the following: - No Restrictions - When there are no limitations for the TPO when they exceed their Maximum Commitment Authority. In this scenario, new correspondent trades (and any correspondent master commitments) can be created for the TPO with no limit to the Trade Amounts. - Don’t Allow Trade Creation - When you do not want to enable the TPO to create new correspondent trades or correspondent master commitments that when added to the current Outstanding Commitments, will exceed the Max Commitment Amount. In this scenario, when a new correspondent trade or a correspondent master commitment is created, and it exceeds the Available Amount for the Mandatory commitment type, the correspondent trade or correspondent master commitment cannot be saved and a custom Warning Message is returned to the requestor. |
useParentInfo boolean | Indicates that the loan criteria details are inherited from its immediate parent TPO. |
fhaId string | Unique ID of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) approved mortgage originator. |
fhaSponsorId string | Unique ID of the FHA approved lender acting as sponsor for the mortgage originator. |
fhaStatus sting | Status of FHA for the lender. |
fhaCompareRatio StringDecimalContract | FHA’s compare ratio for the lender against those operating within the same region. |
fhaApprovedDate string | Date of FHA approval. |
fhaExpirationDate string | Date of FHA Expiration. |
fhaDirectEndorsement string | FHA’s direct endorsement authority who allows the lender to underwrite loans for one-to-four-unit, single-family homes and close them without prior review by HUD. |
vaId string | The VA Id. |
vaSponsorId string | The VA Sponsor ID. |
vaStatus string | The VA’s status. |
vaApprovedDate string | The Approved date. |
vaExpirationDate string | The Expiration date. |
fnmaApproved boolean | The Fannie Mae approval indicator. |
fannieMaeId string | The Fannie Mae ID. |
fhmlcApproved boolean | The FHMLC (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp) or Freddie Mac approved indicator. |
freddieMacId string | The FHMLC or Freddie Mac ID. |
ausMethod string | Indicates if the selected AUS method is DU or LP or both. |
broker ExtOrgChannelTypeContract | Indicates the loan types and loan purposes for which TPO can submit for the channel Broker. Also indicates the policy and the custom warning message for the loans that does not match the loan type and loan purposes. |
correspondent ExtOrgCorrespondentContract | Indicates the loan types and loan purposes for which TPO can submit for the channel Correspondent. Also indicates the policy and the custom warning message for the loans that does not match the loan type and loan purposes. |
UseParentInfo boolean | Indicates that the values of all Company details properties will be inherited from the Parent organization. |
fields Array- CustomFieldsContract | List of custom fields. |
isTestAccount boolean | Indicates if the TPOC setup contract is only a test account. |
tpoSiteDetails Array -ExtOrgTPOCSetUpDetailsContract | List of TPO site details. |