SCIM Schema Attributes
A JSON schema represents the user based on the Encompass user management requirements. The schema tells the SCIM provisioning service how to provision users for Encompass, or DDA (AIQ).
Schema URIs are used to indicate the namespaces of the SCIM schemas. Depending on the API call, they are provided either as a query parameter, and/or in the request body.
The following section lists each schema used in the SCIM User Provisioning APIs and describes all the attributes that make up each schema. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
The following schemas are included:
Request Schemas
Response Schemas
- Get All Encompass User Response Schema
- Get Encompass User by ID Response Schema
- Get All Encompass User Groups Response Schema
- Get Encompass User Group by ID Response Schema
Encompass Internal User Request Schema
The following attributes make up the urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ice:2.0:EncompassInternalUser schema.
Attribute | Description |
userName string | The ID the user will type when logging in. The ID can’t start with a period (.). The following characters can’t be used: (backslash),/ (forward slash), : (colon), * (asterisk), ? (question mark), “(quotation mark), < (less than) and > (greater than). Required. |
name object | The components of the user's name. Required |
name.familyName string | The family name of the User, or last name in most Western languages (e.g., "Jensen" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). Max length : 64. Required. |
name.middleName string | The middle name(s) of the User (e.g., "Jane" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). Max length : 64. |
name.givenName string | The given name of the User, or first name in most Western languages (e.g., "Barbara" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). Max length : 64Required. |
name.honorificSuffix string | The honorific suffix(es) of the User, or suffix in most Western languages (e.g., "III" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
phoneNumber array | Phone number of the user. 10 digits Phone Number with an optional 1-4 digits extension in the format ###-###-#### ####. |
phoneNumbers.value string | Phone Number value. |
phoneNumbers.type string | Phone number type. Supported types are : work|mobile|fax. |
emails array | Email of the user array. Required. |
email.value string | Users e-mail address. |
email.type string | Email type. Supported types are : work|home. |
email.primary boolean | Indicates primary e-mail address. Values are "true" or "false". |
password string | User’s login password. Max length : 50. Password is optional for SSO user and API user. Password cannot be set if 'isSsoOnly' or 'apiUser' attribute is true. |
jobTitle string | Job title of the user. Max length : 64. |
employeeId String | Employee ID of the user for the org. Max length : 10. |
apiUser boolean | Indicate if the user is an API user. This flag indicates if the user is an API user or a regular user. If 'apiUser' is selected then oAuthClientId has to be provided for login flows to work. Default value is false. The purpose of the API User check box is to provide Encompass administrators the ability to grant a consulting Encompass Partner with access to your company's Encompass instance and access to your company's APIs stored in Encompass Developer Connect. Only appears when creating new users. Does count against your company's enabled user license limits. This check box is intended for use with Supported Encompass Partners only and should not be used for users within your organization. Once the Partner and the Encompass administrator complete the required process, the Partner will be recognized as a Supported Encompass Partner and they will be able to access your company's Encompass instance via the APIs. The administrator will be able to assign the required privileges to this API user just as they would for any other Encompass user. However, this API user will not be able to log into any Encompass instances via Encompass. |
chumId String | Type the number assigned to the user for use with the HUD Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System (CHUMS). Max length : 10. |
nmlsOriginatorId string | If this user will be originating loans, enter their Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) Loan Originator ID (NMLS number). If the user is a loan officer, this number is added to Page 3 of the 1003 application when they are assigned to the loan. |
nmlsExpirationDate string[Date: yyyy-MM-dd] | Type or select the expiration date for the user’s Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) Loan Originator ID (NMLS number). When the NMLS number expires, loan team members will not be able to assign loans in that state to the user. If a loan has already been assigned to the user and their NMLS number subsequently expires (or if the user tries to originate a new loan after the expiration date) they will not be able to enter the Subject Property State in the loan file. If the NMLS Expiration Date is left blank, Encompass assumes the NMLS number never expires. |
requirePasswordChange boolean | This forces user to change the password on first login. Values are "true" or "false". Default value is false. |
isSsoOnly boolean | This is used to enable SSO login. 'isSsoOnly' attribute can be provided only if 'password' attribute is not provided. Default value is false. This check box indicates when the user’s Login Access level is linked to their Organization. When this check box is selected, the user must log into Encompass using Single Sign-On credentials with their company's identity service provider (IdP) only. They will not be permitted to log in using their Encompass user name and password credentials. When this check box is not selected, the user’s login access level is “Full Access” and users can log into Encompass using their Encompass user name and password credentials OR Single Sign-On credentials with their company's IdP. Refer to the Setting Up SSO in Encompass guide for complete details about setting up SSO and this check box. Values are "true" or "false". This is enabled in Encompass based on Company settings Category : "PASSWORD" Attribute :"SSOLOGIN". |
ssoDisconnectedFromOrg boolean | The ssoDisconnectedFromOrg attribute can be provided only if 'isSsoOnly' attribute is provided. Values are "true" or "false". |
allowImpersonation boolean | The allowImpersonation attribute can be provided only if 'apiUser' attribute is provided. |
licenses array | The user with role as Loan officer can specify the states in which he is licensed to originate loans. |
licenses.stateAbbreviation string | 2 char abbreviated format of the state. Values are: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL,GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME,MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH,NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI,SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI,WY, VI, GU, PR. |
licenses.selected boolean | Values are "true" or "false". |
licenses.licenseNumber string | License number. |
licenses.issueDate string | The Issue Date is the date the license is issued to the loan officer. |
licenses.startDate date | The Start Date is the date that the loan officer’s license becomes associated with the company and they can start taking loan applications on behalf of the company. In most states this is referred to as the Sponsorship Date (not required in all states). Note that even if a loan officer has been issued a valid license, in many cases they can’t legally represent a new company until their license sponsorship transfers to their new employer. |
licenses.endDate date | To specify an expiration date, type the expiration date (MM/DD/YYYY). When a state license expires, loan team members will not be able to assign loans in that state to the loan officer. If a loan has already been assigned to the loan officer and their license subsequently expires (or if the loan officer tries to originate a new loan after their license expires) they will not be able to enter the Subject Property State in the loan file. If the End Date field is left blank, Encompass assumes the license never expires. |
licenses.licenseStatusType string | To enter the license status, select the valid value of the list. The values are: TransitionRequested TransitionCancelled, TransitionRejected, PendingIncomplete, PendingReview, PendingDeficient, PendingWithdrawRequested, WithdrawnApplicationAbandoned, WithdrawnVoluntaryWithoutLicensure, Denied, DeniedOnAppeal, Approved, ApprovedConditional, ApprovedDeficient, ApprovedFailedToRenew, ApprovedInactive, ApprovedOnAppeal, ApprovedSurrenderOrCancellationRequested, Revoked, RevokedOnAppeal, Suspended, SuspendedOnAppeal, TemporaryCeaseAndDesist, TemporaryExpired, TemporaryFailedtoRenew, TerminatedOrderedToSurrender, TerminatedSurrenderedOrCancelled |
licenses.statusDate date | To specify the Status Date (date that the status is in effect) and the Last Checked date (date that the status was last reviewed), type the status and/or last checked date (MM/DD/YYYY). |
licences.lastChecked | Last checked date for the license. |
compensationPlans object | Displays the details of the compensation plan selected in the Assigned Compensation Plans section. |
compensationPlans.useParentInformation boolean | When use parentInfo is set as true, to apply the compensation plans from the parent company. While you can assign a compensation plan to an individual loan officer, you can also assign a compensation plan to a company or branch. With a company or branch compensation plan in place, you can then select the Use Parent Info check box to assign the company or branch plan to a loan officer. Any plans that are assigned to the company or branch in the future will then be applied to the loan officer. If this compensation plans object is passed then this property is mandatory. |
compensation.futurePlans.plan array | The futures plans array. |
compensation.futurePlans.plan.entityId string | Compensation plan ID. If this compensation plans object is passed then this property is mandatory. |
compensation.futurePlans.plan.startDate string | Plan start date, example: "2023-04-07T11:13:59.103Z". |
oAuthClientId String , Max length :100 | oAuthClientId is required when API user flag is true. Max length :100. |
subordinateLoanAccess string | Access for the subordinate users in the org. ReadOnly |
peerLoanAccess string | Allows access to all loans in the same level of the organization hierarchy. Then indicate if the access is View Only or Edit. Select the second check box to allow the user to Edit Subordinates' Loans. |
comments string | Enter comments in this field. |
workingFolder string | Loan Folder that opens the first time the user accesses the Pipeline. Encompass shows dropdown for loan folders and we can select only one. From API perspective we will store it in string property but folder name validation has to be done. Required |
personas array | The persona controls the features and tasks available to the user. Required |
personas.entityId Array[string] | The persona controls the features and tasks available to the user. |
ccSite object | Uses Encompass Consumer Connect websites. |
ccSite.siteId string | The 'siteId' attrtibute cannot be added or updated when 'useParentInformation' is set to true. |
ccSite.url string | The 'url' attribute cannot be added or updated when 'useParentInformation' is set to true. |
ccSite.useParentInformation boolean | Use parent information to inherit the site URLs. |
emailSignature string | Signature of the user. |
organization object | The Organization array. Required |
organization.entityId string | Organization under which the user exists. ReadOnly when doing a PATCH call. |
loginEnabled boolean | Indicates if the login is enabled or disabled. |
accountEnabled boolean | Indicates if the account is enabled or disabled. |
AIQ User Request Schema
The following attributes make up the urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ice:2.0:AIQUser schema.
Attribute | Description |
userName string | Unique Identifier of the user. Mandatory attribute for SCIM. Required |
password string | If 'ssoOnly' is false then password is required. |
roleName string | Role name. Example: Underwriter. Note: Additional roles can be configured in the DDA product. |
enabled boolean | To enable the user for accessing the application, user must be enabled at the time of creation. |
name object | The components of the user's name. Required |
name.familyName string | The family name of the User, or last name in most Western languages (e.g., "Jensen" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). Required |
name.middleName string | The middle name(s) of the User (e.g., "Jane" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
name.givenName string | The given name of the User, or first name in most Western languages (e.g., "Barbara" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). Required |
phoneNumbers array | Phone number of the user. 10 digits Phone Number with an optional 1-4 digits extension in the format ###-###-#### ####. |
phoneNumbers.value | Phone number value. Example: 555-555-8377. |
phoneNumbers.type | Phone number type. Supported type: work. |
emails array | Email of the user. Required. |
emails.value string | Email address. example: |
emails.type string | Email type. Supported type: work. |
emails.primary boolean | Indicates primary e-mail address. Values are "true" or "false". |
ssoOnly boolean | This is used to enable SSO login. Default value is true. |
authId string | If ssoOnly is true then ssoProvider/authId is required Example: 09DD0355-F072-321D-4A65-430FF1C7C102. |
Encompass User Groups Request Schema
The following attributes make up the urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ice:2.0:EncompassGroup schema.
Attribute | Description |
members object | Members of User Group. |
members.value string | The userName (or) organizationId you're assigning to Encompass UserGroup. For User type the value will be userName. For Organization type the value will be organizationId. Required. |
members.type string | Defines the type of member you're assigning to the Encompass UserGroup. Supported types are ['User', 'Organization].Required. |
members.orgLevel string | The orgLevel is required for only Organization type. Supported values are ['Current', 'Recursive']. |
Get All Encompass Users Response Schema
The following attributes make up the urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse schema.
Attribute | Description |
id string | The ID (userName) the user will type when logging in. |
name object | The components of the user's name. |
name.familyName string | The family name of the User, or last name in most Western languages (e.g., "Jensen" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
name.givenName string | The given name of the User, or first name in most Western languages (e.g., "Barbara" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
emails array | Email of the user. |
emails.value string | Email address. |
emails.type string | Email type. Supported types are: work|home. |
emails.primary boolean | Indicates primary e-mail address. Values are "true" or "false". |
meta object | A complex attribute containing resource metadata. |
meta.resourceType string | The name of the resource type of the resource. Example: "User". Please note, if the user exceeds the max limit of failed login attempts, the login account gets disabled as per the Encompass admin settings. In this case, the meta.resourceType attribute in the GET Users response will indicate that the user profile was last updated by the system. |
meta.created string | The DateTime that the resource was added to the service provider. |
meta.lastModified string | The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider. |
Get Encompass User by ID Response Schema
The following attributes makes up the urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ice:2.0:EncompassInternalUser schema.
Attribute | Description |
id string | A unique identifier for a SCIM resource as defined by the service provider. |
userName string | The ID the user will type when logging in. The ID can’t start with a period (.). The following characters can’t be used: (backslash),/ (forward slash), : (colon), * (asterisk), ? (question mark), “(quotation mark), < (less than) and > (greater than). |
name object | The components of the user's name. |
name.familyName string | The family name of the User, or last name in most Western languages (e.g., "Jensen" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
name.middleName string | The middle name(s) of the User (e.g., "Jane" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
name.givenName string | The given name of the User, or first name in most Western languages (e.g., "Barbara" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
name.honorificSuffix string | The honorific suffix(es) of the User, or suffix in most Western languages (e.g., "III" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
name.formatted string | The full name, including all middle names, titles, and suffixes as appropriate, formatted for display (e.g., "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
phoneNumber array | Phone number of the user. 10 digits Phone Number with an optional 1-4 digits extension in the format ###-###-#### ####. |
phoneNumbers.value string | Phone Number value. |
phoneNumbers.type string | Phone number type. Supported types are : work|mobile|fax. |
emails array | Email of the user array. |
email.value string | Users e-mail address. |
email.type string | Email type. Supported types are : work|home. |
email.primary boolean | Indicates primary e-mail address. Values are "true" or "false". |
password string | User’s login password. Password cannot be set if 'isSsoOnly' or 'apiUser' attribute is true. |
jobTitle string | Job title of the user. |
employeeId String , Max length : 10 | Employee ID of the user for the org. |
apiUser boolean | Indicate if the user is an API user. The purpose of the API User check box is to provide Encompass administrators the ability to grant a consulting Encompass Partner with access to your company's Encompass instance and access to your company's APIs stored in Encompass Developer Connect. Only appears when creating new users. Does count against your company's enabled user license limits. This check box is intended for use with Supported Encompass Partners only and should not be used for users within your organization. Once the Partner and the Encompass administrator complete the required process, the Partner will be recognized as a Supported Encompass Partner and they will be able to access your company's Encompass instance via the APIs. The administrator will be able to assign the required privileges to this API user just as they would for any other Encompass user. However, this API user will not be able to log into any Encompass instances via Encompass. |
chumId String , Max length : 10 | Type the number assigned to the user for use with the HUD Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System (CHUMS). |
nmlsOriginatorId string | If this user will be originating loans, enter their Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) Loan Originator ID (NMLS number). If the user is a loan officer, this number is added to Page 3 of the 1003 application when they are assigned to the loan. |
nmlsExpirationDate string[Date: yyyy-MM-dd] | Type or select the expiration date for the user’s Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) Loan Originator ID (NMLS number). When the NMLS number expires, loan team members will not be able to assign loans in that state to the user. If a loan has already been assigned to the user and their NMLS number subsequently expires (or if the user tries to originate a new loan after the expiration date) they will not be able to enter the Subject Property State in the loan file. If the NMLS Expiration Date is left blank, Encompass assumes the NMLS number never expires. |
requirePasswordChange boolean | This forces user to change the password on first login. Values are "true" or "false". |
isSsoOnly boolean | This check box indicates when the user’s Login Access level is linked to their Organization. When this check box is selected, the user must log into Encompass using Single Sign-On credentials with their company's identity service provider (IdP) only. They will not be permitted to log in using their Encompass user name and password credentials. When this check box is not selected, the user’s login access level is “Full Access” and users can log into Encompass using their Encompass user name and password credentials OR Single Sign-On credentials with their company's IdP. Refer to the Setting Up SSO in Encompass guide for complete details about setting up SSO and this check box. Values are "true" or "false". This is enabled in Encompass based on Company settings Category : "PASSWORD" Attribute :"SSOLOGIN". Default value - false. |
ssoDisconnectedFromOrg boolean | Values are "true" or "false". |
allowImpersonation boolean | Values are "true" or "false". AllowImpersonation can be set for api user only. |
licenses array | The licenses array. |
licenses.stateAbbreviation string | 2 char abbreviated format of the state. Values are: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL,GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME,MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH,NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI,SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI,WY, VI, GU, PR. |
licenses.selected boolean | Values are "true" or "false". |
licenses.licenseNumber string | License number. |
licenses.issueDate string | The Issue Date is the date the license is issued to the loan officer. |
licenses.startDate date | The Start Date is the date that the loan officer’s license becomes associated with the company and they can start taking loan applications on behalf of the company. In most states this is referred to as the Sponsorship Date (not required in all states). Note that even if a loan officer has been issued a valid license, in many cases they can’t legally represent a new company until their license sponsorship transfers to their new employer. |
licenses.endDate date | To specify an expiration date, type the expiration date (MM/DD/YYYY). When a state license expires, loan team members will not be able to assign loans in that state to the loan officer. If a loan has already been assigned to the loan officer and their license subsequently expires (or if the loan officer tries to originate a new loan after their license expires) they will not be able to enter the Subject Property State in the loan file. If the End Date field is left blank, Encompass assumes the license never expires. |
licenseStatus string | License status. |
licenses.licenseStatusType string | To enter the license status, select the valid value of the list. The values are: TransitionRequested TransitionCancelled, TransitionRejected, PendingIncomplete, PendingReview, PendingDeficient, PendingWithdrawRequested, WithdrawnApplicationAbandoned, WithdrawnVoluntaryWithoutLicensure, Denied, DeniedOnAppeal, Approved, ApprovedConditional, ApprovedDeficient, ApprovedFailedToRenew, ApprovedInactive, ApprovedOnAppeal, ApprovedSurrenderOrCancellationRequested, Revoked, RevokedOnAppeal, Suspended, SuspendedOnAppeal, TemporaryCeaseAndDesist, TemporaryExpired, TemporaryFailedtoRenew, TerminatedOrderedToSurrender, TerminatedSurrenderedOrCancelled |
licenses.statusDate date | To specify the Status Date (date that the status is in effect) and the Last Checked date (date that the status was last reviewed), type the status and/or last checked date (MM/DD/YYYY). |
licences.lastChecked | Last checked date for the license. |
compensationPlans object | Displays the details of the compensation plan selected in the Assigned Compensation Plans section. |
compensationPlans.useParentInformation boolean | When use parentInfo is set as true, to apply the compensation plans from the parent company. While you can assign a compensation plan to an individual loan officer, you can also assign a compensation plan to a company or branch. With a company or branch compensation plan in place, you can then select the Use Parent Info check box to assign the company or branch plan to a loan officer. Any plans that are assigned to the company or branch in the future will then be applied to the loan officer. If this compensation plans object is passed then this property is mandatory. |
compensation.futurePlans.plan array | The futures plans array. |
compensation.futurePlans.plan.entityId string | Compensation plan ID. If this compensation plans object is passed then this property is mandatory. |
compensation.futurePlans.plan.entityName string | Plan name. |
compensation.futurePlans.plan.entityType string | Type of the referenced entity. This is Compensation plan entity type. |
compensation.futurePlans.startDate string | Plan start date, example: "2023-04-07T11:13:59.103Z". |
compensation.futurePlans.endDate string | Plan end date. |
currentPlan object | Current plans object. |
currentPlan.plan.entityId string | Current plan ID. |
currentPlan.plan.entityName string | Current plan name. |
currentPlan.plan.entityType string | Type of the referenced entity. |
currentPlan.startDate string | Current plan start date. |
currentPlan.endDate string | Current plan end date. |
historicalPlans array | Historical plans array. |
historicalPlans.plan.entityId string | Historical plan ID. |
historicalPlans.plan.entityName string | Historical plan name. |
historicalPlans.plan.entityType string | Type of the referenced entity. |
historicalPlans.startDate string | Historical plan start date. |
historicalPlans.endDate string | Historical plan end date. |
lastLogin string | Date and time when the user logged in with his credentials lastly. Example:[DateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ]. |
oAuthClientId String , Max length :100 | oAuth clientId. |
subordinateLoanAccess string | Access for the subordinate users in the org. |
peerLoanAccess string | Allows access to all loans in the same level of the organization hierarchy. Then indicate if the access is View Only or Edit. Select the second check box to allow the user to Edit Subordinates' Loans. |
accountIndicators.Locked Array[string] | This field value will indicate if the account is enabled or disabled or locked. "accountIndicators" : [ "Enabled" or "Disabled", "Locked" ]. |
userIndicators Array[string] | This field value will indicate if the user is - "TopLevelUser", "TopLevelAdministrator", "Administrator", "SuperAdministrator". |
comments string | Enter comments in this field. |
workingFolder string | Loan Folder that opens the first time the user accesses the Pipeline. Encompass shows dropdown for loan folders and we can select only one. From API perspective we will store it in string property but folder name validation has to be done. |
personas array | The personas array. |
personas.entityId Array[string] | The persona controls the features and tasks available to the user. |
personas.entityName string | Persona entity name. |
personas.entityType string | Type of the referenced entity. It is always persona. |
ccSite object | The Encompass Consumer Connect websites array. |
ccSite.siteId string | Uses Encompass Consumer Connect site Id. |
ccSite.url string | Uses Encompass Consumer Connect site URL. |
ccSite.useParentInformation boolean | Use parent information to inherit the site URLs. |
emailSignature string | Signature of the user. |
organization object | The Organization object. |
organization.entityId string | Organization under which the user exists. |
organization.entityName string | Organization name. |
organization.entityType string | Organization type. |
meta object | A complex attribute containing resource metadata. |
meta.resourceType string | The name of the resource type of the resource. Example: "User". Please note, if the user exceeds the max limit of failed login attempts, the login account gets disabled as per the Encompass admin settings. In this case, the meta.resourceType attribute in the GET User response will indicate that the user profile was last updated by the system. |
meta.created string | The DateTime that the resource was added to the service provider. |
meta.lastModified string | The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider. |
meta.location string | The URI of the resource being returned. |
The following attributes make up the urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ice:2.0:AIQUser schema.
Attribute | Description |
id string | A unique identifier for a SCIM resource as defined by the service provider. |
userName string | Unique Identifier of the user. Mandatory attributes for SCIM. |
roleName string | Role name. Example: Underwriter. |
enabled boolean | To enable the user for accessing the application, user must be enabled at the time of creation. |
name object | The components of the user's name. |
name.familyName string | The family name of the User, or last name in most Western languages (e.g., "Jensen" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
name.middleName string | The middle name(s) of the User (e.g., "Jane" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
name.givenName string | The given name of the User, or first name in most Western languages (e.g., "Barbara" given the full name "Ms. Barbara Jane Jensen, III"). |
phoneNumbers array | Phone number of the user. 10 digits Phone Number with an optional 1-4 digits extension in the format ###-###-#### ####. |
phoneNumbers.value | Phone number value. Example: 555-555-8377. |
phoneNumbers.type | Phone number type. Supported types are : work|mobile|fax. |
emails array | Email of the user. |
emails.value string | Email address. example: |
emails.type string | Email type. Supported types are : work|home. |
emails.primary boolean | Indicates primary e-mail address. Values are "true" or "false". |
ssoOnly boolean | This is used to enable SSO login. Default value is true. |
authId string | If ssoOnly is true then ssoProvider/authId is required Example:09DD0355-F072-321D-4A65-430FF1C7C102. |
meta object | A complex attribute containing resource metadata. |
meta.resourceType string | The name of the resource type. Example: "User". |
meta.created string | The DateTime that the resource was added to the service provider. |
meta.lastModified string | The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider. |
meta.location string | The URI of the resource being returned. |
Get All Encompass User Groups Response Schema
The following attributes makes up the urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse schema.
Attribute | Description |
id string | A unique identifier for a SCIM resource as defined by the service provider. |
displayName string | Group name. Example: "Test Group". |
meta object | A complex attribute containing resource metadata. |
meta.resourceType string | The name of the resource type. Example: "User". |
meta.created string | The DateTime that the resource was added to the service provider. |
meta.lastModified string | The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider. |
meta.location string | The URI of the resource being returned. |
Get Encompass User Group by ID Response Schema
The following attributes make up the urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:ice:2.0:EncompassGroup schema.
Attribute | Description |
id string | A unique identifier for a SCIM resource as defined by the service provider. |
displayName string | Group name. Example: "Test Group". |
members array | Members of User Group. |
members.value string | Defines the type of member you're assigning to the Encompass UserGroup. Supported types are ['User', 'Organization]. |
members.type string | Defines the type of member you're assigning to the Encompass UserGroup. Supported types are ['User', 'Organization]. |
members.orgLevel | Supported values are ['Current', 'Recursive']. |
meta object | A complex attribute containing resource metadata. |
meta.resourceType string | The name of the resource type. Example: "User". |
meta.created string | The DateTime that the resource was added to the service provider. |
meta.lastModified string | The most recent DateTime that the details of this resource were updated at the service provider. |
meta.location string | The URI of the resource being returned. |